1: | <?php |
2: | |
3: | |
4: | |
5: | |
6: | |
7: | |
8: | namespace Aurora\System; |
9: | |
10: | use Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User; |
11: | use Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\Tenant; |
12: | use Aurora\System\Enums\DbType; |
13: | use Aurora\System\Console\Commands; |
14: | use Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException; |
15: | use Illuminate\Container\Container; |
16: | |
17: | |
18: | |
19: | |
20: | |
21: | |
22: | if (!defined('AU_APP_ROOT_PATH')) { |
23: | define('AU_APP_ROOT_PATH', rtrim(realpath(dirname(__DIR__)), '\\/') . '/'); |
24: | } |
25: | |
26: | define('AU_API_PATH_TO_AURORA', '/../'); |
27: | |
28: | define('AU_API_CRLF', PHP_EOL); |
29: | define('AU_API_TAB', "\t"); |
30: | |
32: | |
33: | define('AU_API_HELPDESK_PUBLIC_NAME', '_helpdesk_'); |
34: | |
35: | |
36: | $sDefaultTimeZone = function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') |
37: | ? @date_default_timezone_get() : 'US/Pacific'; |
38: | |
39: | define('AU_API_SERVER_TIME_ZONE', ($sDefaultTimeZone && 0 < strlen($sDefaultTimeZone)) |
40: | ? $sDefaultTimeZone : 'US/Pacific'); |
41: | |
42: | if (defined('AU_API_SERVER_TIME_ZONE') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { |
43: | @date_default_timezone_set(AU_API_SERVER_TIME_ZONE); |
44: | } |
45: | |
46: | unset($sDefaultTimeZone); |
47: | |
48: | |
49: | |
50: | |
51: | class Api |
52: | { |
53: | |
54: | |
55: | |
56: | public static $oModuleManager; |
57: | |
58: | |
59: | |
60: | |
61: | public static $aModuleDecorators; |
62: | |
63: | |
64: | |
65: | |
66: | public static $aSecretWords = []; |
67: | |
68: | |
69: | |
70: | |
71: | public static $bIsValid; |
72: | |
73: | |
74: | |
75: | |
76: | |
77: | public static $sSalt; |
78: | |
79: | |
80: | |
81: | |
82: | public static $sEncryptionKey; |
83: | |
84: | |
85: | |
86: | |
87: | public static $aI18N = null; |
88: | |
89: | |
90: | |
91: | |
92: | public static $aClientI18N = []; |
93: | |
94: | |
95: | |
96: | |
97: | public static $bUseDbLog = false; |
98: | |
99: | |
100: | |
101: | |
102: | public static $bDebug = false; |
103: | |
104: | |
105: | |
106: | |
107: | protected static $aUserSession = []; |
108: | |
109: | |
110: | |
111: | |
112: | protected static $__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__ = false; |
113: | |
114: | |
115: | |
116: | |
117: | protected static $sLanguage = null; |
118: | |
119: | |
120: | |
121: | |
122: | protected static $oSettings; |
123: | |
124: | |
125: | |
126: | |
127: | protected static $bInitialized = false; |
128: | |
129: | |
130: | |
131: | |
132: | protected static $oAuthenticatedUser = null; |
133: | |
134: | |
135: | |
136: | |
137: | public static $oContainer = null; |
138: | |
139: | |
140: | |
141: | |
142: | protected static $usersCache = []; |
143: | |
144: | |
145: | |
146: | |
147: | protected static $tenantsCache = []; |
148: | |
149: | |
150: | |
151: | |
152: | |
153: | public static function GetSaltPath() |
154: | { |
155: | return self::DataPath() . '/salt8.php'; |
156: | } |
157: | |
158: | |
159: | |
160: | |
161: | |
162: | public static function GetEncryptionKeyPath() |
163: | { |
164: | return self::DataPath() . '/encryption_key.php'; |
165: | } |
166: | |
167: | |
168: | |
169: | |
170: | public static function InitEncryptionKey() |
171: | { |
172: | $sEncryptionKey = ''; |
173: | $sEncryptionKeyPath = self::GetEncryptionKeyPath(); |
174: | |
175: | if (!@file_exists($sEncryptionKeyPath)) { |
176: | if (@file_exists(self::GetSaltPath())) { |
177: | include self::GetSaltPath(); |
178: | $sEncryptionKey = self::$sSalt; |
179: | } else { |
180: | $sEncryptionKey = bin2hex(random_bytes(16)); |
181: | } |
182: | |
183: | $sEncryptionKey = '<?php \\Aurora\\System\\Api::$sEncryptionKey = "' . $sEncryptionKey . '";'; |
184: | if (@file_put_contents($sEncryptionKeyPath, $sEncryptionKey) && @file_exists(self::GetSaltPath())) { |
185: | @unlink(self::GetSaltPath()); |
186: | } |
187: | } |
188: | |
189: | if (is_readable($sEncryptionKeyPath)) { |
190: | include_once $sEncryptionKeyPath; |
191: | } else { |
192: | throw new ApiException(Notifications::SystemNotConfigured, null, 'Check the read permission of the encryption key file'); |
193: | } |
194: | } |
195: | |
196: | |
197: | |
198: | |
199: | public static function GetUserSession() |
200: | { |
201: | return self::$aUserSession; |
202: | } |
203: | |
204: | |
205: | |
206: | |
207: | public static function SetUserSession($aUserSession) |
208: | { |
209: | self::$oAuthenticatedUser = null; |
210: | return self::$aUserSession = $aUserSession; |
211: | } |
212: | |
213: | |
214: | |
215: | |
216: | public static function GrantAdminPrivileges() |
217: | { |
218: | self::$aUserSession['UserId'] = -1; |
219: | self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'] = ''; |
220: | } |
221: | |
222: | public static function UseDbLogs($bUseDbLogs = false) |
223: | { |
224: | self::$bUseDbLog = $bUseDbLogs; |
225: | } |
226: | |
227: | |
228: | |
229: | |
230: | |
231: | public static function Init($bGrantAdminPrivileges = false) |
232: | { |
233: | if (!defined('AU_API_INIT')) { |
234: | $apiInitTimeStart = \microtime(true); |
235: | |
236: | include_once self::GetVendorPath() . 'autoload.php'; |
237: | include_once 'bootstrap.php'; |
238: | |
239: | if ($bGrantAdminPrivileges) { |
240: | self::GrantAdminPrivileges(); |
241: | } |
242: | |
243: | self::InitEncryptionKey(); |
244: | self::validateApi(); |
245: | self::GetModuleManager()->loadModules(); |
246: | |
247: | define('AU_API_INIT', microtime(true) - $apiInitTimeStart); |
248: | } |
249: | } |
250: | |
251: | |
252: | |
253: | |
254: | |
255: | |
256: | public static function skipCheckUserRole($bSkip) |
257: | { |
258: | $bResult = self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__; |
259: | self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__ = $bSkip; |
260: | return $bResult; |
261: | } |
262: | |
263: | |
264: | |
265: | |
266: | |
267: | public static function accessCheckIsSkipped() |
268: | { |
269: | return self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__; |
270: | } |
271: | |
272: | public static function checkUserAccess($oUser) |
273: | { |
274: | if ($oUser) { |
275: | $oAuthUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); |
276: | switch ($oAuthUser->Role) { |
277: | case \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin: |
278: | if ($oUser->IdTenant !== $oAuthUser->IdTenant) { |
279: | throw new ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); |
280: | } |
281: | break; |
282: | case \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser: |
283: | if ($oUser->Id !== $oAuthUser->Id) { |
284: | throw new ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); |
285: | } |
286: | break; |
287: | } |
288: | } |
289: | } |
290: | |
291: | |
292: | |
293: | |
294: | |
295: | |
296: | public static function AddSecret($sWord) |
297: | { |
298: | if (0 < \strlen(\trim($sWord))) { |
299: | self::$aSecretWords[] = $sWord; |
