1: <?php
2: /**
3: * This code is licensed under AGPLv3 license or Afterlogic Software License
4: * if commercial version of the product was purchased.
5: * For full statements of the licenses see LICENSE-AFTERLOGIC and LICENSE-AGPL3 files.
6: */
8: namespace Aurora\Modules\Core\Models;
10: use Aurora\System\Classes\Model;
11: use Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\Tenant;
13: /**
14: * The Core User class.
15: *
16: * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL-3.0
17: * @license https://afterlogic.com/products/common-licensing Afterlogic Software License
18: * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Afterlogic Corp.
19: *
20: * @property int $Id Object primary key
21: * @property string $UUID Unique identifier of the object
22: * @property string $Name User name
23: * @property string $PublicId User public ID, usually equals user's email address
24: * @property int $IdTenant ID of the tetant a user relates to
25: * @property bool $IsDisabled Reserved for future use
26: * @property int $IdSubscription @Deprecated since 9.7.0
27: * @property int $Role User role from \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole
28: * @property \DateTime $LastLogin Date at time of last login
29: * @property string $LastLoginNow @Deprecated since 9.7.0
30: * @property int $LoginsCount Stores the number of times user has logged in
31: * @property string $Language Interface language set for this user
32: * @property int $TimeFormat Time format set for this user
33: * @property string $DateFormat Date format set for this user
34: * @property string $Question1 @Deprecated since 9.7.0
35: * @property string $Question2 @Deprecated since 9.7.0
36: * @property string $Answer1 @Deprecated since 9.7.0
37: * @property string $Answer2 @Deprecated since 9.7.0
38: * @property bool $SipEnable @Deprecated since 9.7.0
39: * @property string $SipImpi @Deprecated since 9.7.0
40: * @property string $SipPassword @Deprecated since 9.7.0
41: * @property bool $DesktopNotifications @Deprecated since 9.7.0
42: * @property string $Capa @Deprecated since 9.7.0
43: * @property string $CustomFields @Deprecated since 9.7.0
44: * @property bool $FilesEnable @Deprecated since 9.7.0
45: * @property string $EmailNotification @Deprecated since 9.7.0
46: * @property string $PasswordResetHash @Deprecated since 9.7.0
47: * @property bool $WriteSeparateLog If set to true, a separate log file is recorded for the user
48: * @property string $DefaultTimeZone Default time zone set for this user
49: * @property int $TokensValidFromTimestamp Timestamp the token is valid since
50: * @property array $Properties Custom properties for use by other modules
51: */
52: class User extends Model
53: {
54: protected $table = 'core_users';
56: protected $moduleName = 'Core';
58: protected $parentType = Tenant::class;
60: protected $parentKey = 'IdTenant';
62: protected $parentInheritedAttributes = [
63: ];
65: protected $foreignModel = Tenant::class;
66: protected $foreignModelIdColumn = 'IdTenant'; // Column that refers to an external table
68: /**
69: * The attributes that are mass assignable.
70: *
71: * @var array
72: */
73: protected $fillable = [
74: 'Id',
75: 'UUID',
76: 'Name',
77: 'PublicId',
78: 'IdTenant',
79: 'IsDisabled',
80: 'IdSubscription',
81: 'Role',
82: 'LastLogin',
83: 'LastLoginNow',
84: 'LoginsCount',
85: 'Language',
86: 'TimeFormat',
87: 'DateFormat',
88: 'Question1',
89: 'Question2',
90: 'Answer1',
91: 'Answer2',
92: 'SipEnable',
93: 'SipImpi',
94: 'SipPassword',
95: 'DesktopNotifications',
96: 'Capa',
97: 'CustomFields',
98: 'FilesEnable',
99: 'EmailNotification',
100: 'PasswordResetHash',
101: 'WriteSeparateLog',
102: 'DefaultTimeZone',
103: 'TokensValidFromTimestamp',
104: 'Properties'
105: ];
107: protected $validationRules = [
108: 'TimeFormat' => 'in:0,1',
109: ];
111: /**
112: * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
113: *
114: * @var array
115: */
116: protected $hidden = [
117: ];
119: protected $casts = [
120: 'Properties' => 'array',
121: 'IsDisabled' => 'boolean',
122: 'SipEnable' => 'boolean',
123: 'DesktopNotifications' => 'boolean',
124: 'FilesEnable' => 'boolean',
125: 'WriteSeparateLog' => 'boolean'
126: ];
128: protected $attributes = [
129: ];
131: /**
132: * Checks if a user is a superadmin.
133: *
134: * return bool
135: */
136: public function isAdmin()
137: {
138: return $this->Id === -1;
139: }
141: /**
142: * Checks if a user can act as a regular user.
143: *
144: * return bool
145: */
146: public function isNormalOrTenant()
147: {
148: return $this->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $this->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin;
149: }
151: /**
152: * Returns array of groups the user is related to.
153: *
154: * return array
155: */
156: public function Groups()
157: {
158: return $this->belongsToMany(Group::class, 'core_group_user', 'UserId', 'GroupId');
159: }
160: }