300: | self::$aSecretWords = \array_unique(self::$aSecretWords); |
301: | } |
302: | } |
303: | |
304: | |
305: | |
306: | |
307: | |
308: | |
309: | public static function EncodeKeyValues(array $aValues) |
310: | { |
311: | return Utils::UrlSafeBase64Encode( |
312: | Utils::EncryptValue(@\json_encode($aValues)) |
313: | ); |
314: | } |
315: | |
316: | |
317: | |
318: | |
319: | |
320: | |
321: | |
322: | |
323: | public static function DecodeKeyValues(string $sEncryptedValues) |
324: | { |
325: | $sEncryptedValues = Utils::UrlSafeBase64Decode(trim($sEncryptedValues)); |
326: | |
327: | $sValue = Utils::DecryptValue($sEncryptedValues); |
328: | |
329: | $aResult = @\json_decode($sValue, true); |
330: | |
331: | return \is_array($aResult) ? $aResult : array(); |
332: | } |
333: | |
334: | |
335: | |
336: | |
337: | |
338: | public static function GetModuleManager() |
339: | { |
340: | if (!isset(self::$oModuleManager)) { |
341: | self::$oModuleManager = Module\Manager::createInstance(); |
342: | self::$aModuleDecorators = []; |
343: | } |
344: | |
345: | return self::$oModuleManager; |
346: | } |
347: | |
348: | |
349: | |
350: | |
351: | |
352: | |
353: | public static function GetModuleDecorator($sModuleName) |
354: | { |
355: | if (!isset(self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName]) && self::GetModule($sModuleName) !== false) { |
356: | self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName] = new Module\Decorator($sModuleName); |
357: | } |
358: | |
359: | return isset(self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName]) ? self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName] : false; |
360: | } |
361: | |
362: | |
363: | |
364: | |
365: | |
366: | |
367: | public static function GetModule($sModuleName) |
368: | { |
369: | return self::GetModuleManager()->GetModule($sModuleName); |
370: | } |
371: | |
372: | |
373: | |
374: | |
375: | |
376: | |
377: | public static function IsModuleLoaded($sModuleName) |
378: | { |
379: | return self::GetModuleManager()->isModuleLoaded($sModuleName); |
380: | } |
381: | |
382: | |
383: | |
384: | |
385: | |
386: | public static function GetModules() |
387: | { |
388: | return self::GetModuleManager()->GetModules(); |
389: | } |
390: | |
391: | |
392: | |
393: | |
394: | |
395: | |
396: | |
397: | public static function ExecuteMethod($sMethodName, $aParameters = array()) |
398: | { |
399: | list($sModuleName, $sMethodName) = explode(Module\AbstractModule::$Delimiter, $sMethodName); |
400: | $oModule = self::GetModule($sModuleName); |
401: | if ($oModule instanceof Module\AbstractModule) { |
402: | return $oModule->CallMethod($sModuleName, $sMethodName, $aParameters); |
403: | } |
404: | } |
405: | |
406: | |
407: | |
408: | |
409: | public static function Cacher() |
410: | { |
411: | static $oCacher = null; |
412: | if (null === $oCacher) { |
413: | $oCacher = \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient::NewInstance(); |
414: | $oCacher->SetDriver(\MailSo\Cache\Drivers\File::NewInstance(self::DataPath() . '/cache')); |
415: | $oCacher->SetCacheIndex(self::Version()); |
416: | } |
417: | |
418: | return $oCacher; |
419: | } |
420: | |
421: | |
422: | |
423: | |
424: | public static function UserSession() |
425: | { |
426: | static $oSession = null; |
427: | if (null === $oSession) { |
428: | $oSession = new UserSession(); |
429: | } |
430: | |
431: | return $oSession; |
432: | } |
433: | |
434: | |
435: | |
436: | |
437: | public static function &GetSettings($force = false) |
438: | { |
439: | if (null === self::$oSettings || $force) { |
440: | try { |
441: | $sSettingsPath = \Aurora\System\Api::DataPath() . '/settings/'; |
442: | if (!\file_exists($sSettingsPath)) { |
443: | set_error_handler(function () {}); |
444: | mkdir($sSettingsPath, 0777); |
445: | restore_error_handler(); |
446: | if (!file_exists($sSettingsPath)) { |
447: | self::$oSettings = false; |
448: | return self::$oSettings; |
449: | } |
450: | } |
451: | |
452: | self::$oSettings = new \Aurora\System\Settings($sSettingsPath . 'config.json'); |
453: | self::$oSettings->Load(); |
454: | } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\BaseException $oException) { |
455: | self::$oSettings = false; |
456: | } |
457: | } |
458: | return self::$oSettings; |
459: | } |
460: | |
461: | |
462: | |
463: | |
464: | public static function UpdateSettings() |
465: | { |
466: | $bResult = true; |
467: | try { |
468: | Api::Init(); |
469: | Api::GetModuleManager()->SyncModulesConfigs(); |
470: | Api::GetSettings()->SyncConfigs(); |
471: | } catch (\Exception $e) { |
472: | $bResult = false; |
473: | } |
474: | |
475: | return $bResult; |
476: | } |
477: | |
478: | |
479: | |
480: | |
481: | public static function GetPDO() |
482: | { |
483: | static $oPdoCache = null; |
484: | if (null !== $oPdoCache) { |
485: | return $oPdoCache; |
486: | } |
487: | |
488: | $oPdo = false; |
489: | $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); |
490: | if ($oSettings) { |
491: | $sDbPort = ''; |
492: | $sUnixSocket = ''; |
493: | |
494: | $iDbType = $oSettings->DBType; |
495: | $sDbHost = $oSettings->DBHost; |
496: | $sDbName = $oSettings->DBName; |
497: | $sDbLogin = $oSettings->DBLogin; |
498: | $sDbPassword = $oSettings->DBPassword; |
499: | |
500: | $iPos = strpos($sDbHost, ':'); |
501: | if (false !== $iPos && 0 < $iPos) { |
502: | $sAfter = substr($sDbHost, $iPos + 1); |
503: | $sDbHost = substr($sDbHost, 0, $iPos); |
504: | |
505: | if (is_numeric($sAfter)) { |
506: | $sDbPort = $sAfter; |
507: | } else { |
508: | $sUnixSocket = $sAfter; |
509: | } |
510: | } |
511: | |
512: | if (class_exists('PDO')) { |
513: | try { |
514: | $oPdo = @new \PDO((Enums\DbType::PostgreSQL === $iDbType ? 'pgsql' : 'mysql') . ':dbname=' . $sDbName . |
515: | (empty($sDbHost) ? '' : ';host=' . $sDbHost) . |
516: | (empty($sDbPort) ? '' : ';port=' . $sDbPort) . |
517: | (empty($sUnixSocket) ? '' : ';unix_socket=' . $sUnixSocket) . ';charset=utf8', $sDbLogin, $sDbPassword); |
518: | |
519: | if ($oPdo) { |
520: | $oPdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); |
521: | $oPdo->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, "SET NAMES utf8"); |
522: | } |
523: | } catch (\Exception $oException) { |
524: | self::Log($oException->getMessage(), Enums\LogLevel::Error); |
525: | self::Log($oException->getTraceAsString(), Enums\LogLevel::Error); |
526: | $oPdo = false; |
527: | } |
528: | } else { |
529: | self::Log('Class PDO dosn\'t exist', Enums\LogLevel::Error); |
530: | } |
531: | } |
532: | |
533: | if (false !== $oPdo) { |
534: | $oPdoCache = $oPdo; |
535: | } |
536: | |
537: | return $oPdo; |
538: | } |
539: | |
540: | |
541: | |
542: | |
543: | public static function IsMobileApplication() |
544: | { |
545: | |
546: | $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); |
547: | |
548: | return (bool) $oIntegrator && 1 === $oIntegrator->isMobile(); |
549: | } |
550: | |
551: | |
552: | |
553: | |
554: | public static function Location($sNewLocation) |
555: | { |
556: | self::Log('Location: ' . $sNewLocation); |
557: | @header('Location: ' . $sNewLocation); |
558: | } |
559: | |
560: | |
561: | |
562: | |
563: | public static function Location2($sNewLocation) |
564: | { |
565: | exit('<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; url=' . $sNewLocation . '">'); |
566: | } |
567: | |
568: | |
569: | |
570: | |
571: | |
572: | public static function LogEvent($sDesc, $sModuleName = '') |
573: | { |
574: | Logger::LogEvent($sDesc, $sModuleName); |
575: | } |
576: | |
577: | |
578: | |
579: | |
580: | |
581: | |
582: | public static function LogObject($mObject, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Full, $sFilePrefix = '') |
583: | { |
584: | Logger::LogObject($mObject, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); |
585: | } |
586: | |
587: | |
588: | |
589: | |
590: | |
591: | |
592: | public static function LogException($mObject, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Error, $sFilePrefix = null) |
593: | { |
594: | $sFilePrefix = $sFilePrefix ?: Logger::$sErrorLogPrefix; |
595: | Logger::LogException($mObject, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); |
596: | } |
597: | |
598: | |
599: | |
600: | |
601: | |
602: | |
603: | public static function GetLogFileName($sFilePrefix = '', $iTimestamp = 0) |
604: | { |
605: | return Logger::GetLogFileName($sFilePrefix, $iTimestamp); |
606: | } |
607: | |
608: | public static function GetLogFileDir() |
609: | { |
610: | return Logger::GetLogFileDir(); |
611: | } |
612: | |
613: | |
614: | |
615: | |
616: | public static function SystemLogger() |
617: | { |
618: | return Logger::SystemLogger(); |
619: | } |
620: | |
621: | |
622: | |
623: | |
624: | |
625: | |
626: | public static function Log($sDesc, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Full, $sFilePrefix = '') |
627: | { |
628: | Logger::Log($sDesc, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); |
629: | } |
630: | |
631: | |
632: | |
633: | |
634: | |
635: | public static function LogOnly($sDesc, $sLogFile) |
636: | { |
637: | Logger::LogOnly($sDesc, $sLogFile); |
638: | } |
639: | |
640: | public static function LogSql($query) |
641: | { |
642: | $sql = $query->toSql(); |
643: | foreach($query->getBindings() as $binding) { |
644: | $value = is_numeric($binding) ? $binding : "'" . $binding . "'"; |
645: | $sql = preg_replace('/\?/', $value, $sql, 1); |
646: | } |
647: | |
648: | Api::Log($sql, \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'sql-'); |
649: | } |
650: | |
651: | public static function ClearLog($sFileFullPath) |
652: | { |
653: | return Logger::ClearLog($sFileFullPath); |
654: | } |
655: | |
656: | public static function RemoveSeparateLogs() |
657: | { |
658: | Logger::RemoveSeparateLogs(); |
659: | } |
660: | |
661: | public static function removeOldLogs() |
662: | { |
663: | Logger::RemoveOldLogs(); |
664: | } |
665: | |
666: | public static function GetLoggerGuid() |
667: | { |
668: | return Logger::GetLoggerGuid(); |
669: | } |
670: | |
671: | |
672: | |
673: | |
674: | public static function RootPath() |
675: | { |
676: | defined('AU_API_ROOTPATH') || define('AU_API_ROOTPATH', rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), '/\\') . '/'); |
677: | return AU_API_ROOTPATH; |
678: | } |
679: | |
680: | |
681: | |
682: | |
683: | public static function WebMailPath() |
684: | { |
685: | return self::RootPath() . ltrim(AU_API_PATH_TO_AURORA, '/'); |
686: | } |
687: | |
688: | |
689: | |
690: | |
691: | public static function GetVendorPath() |
692: | { |
693: | return self::RootPath() . '../vendor/'; |
694: | } |
695: | |
696: | |
697: | |
698: | |
699: | public static function VersionFull() |
700: | { |
701: | static $sVersion = null; |
702: | $sAppVersion = @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'); |
703: | |
704: | $sVersion = (empty($sAppVersion)) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; |
705: | |
706: | return $sVersion; |
707: | } |
708: | |
709: | |
710: | |
711: | |
712: | public static function Version() |
713: | { |
714: | static $sVersion = null; |
715: | if (null === $sVersion) { |
716: | preg_match('/[\d\.]+/', @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'), $matches); |
717: | |
718: | if (isset($matches[0])) { |
719: | $sAppVersion = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $matches[0]); |
720: | } |
721: | |
722: | $sVersion = (empty($sAppVersion)) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; |
723: | } |
724: | return $sVersion; |
725: | } |
726: | |
727: | |
728: | |
729: | |
730: | public static function VersionJs() |
731: | { |
732: | $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); |
733: | $sAppVersion = @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'); |
734: | $sAppVersion = empty($sAppVersion) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; |
735: | |
736: | return preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sAppVersion); |
737: | } |
738: | |
739: | |
740: | |
741: | |
742: | public static function DataPath() |
743: | { |
744: | $dataPath = 'data'; |
745: | if (!defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER') && @file_exists(self::WebMailPath() . 'inc_settings_path.php')) { |
746: | include self::WebMailPath() . 'inc_settings_path.php'; |
747: | } |
748: | if (!defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER')) { |
749: | define('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER', Utils::GetFullPath($dataPath, self::WebMailPath())); |
750: | } |
751: | $sDataFullPath = defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER') ? AU_API_DATA_FOLDER : ''; |
752: | |
753: | |
754: | |
755: | |
756: | |
757: | |
758: | |
759: | return $sDataFullPath; |
760: | } |
761: | |
762: | |
763: | |
764: | |
765: | protected static function validateApi() |
766: | { |
767: | $iResult = 1; |
768: | |
769: | $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); |
770: | $iResult &= $oSettings && ($oSettings instanceof AbstractSettings); |
771: | |
772: | self::$bIsValid = (bool) $iResult; |
773: | |
774: | return self::$bIsValid; |
775: | } |
776: | |
777: | |
778: | |
779: | |
780: | public static function IsValid() |
781: | { |
782: | return (bool)self::$bIsValid; |
783: | } |
784: | |
785: | |
786: | |
787: | |
788: | |
789: | |
790: | |
791: | public static function GenerateSsoToken($sEmail, $sPassword, $sLogin = '') |
792: | { |
793: | $sSsoHash = \Illuminate\Support\Str::random(32); |
794: | return self::Cacher()->Set('SSO:' . $sSsoHash, self::EncodeKeyValues(array( |
795: | 'Email' => $sEmail, |
796: | 'Password' => $sPassword, |
797: | 'Login' => $sLogin |
798: | ))) ? $sSsoHash : ''; |
799: | } |
800: | |
801: | |
802: | |
803: | |
804: | |
805: | public static function convertIniToLang($sLangFile) |
806: | { |
807: | $aResultLang = false; |
808: | |
809: | $aLang = @\parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($sLangFile), true); |
810: | if (is_array($aLang)) { |
811: | $aResultLang = array(); |
812: | foreach ($aLang as $sKey => $mValue) { |
813: | if (\is_array($mValue)) { |
814: | foreach ($mValue as $sSecKey => $mSecValue) { |
815: | $aResultLang[$sKey . '/' . $sSecKey] = $mSecValue; |
816: | } |
817: | } else { |
818: | $aResultLang[$sKey] = $mValue; |
819: | } |
820: | } |
821: | } |
822: | |
823: | return $aResultLang; |
824: | } |
825: | |
826: | |
827: | |
828: | |
829: | |
830: | |
831: | |
832: | public static function processTranslateParams($mLang, $sData, $aParams = null, $iPlural = null) |
833: | { |
834: | $sResult = $sData; |
835: | if ($mLang && isset($mLang[$sData])) { |
836: | $sResult = $mLang[$sData]; |
837: | } |
838: | |
839: | if (isset($iPlural)) { |
840: | $aPluralParts = explode('|', $sResult); |
841: | |
842: | $sResult = ($aPluralParts && $aPluralParts[$iPlural]) ? $aPluralParts[$iPlural] : ( |
843: | $aPluralParts && $aPluralParts[0] ? $aPluralParts[0] : $sResult |
844: | ); |
845: | } |
846: | |
847: | if (null !== $aParams && is_array($aParams)) { |
848: | foreach ($aParams as $sKey => $sValue) { |
849: | $sResult = str_replace('%' . $sKey . '%', $sValue, $sResult); |
850: | } |
851: | } |
852: | |
853: | return $sResult; |
854: | } |
855: | |
856: | |
857: | |
858: | |
859: | |
860: | public static function SetLanguage($sLanguage) |
861: | { |
862: | self::$sLanguage = $sLanguage; |
863: | } |
864: | |
865: | |
866: | |
867: | |
868: | |
869: | |
870: | public static function GetLanguage($bForNewUser = false) |
871: | { |
872: | $sResult = null; |
873: | if (isset(self::$sLanguage)) { |
874: | $sResult = self::$sLanguage; |
875: | } else { |
876: | $iAuthUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId(); |
877: | $bSuperAdmin = $iAuthUserId === -1; |
878: | $oModuleManager = self::GetModuleManager(); |
879: | |
880: | $sResult = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'Language'); |
881: | if ($oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'AutodetectLanguage', true)) { |
882: | $sResult = self::getBrowserLanguage(); |
883: | } |
884: | |
885: | if ($bSuperAdmin) { |
886: | $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); |
887: | $sResult = $oSettings->AdminLanguage; |
888: | } elseif (!$bForNewUser) { |
889: | $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); |
890: | if ($oUser) { |
891: | $sResult = $oUser->Language; |
892: | } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['aurora-lang-on-login'])) { |
893: | $sResult = $_COOKIE['aurora-lang-on-login']; |
894: | } |
895: | } |
896: | } |
897: | |
898: | return $sResult; |
899: | } |
900: | |
901: | protected static function getBrowserLanguage() |
902: | { |
903: | $aLanguages = array( |
904: | 'ar-dz' => 'Arabic', 'ar-bh' => 'Arabic', 'ar-eg' => 'Arabic', 'ar-iq' => 'Arabic', 'ar-jo' => 'Arabic', 'ar-kw' => 'Arabic', |
905: | 'ar-lb' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ly' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ma' => 'Arabic', 'ar-om' => 'Arabic', 'ar-qa' => 'Arabic', 'ar-sa' => 'Arabic', |
906: | 'ar-sy' => 'Arabic', 'ar-tn' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ae' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ye' => 'Arabic', 'ar' => 'Arabic', |
907: | 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', |
908: | 'zh-cn' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-hk' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-mo' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-sg' => 'Chinese-Simplified', |
909: | 'zh-tw' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh' => 'Chinese-Simplified', |
910: | 'cs' => 'Czech', |
911: | 'da' => 'Danish', |
912: | 'nl-be' => 'Dutch', 'nl' => 'Dutch', |
913: | 'en-au' => 'English', 'en-bz' => 'English ', 'en-ca' => 'English', 'en-ie' => 'English', 'en-jm' => 'English', |
914: | 'en-nz' => 'English', 'en-ph' => 'English', 'en-za' => 'English', 'en-tt' => 'English', 'en-gb' => 'English', |
915: | 'en-us' => 'English', 'en-zw' => 'English', 'en' => 'English', 'us' => 'English', |
916: | 'et' => 'Estonian', 'fi' => 'Finnish', |
917: | 'fr-be' => 'French', 'fr-ca' => 'French', 'fr-lu' => 'French', 'fr-mc' => 'French', 'fr-ch' => 'French', 'fr' => 'French', |
918: | 'de-at' => 'German', 'de-li' => 'German', 'de-lu' => 'German', 'de-ch' => 'German', 'de' => 'German', |
919: | 'el' => 'Greek', 'he' => 'Hebrew', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'it-ch' => 'Italian', 'it' => 'Italian', |
920: | 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'ko' => 'Korean', 'lv' => 'Latvian', 'lt' => 'Lithuanian', |
921: | 'nb-no' => 'Norwegian', 'nn-no' => 'Norwegian', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pl' => 'Polish', |
922: | 'pt-br' => 'Portuguese-Brazil', 'pt' => 'Portuguese-Portuguese', 'pt-pt' => 'Portuguese-Portuguese', |
923: | 'ro-md' => 'Romanian', 'ro' => 'Romanian', |
924: | 'ru-md' => 'Russian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'sr' => 'Serbian', |
925: | 'es-ar' => 'Spanish', 'es-bo' => 'Spanish', 'es-cl' => 'Spanish', 'es-co' => 'Spanish', 'es-cr' => 'Spanish', |
926: | 'es-do' => 'Spanish', 'es-ec' => 'Spanish', 'es-sv' => 'Spanish', 'es-gt' => 'Spanish', 'es-hn' => 'Spanish)', |
927: | 'es-mx' => 'Spanish', 'es-ni' => 'Spanish', 'es-pa' => 'Spanish', 'es-py' => 'Spanish', 'es-pe' => 'Spanish', |
928: | 'es-pr' => 'Spanish', 'es-us' => 'Spanish ', 'es-uy' => 'Spanish', 'es-ve' => 'Spanish', 'es' => 'Spanish', |
929: | 'sv-fi' => 'Swedish', 'sv' => 'Swedish', 'th' => 'Thai', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'sl' => 'Slovenian' |
930: | ); |
931: | |
932: | $sLanguage = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) : 'en'; |
933: | $aTempLanguages = preg_split('/[,;]+/', $sLanguage); |
934: | $sLanguage = !empty($aTempLanguages[0]) ? $aTempLanguages[0] : 'en'; |
935: | |
936: | $sLanguageShort = substr($sLanguage, 0, 2); |
937: | |
938: | return \array_key_exists($sLanguage, $aLanguages) ? $aLanguages[$sLanguage] : |
939: | (\array_key_exists($sLanguageShort, $aLanguages) ? $aLanguages[$sLanguageShort] : ''); |
940: | } |
941: | |
942: | |
943: | |
944: | |
945: | |
946: | |
947: | |
948: | |
949: | public static function ClientI18N($sData, $aParams = null, $iPluralCount = null) |
950: | { |
951: | $sLanguage = self::GetLanguage(); |
952: | |
953: | $aLang = null; |
954: | if (isset(self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage])) { |
955: | $aLang = self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage]; |
956: | } else { |
957: | self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage] = false; |
958: | |
959: | $sLangFile = self::WebMailPath() . 'i18n/' . $sLanguage . '.ini'; |
960: | if (!@file_exists($sLangFile)) { |
961: | $sLangFile = self::WebMailPath() . 'i18n/English.ini'; |
962: | $sLangFile = @file_exists($sLangFile) ? $sLangFile : ''; |
963: | } |
964: | |
965: | if (0 < strlen($sLangFile)) { |
966: | $aLang = self::convertIniToLang($sLangFile); |
967: | if (is_array($aLang)) { |
968: | self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage] = $aLang; |
969: | } |
970: | } |
971: | } |
972: | |
973: | return isset($iPluralCount) ? self::processTranslateParams($aLang, $sData, $aParams, self::getPlural($sLanguage, $iPluralCount)) : self::processTranslateParams($aLang, $sData, $aParams); |
974: | } |
975: | |
976: | public static function getPlural($sLang = '', $iNumber = 0) |
977: | { |
978: | $iResult = 0; |
979: | $iNumber = (int) $iNumber; |
980: | |
981: | switch ($sLang) { |
982: | case 'Arabic': |
983: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 0 ? 0 : ($iNumber === 1 ? 1 : ($iNumber === 2 ? 2 : ($iNumber % 100 >= 3 && $iNumber % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : ($iNumber % 100 >= 11 ? 4 : 5))))); |
984: | break; |
985: | case 'Bulgarian': |
986: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
987: | break; |
988: | case 'Chinese-Simplified': |
989: | $iResult = 0; |
990: | break; |
991: | case 'Chinese-Traditional': |
992: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
993: | break; |
994: | case 'Czech': |
995: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1) ? 0 : (($iNumber >= 2 && $iNumber <= 4) ? 1 : 2); |
996: | break; |
997: | case 'Danish': |
998: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
999: | break; |
1000: | case 'Dutch': |
1001: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1002: | break; |
1003: | case 'English': |
1004: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1005: | break; |
1006: | case 'Estonian': |
1007: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1008: | break; |
1009: | case 'Finnish': |
1010: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1011: | break; |
1012: | case 'French': |
1013: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1014: | break; |
1015: | case 'German': |
1016: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1017: | break; |
1018: | case 'Greek': |
1019: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1020: | break; |
1021: | case 'Hebrew': |
1022: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1023: | break; |
1024: | case 'Hungarian': |
1025: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1026: | break; |
1027: | case 'Italian': |
1028: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1029: | break; |
1030: | case 'Japanese': |
1031: | $iResult = 0; |
1032: | break; |
1033: | case 'Korean': |
1034: | $iResult = 0; |
1035: | break; |
1036: | case 'Latvian': |
1037: | $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber !== 0 ? 1 : 2)); |
1038: | break; |
1039: | case 'Lithuanian': |
1040: | $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); |
1041: | break; |
1042: | case 'Norwegian': |
1043: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1044: | break; |
1045: | case 'Persian': |
1046: | $iResult = 0; |
1047: | break; |
1048: | case 'Polish': |
1049: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); |
1050: | break; |
1051: | case 'Portuguese-Portuguese': |
1052: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1053: | break; |
1054: | case 'Portuguese-Brazil': |
1055: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1056: | break; |
1057: | case 'Romanian': |
1058: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : (($iNumber === 0 || ($iNumber % 100 > 0 && $iNumber % 100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2)); |
1059: | break; |
1060: | case 'Russian': |
1061: | $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); |
1062: | break; |
1063: | case 'Serbian': |
1064: | $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); |
1065: | break; |
1066: | case 'Slovenian': |
1067: | $iResult = (($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11) ? 0 : (($iNumber % 10 === 2 && $iNumber % 100 !== 12) ? 1 : 2)); |
1068: | break; |
1069: | case 'Spanish': |
1070: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1071: | break; |
1072: | case 'Swedish': |
1073: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1074: | break; |
1075: | case 'Thai': |
1076: | $iResult = 0; |
1077: | break; |
1078: | case 'Turkish': |
1079: | $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); |
1080: | break; |
1081: | case 'Ukrainian': |
1082: | $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); |
1083: | break; |
1084: | case 'Vietnamese': |
1085: | $iResult = 0; |
1086: | break; |
1087: | default: |
1088: | $iResult = 0; |
1089: | break; |
1090: | } |
1091: | |
1092: | return $iResult; |
1093: | } |
1094: | |
1095: | |
1096: | |
1097: | |
1098: | |
1099: | |
1100: | |
1101: | public static function I18N($sData, $aParams = null, $sForceCustomInitialisationLang = '') |
1102: | { |
1103: | if (null === self::$aI18N) { |
1104: | self::$aI18N = false; |
1105: | |
1106: | $sLangFile = ''; |
1107: | if (0 < strlen($sForceCustomInitialisationLang)) { |
1108: | $sLangFile = self::RootPath() . 'common/i18n/' . $sForceCustomInitialisationLang . '.ini'; |
1109: | } |
1110: | |
1111: | if (0 === strlen($sLangFile) || !@file_exists($sLangFile)) { |
1112: | $sLangFile = self::RootPath() . 'common/i18n/English.ini'; |
1113: | } |
1114: | |
1115: | if (0 < strlen($sLangFile) && @file_exists($sLangFile)) { |
1116: | $aResultLang = self::convertIniToLang($sLangFile); |
1117: | if (is_array($aResultLang)) { |
1118: | self::$aI18N = $aResultLang; |
1119: | } |
1120: | } |
1121: | } |
1122: | |
1123: | return self::processTranslateParams(self::$aI18N, $sData, $aParams); |
1124: | } |
1125: | |
1126: | |
1127: | |
1128: | |
1129: | |
1130: | |
1131: | public static function checkUserRoleIsAtLeast($iRole) |
1132: | { |
1133: | if (!self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__) { |
1134: | $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); |
1135: | $bUserRoleIsAtLeast = $oUser === null && $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous || |
1136: | $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::Customer && |
1137: | ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || |
1138: | $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser && |
1139: | ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || |
1140: | $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin && |
1141: | ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || |
1142: | $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin && |
1143: | ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); |
1144: | if (!$bUserRoleIsAtLeast) { |
1145: | throw new Exceptions\ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); |
1146: | } |
1147: | } |
1148: | } |
1149: | |
1150: | public static function getAuthTokenFromHeaders() |
1151: | { |
1152: | $sResult = false; |
1153: | $sAuthHeader = \MailSo\Base\Http::SingletonInstance()->GetHeader('Authorization'); |
1154: | if (!empty($sAuthHeader)) { |
1155: | $authHeaderData = explode(' ', $sAuthHeader); |
1156: | |
1157: | if (isset($authHeaderData[0]) && strtolower($authHeaderData[0]) === 'bearer' && isset($authHeaderData[1]) && !empty($authHeaderData[1])) { |
1158: | $sResult = $authHeaderData[1]; |
1159: | } |
1160: | } |
1161: | |
1162: | return $sResult; |
1163: | } |
1164: | |
1165: | public static function requireAdminAuth() |
1166: | { |
1167: | $mResult = false; |
1168: | $response = new \Sabre\HTTP\Response(); |
1169: | $basicAuth = new \Sabre\HTTP\Auth\Basic("Locked down area", \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::getRequest(), $response); |
1170: | if (!$userPass = $basicAuth->getCredentials()) { |
1171: | $basicAuth->requireLogin(); |
1172: | \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); |
1173: | } elseif (!\Aurora\Modules\AdminAuth\Module::getInstance()->Login($userPass[0], $userPass[1])) { |
1174: | $basicAuth->requireLogin(); |
1175: | \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); |
1176: | } else { |
1177: | $mResult = true; |
1178: | } |
1179: | |
1180: | if (!$mResult) { |
1181: | $response->setBody('Unauthorized'); |
1182: | \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); |
1183: | exit; |
1184: | } |
1185: | } |
1186: | |
1187: | public static function getDeviceIdFromHeaders() |
1188: | { |
1189: | $sResult = false; |
1190: | $sDeviceIdHeader = \MailSo\Base\Http::SingletonInstance()->GetHeader('X-DeviceId'); |
1191: | if (!empty($sDeviceIdHeader)) { |
1192: | $sResult = $sDeviceIdHeader; |
1193: | } |
1194: | |
1195: | return $sResult; |
1196: | } |
1197: | |
1198: | |
1199: | |
1200: | |
1201: | |
1202: | public static function getAuthToken() |
1203: | { |
1204: | $sAuthToken = $_COOKIE[Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY] ?? false; |
1205: | if (!$sAuthToken) { |
1206: | $sAuthToken = self::getAuthTokenFromHeaders(); |
1207: | } |
1208: | |
1209: | return $sAuthToken; |
1210: | } |
1211: | |
1212: | |
1213: | |
1214: | |
1215: | |
1216: | public static function authorise($sAuthToken = '') |
1217: | { |
1218: | $oUser = null; |
1219: | $mUserId = false; |
1220: | try { |
1221: | if (isset(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { |
1222: | $mUserId = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; |
1223: | } else { |
1224: | $sAuthToken = empty($sAuthToken) ? self::getAuthToken() : $sAuthToken; |
1225: | |
1226: | $mUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); |
1227: | } |
1228: | $oUser = self::getUserById($mUserId); |
1229: | } catch (\Exception $oException) { |
1230: | } |
1231: | return $oUser; |
1232: | } |
1233: | |
1234: | public static function getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken = '') |
1235: | { |
1236: | $mResult = false; |
1237: | if (empty($sAuthToken)) { |
1238: | if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'])) { |
1239: | $sAuthToken = self::$aUserSession['AuthToken']; |
1240: | } |
1241: | } |
1242: | |
1243: | $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); |
1244: | if ($oIntegrator) { |
1245: | $mResult = $oIntegrator->getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken); |
1246: | } |
1247: | |
1248: | return $mResult; |
1249: | } |
1250: | |
1251: | public static function validateAuthToken($authToken = null) |
1252: | { |
1253: | if ($authToken === null) { |
1254: | $authToken = self::getAuthToken(); |
1255: | } |
1256: | if ($authToken && !self::UserSession()->Get($authToken)) { |
1257: | throw new ApiException(Notifications::InvalidToken); |
1258: | } |
1259: | } |
1260: | |
1261: | public static function getCookiePath() |
1262: | { |
1263: | static $sPath = false; |
1264: | |
1265: | if (false === $sPath) { |
1266: | $sScriptName = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : ''; |
1267: | $aPath = explode('/', $sScriptName); |
1268: | $sLastPathItem = count($aPath) > 0 ? $aPath[count($aPath) - 1] : ''; |
1269: | if (count($aPath) > 0 && ($sLastPathItem !== '' || strtolower(substr($sLastPathItem, -1)) === '.php')) { |
1270: | array_pop($aPath); |
1271: | } |
1272: | $sPath = implode('/', $aPath) . '/'; |
1273: | } |
1274: | |
1275: | return $sPath; |
1276: | } |
1277: | |
1278: | public static function getCookieSecure() |
1279: | { |
1280: | return self::isHttps(); |
1281: | } |
1282: | |
1283: | public static function isHttps() |
1284: | { |
1285: | return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || |
1286: | (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443'); |
1287: | } |
1288: | |
1289: | public static function getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken = '') |
1290: | { |
1291: | $mResult = false; |
1292: | if (!empty($sAuthToken)) { |
1293: | $aInfo = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance()->getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken); |
1294: | if (!empty(self::$aUserSession['UserId']) && (int) $aInfo['userId'] === (int) self::$aUserSession['UserId']) { |
1295: | $mResult = (int) self::$aUserSession['UserId']; |
1296: | } else { |
1297: | $mResult = $aInfo['userId']; |
1298: | self::$aUserSession['UserId'] = (int) $mResult; |
1299: | self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'] = $sAuthToken; |
1300: | } |
1301: | } else { |
1302: | if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { |
1303: | $mResult = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; |
1304: | } else { |
1305: | $mResult = 0; |
1306: | } |
1307: | } |
1308: | |
1309: | return $mResult; |
1310: | } |
1311: | |
1312: | public static function getAuthenticatedUserPublicId($sAuthToken = '') |
1313: | { |
1314: | $iUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); |
1315: | return self::getUserPublicIdById($iUserId); |
1316: | } |
1317: | |
1318: | |
1319: | |
1320: | |
1321: | public static function unsetAuthenticatedUser() |
1322: | { |
1323: | unset(self::$oAuthenticatedUser); |
1324: | } |
1325: | |
1326: | |
1327: | |
1328: | |
1329: | |
1330: | |
1331: | |
1332: | public static function getAuthenticatedUser($sAuthToken = '', $bForce = false) |
1333: | { |
1334: | $iUserId = 0; |
1335: | if (null === self::$oAuthenticatedUser || $bForce) { |
1336: | if (!empty($sAuthToken)) { |
1337: | $iUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); |
1338: | } elseif (!empty(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { |
1339: | $iUserId = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; |
1340: | } |
1341: | |
1342: | self::$oAuthenticatedUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); |
1343: | } |
1344: | return self::$oAuthenticatedUser; |
1345: | } |
1346: | |
1347: | public static function getAuthenticatedUserAuthToken() |
1348: | { |
1349: | $mResult = false; |
1350: | |
1351: | if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'])) { |
1352: | $mResult = self::$aUserSession['AuthToken']; |
1353: | } |
1354: | |
1355: | return $mResult; |
1356: | } |
1357: | |
1358: | |
1359: | |
1360: | |
1361: | |
1362: | public static function getUserUUIDById($iUserId) |
1363: | { |
1364: | $sUUID = ''; |
1365: | |
1366: | if (\is_numeric($iUserId)) { |
1367: | $oUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); |
1368: | |
1369: | if ($oUser instanceof User) { |
1370: | $sUUID = $oUser->UUID; |
1371: | } |
1372: | } else { |
1373: | $sUUID = $iUserId; |
1374: | } |
1375: | |
1376: | return $sUUID; |
1377: | } |
1378: | |
1379: | |
1380: | |
1381: | |
1382: | |
1383: | public static function getUserPublicIdById($iUserId) |
1384: | { |
1385: | $sPublicId = ''; |
1386: | |
1387: | if (\is_numeric($iUserId)) { |
1388: | $oUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); |
1389: | if ($oUser) { |
1390: | return $oUser->PublicId; |
1391: | } |
1392: | |
1393: | } else { |
1394: | $sPublicId = $iUserId; |
1395: | } |
1396: | |
1397: | return $sPublicId; |
1398: | } |
1399: | |
1400: | |
1401: | |
1402: | |
1403: | |
1404: | public static function getUserIdByPublicId($sPublicId) |
1405: | { |
1406: | $iUserId = false; |
1407: | |
1408: | if (Api::GetSettings()->GetValue('AdminLogin') === $sPublicId) { |
1409: | return -1; |
1410: | } |
1411: | |
1412: | $user = self::getUserByPublicId($sPublicId); |
1413: | if ($user instanceof User) { |
1414: | $iUserId = $user->Id; |
1415: | } |
1416: | |
1417: | return $iUserId; |
1418: | } |
1419: | |
1420: | public static function getUserByPublicId($sPublicId, $bForce = false) |
1421: | { |
1422: | $result = null; |
1423: | if (!$bForce) { |
1424: | foreach (self::$usersCache as $user) { |
1425: | if ($user->PublicId === $sPublicId) { |
1426: | $result = $user; |
1427: | break; |
1428: | } |
1429: | } |
1430: | } |
1431: | if (!$result) { |
1432: | $result = User::where('PublicId', $sPublicId)->first(); |
1433: | if ($result) { |
1434: | self::$usersCache[$result->Id] = $result; |
1435: | } |
1436: | } |
1437: | |
1438: | return $result; |
1439: | } |
1440: | |
1441: | public static function getUserById($iUserId, $bForce = false) |
1442: | { |
1443: | try { |
1444: | if (!isset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId]) || $bForce) { |
1445: | $oUser = Managers\Integrator::getUserByIdHelper($iUserId); |
1446: | if ($oUser) { |
1447: | self::$usersCache[$iUserId] = $oUser; |
1448: | } |
1449: | } |
1450: | } catch (\Exception $oEx) { |
1451: | self::LogException($oEx); |
1452: | } |
1453: | |
1454: | return self::$usersCache[$iUserId] ?? null; |
1455: | } |
1456: | |
1457: | public static function removeUserFromCache($iUserId) |
1458: | { |
1459: | if (!isset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId])) { |
1460: | unset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId]); |
1461: | } |
1462: | } |
1463: | |
1464: | public static function getTenantById($iTenantId, $bForce = false) |
1465: | { |
1466: | try { |
1467: | if (!isset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId]) || $bForce) { |
1468: | $oTenant = Tenant::find($iTenantId); |
1469: | if ($oTenant) { |
1470: | self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId] = $oTenant; |
1471: | } |
1472: | } |
1473: | } catch (\Exception $oEx) { |
1474: | self::LogException($oEx); |
1475: | } |
1476: | |
1477: | return self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId] ?? null; |
1478: | } |
1479: | |
1480: | public static function getTenantByWebDomain() |
1481: | { |
1482: | static $bTenantInitialized = false; |
1483: | static $oTenant = null; |
1484: | |
1485: | if (!$bTenantInitialized) { |
1486: | if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { |
1487: | |
1488: | foreach (self::$tenantsCache as $tenantCache) { |
1489: | if ($tenantCache->WebDomain === $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) { |
1490: | $oTenant = $tenantCache; |
1491: | break; |
1492: | } |
1493: | } |
1494: | |
1495: | if (!$oTenant) { |
1496: | $oTenant = Tenant::firstWhere('WebDomain', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); |
1497: | if ($oTenant) { |
1498: | self::$tenantsCache[$oTenant->Id] = $oTenant; |
1499: | } |
1500: | } |
1501: | } |
1502: | $bTenantInitialized = true; |
1503: | } |
1504: | |
1505: | return $oTenant; |
1506: | } |
1507: | |
1508: | public static function removeTenantFromCache($iTenantId) |
1509: | { |
1510: | if (!isset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId])) { |
1511: | unset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId]); |
1512: | } |
1513: | } |
1514: | |
1515: | public static function setTenantName($sTenantName) |
1516: | { |
1517: | self::$aUserSession['TenantName'] = $sTenantName; |
1518: | } |
1519: | |
1520: | public static function setUserId($iUserId) |
1521: | { |
1522: | self::$aUserSession['UserId'] = (int) $iUserId; |
1523: | } |
1524: | |
1525: | public static function setAuthToken($sAuthToken) |
1526: | { |
1527: | self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'] = $sAuthToken; |
1528: | } |
1529: | |
1530: | public static function getCurrentTenant() |
1531: | { |
1532: | static $bTenantInitialized = false; |
1533: | static $oTenant = null; |
1534: | |
1535: | if (!$bTenantInitialized) { |
1536: | $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); |
1537: | |
1538: | if ($oUser && !$oUser->isAdmin()) { |
1539: | $oTenant = self::getTenantById($oUser->IdTenant); |
1540: | } |
1541: | |
1542: | if (!$oUser && !$oTenant) { |
1543: | $oTenant = self::getTenantByWebDomain(); |
1544: | } |
1545: | |
1546: | |
1547: | } |
1548: | |
1549: | return $oTenant; |
1550: | } |
1551: | |
1552: | |
1553: | |
1554: | |
1555: | |
1556: | public static function getTenantName() |
1557: | { |
1558: | static $mResult = null; |
1559: | |
1560: | if (!isset($mResult)) { |
1561: | if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && !empty(self::$aUserSession['TenantName'])) { |
1562: | $mResult = self::$aUserSession['TenantName']; |
1563: | } else { |
1564: | try { |
1565: | $oTenant = self::getCurrentTenant(); |
1566: | if ($oTenant) { |
1567: | $mResult = $oTenant->Name; |
1568: | } |
1569: | } catch (\Exception $oEx) { |
1570: | $mResult = false; |
1571: | } |
1572: | } |
1573: | |
1574: | } |
1575: | |
1576: | return $mResult; |
1577: | } |
1578: | |
1579: | public static function GetDbConfig($DbType, $DbHost, $DbName, $DbPrefix, $DbLogin, $DbPassword) |
1580: | { |
1581: | $aDbHost = \explode(':', $DbHost); |
1582: | if (isset($aDbHost[0])) { |
1583: | $DbHost = $aDbHost[0]; |
1584: | } |
1585: | $aDbConfig = [ |
1586: | 'driver' => DbType::PostgreSQL === $DbType ? 'pgsql' : 'mysql', |
1587: | 'host' => $DbHost, |
1588: | 'database' => $DbName, |
1589: | 'username' => $DbLogin, |
1590: | 'password' => $DbPassword, |
1591: | 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', |
1592: | 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', |
1593: | 'prefix' => $DbPrefix, |
1594: | ]; |
1595: | if (isset($aDbHost[1])) { |
1596: | $aDbConfig['port'] = $aDbHost[1]; |
1597: | } |
1598: | |
1599: | return $aDbConfig; |
1600: | } |
1601: | |
1602: | public static function CreateContainer($force = false) |
1603: | { |
1604: | if (!isset(self::$oContainer) || $force) { |
1605: | |
1606: | $appContainer = Container::getInstance(); |
1607: | |
1608: | |
1609: | \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::setFacadeApplication($appContainer); |
1610: | |
1611: | $appContainer['app'] = $appContainer; |
1612: | |
1613: | $appContainer['config'] = new \Illuminate\Config\Repository(); |
1614: | |
1615: | $oSettings = &Api::GetSettings(); |
1616: | if ($oSettings) { |
1617: | $capsule = new \Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager(); |
1618: | $appContainer['capsule'] = $capsule; |
1619: | $capsule->addConnection( |
1620: | self::GetDbConfig( |
1621: | $oSettings->DBType, |
1622: | $oSettings->DBHost, |
1623: | $oSettings->DBName, |
1624: | $oSettings->DBPrefix, |
1625: | $oSettings->DBLogin, |
1626: | $oSettings->DBPassword |
1627: | ) |
1628: | ); |
1629: | |
1630: | |
1631: | $capsule->setAsGlobal(); |
1632: | |
1633: | |
1634: | $capsule->bootEloquent(); |
1635: | |
1636: | $appContainer['connection'] = function ($ac) use ($capsule) { |
1637: | return $capsule->getConnection('default'); |
1638: | }; |
1639: | |
1640: | $appContainer['migration-table'] = 'migrations'; |
1641: | |
1642: | $appContainer['filesystem'] = function ($ac) { |
1643: | return new \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem(); |
1644: | }; |
1645: | |
1646: | $appContainer['resolver'] = function ($ac) { |
1647: | $r = new \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolver(['default' => $ac['connection']]); |
1648: | $r->setDefaultConnection('default'); |
1649: | return $r; |
1650: | }; |
1651: | |
1652: | $appContainer['migration-repo'] = function ($ac) { |
1653: | return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository($ac['resolver'], $ac['migration-table']); |
1654: | }; |
1655: | |
1656: | $appContainer['migrator'] = function ($ac) { |
1657: | return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator($ac['migration-repo'], $ac['resolver'], $ac['filesystem']); |
1658: | }; |
1659: | |
1660: | $appContainer['migration-creator'] = function ($ac) { |
1661: | return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator($ac['filesystem'], \Aurora\Api::RootPath() . 'Console' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stubs'); |
1662: | }; |
1663: | |
1664: | $appContainer['composer'] = function ($ac) { |
1665: | return new \Illuminate\Support\Composer($ac['filesystem']); |
1666: | }; |
1667: | |
1668: | $appContainer['console'] = function ($ac) { |
1669: | $consoleaApp = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Application(); |
1670: | |
1671: | $events = new \Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher($ac); |
1672: | |
1673: | $consoleaApp = new \Illuminate\Console\Application($ac, $events, 'Version 1.0'); |
1674: | $consoleaApp->setName('Aurora console app'); |
1675: | |
1676: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\InstallCommand($ac['migration-repo'])); |
1677: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\MigrateCommand($ac['migrator'])); |
1678: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\RollbackCommand($ac['migrator'])); |
1679: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\MigrateMakeCommand($ac['migration-creator'], $ac['composer'])); |
1680: | |
1681: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Seeds\SeedCommand($ac['resolver'])); |
1682: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Seeds\SeederMakeCommand($ac['filesystem'], $ac['composer'])); |
1683: | |
1684: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\OrphansCommand()); |
1685: | |
1686: | $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\ModelsCommand($ac)); |
1687: | |
1688: | return $consoleaApp; |
1689: | }; |
1690: | |
1691: | self::$oContainer = $appContainer; |
1692: | } |
1693: | } |
1694: | } |
1695: | |
1696: | |
1697: | |
1698: | |
1699: | public static function GetContainer($force = false) |
1700: | { |
1701: | self::CreateContainer($force); |
1702: | |
1703: | return self::$oContainer; |
1704: | } |
1705: | |
1706: | public static function CheckAccess(&$UserId) |
1707: | { |
1708: | if (self::accessCheckIsSkipped()) { |
1709: | return; |
1710: | } |
1711: | $bAccessDenied = true; |
1712: | |
1713: | $oAuthenticatedUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); |
1714: | |
1715: | if ($UserId === null) { |
1716: | $iUserId = $oAuthenticatedUser->Id; |
1717: | } else { |
1718: | $iUserId = (int) $UserId; |
1719: | |
1720: | $iUserRole = $oAuthenticatedUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User ? $oAuthenticatedUser->Role : \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous; |
1721: | switch ($iUserRole) { |
1722: | case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin): |
1723: | |
1724: | $UserId = $iUserId; |
1725: | $bAccessDenied = false; |
1726: | break; |
1727: | case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin): |
1728: | |
1729: | $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->GetUser($iUserId); |
1730: | if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { |
1731: | if ($oAuthenticatedUser->IdTenant === $oUser->IdTenant) { |
1732: | $UserId = $iUserId; |
1733: | $bAccessDenied = false; |
1734: | } |
1735: | } |
1736: | break; |
1737: | case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser): |
1738: | |
1739: | if ($iUserId === $oAuthenticatedUser->Id) { |
1740: | $UserId = $iUserId; |
1741: | $bAccessDenied = false; |
1742: | } |
1743: | break; |
1744: | case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Customer): |
1745: | case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous): |
1746: | |
1747: | break; |
1748: | } |
1749: | if ($bAccessDenied) { |
1750: | throw new ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); |
1751: | } |
1752: | } |
1753: | } |
1754: | |
1755: | public static function setCookie($name, $value, $expires = 0, $httpOnly = true, $sameSite = 'Strict') |
1756: | { |
1757: | @\setcookie( |
1758: | $name, |
1759: | $value, |
1760: | [ |
1761: | 'expires' => $expires, |
1762: | 'path' => self::getCookiePath(), |
1763: | 'domain' => '', |
1764: | 'httponly' => $httpOnly, |
1765: | 'secure' => self::getCookieSecure(), |
1766: | 'samesite' => $sameSite |
1767: | ] |
1768: | ); |
1769: | } |
1770: | |
1771: | public static function setAuthTokenCookie($authToken) |
1772: | { |
1773: | $iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime = (int) self::GetModuleManager()->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'AuthTokenCookieExpireTime'); |
1774: | $sSameSite = self::GetModuleManager()->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'CookieSameSite', 'Strict'); |
1775: | |
1776: | self::setCookie( |
1777: | \Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, |
1778: | $authToken, |
1779: | ($iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime === 0) ? 0 : \strtotime("+$iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime days"), |
1780: | true, |
1781: | $sSameSite |
1782: | ); |
1783: | } |
1784: | |
1785: | public static function unsetAuthTokenCookie() |
1786: | { |
1787: | self::setCookie( |
1788: | \Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, |
1789: | '', |
1790: | -1, |
1791: | true, |
1792: | self::GetModuleManager()->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'CookieSameSite', 'Strict') |
1793: | ); |
1794: | } |
1795: | } |
1796: | |