1: <?php
2: /**
3: * This code is licensed under AGPLv3 license or Afterlogic Software License
4: * if commercial version of the product was purchased.
5: * For full statements of the licenses see LICENSE-AFTERLOGIC and LICENSE-AGPL3 files.
6: */
8: namespace Aurora\System;
10: /**
11: * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL-3.0
12: * @license https://afterlogic.com/products/common-licensing Afterlogic Software License
13: * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019, Afterlogic Corp.
14: *
15: * @package Api
16: */
18: /**
19: * @property string $LicenseKey
20: * @property string $AdminLogin
21: * @property string $AdminPassword
22: * @property string $AdminLanguage
23: *
24: * @property \Aurora\System\Enums\DbType $DBType
25: * @property string $DBPrefix
26: * @property string $DBHost
27: * @property string $DBName
28: * @property string $DBLogin
29: * @property string $DBPassword
31: * @property bool $UseSlaveConnection
32: * @property string $DBSlaveHost
33: * @property string $DBSlaveName
34: * @property string $DBSlaveLogin
35: * @property string $DBSlavePassword
36: * @property bool $DBUseExplain
37: * @property bool $DBUseExplainExtended
38: * @property bool $DBLogQueryParams
39: * @property bool $DBDebugBacktraceLimit
41: * @property bool $EnableLogging
42: * @property bool $EnableEventLogging
43: * @property int $LoggingLevel
44: * @property string $LogFileName
45: * @property string $LogCustomFullPath
46: * @property bool $LogPostView
48: * @property bool $EnableMultiChannel
49: * @property bool $EnableMultiTenant
50: * @property string $TenantGlobalCapa
52: * @property bool $AllowThumbnail
53: * @property int $ThumbnailMaxFileSizeMb
54: * @property bool $CacheCtrl
55: * @property bool $CacheLangs
56: * @property bool $CacheTemplates
57: * @property bool $DisplayServerErrorInformation
58: * @property bool $EnableImap4PlainAuth
59: * @property bool $RedirectToHttps
60: * @property int $SocketConnectTimeoutSeconds
61: * @property int $SocketGetTimeoutSeconds
62: * @property bool $SocketVerifySsl
63: * @property bool $UseAppMinJs
64: * @property string $XFrameOptions
65: * @property bool $AllowCrossDomainRequestsFromOrigin
66: * @property bool $RemoveOldLogs
67: * @property int $RemoveOldLogsDays
68: * @property bool $LogStackTrace
69: * @property int $ExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp
71: * @property int $PasswordMinLength
72: * @property bool $PasswordMustBeComplex
74: * @property bool $StoreAuthTokenInDB
75: * @property int $AuthTokenExpirationLifetimeDays
76: */
78: class Settings extends AbstractSettings
79: {
80: protected function initDefaults()
81: {
82: $this->aContainer = [
83: 'LicenseKey' => new SettingsProperty(
84: '',
85: 'string',
86: null,
87: 'License key is supplied here'
88: ),
90: 'AdminLogin' => new SettingsProperty(
91: 'superadmin',
92: 'string',
93: null,
94: 'Administrative login'
95: ),
96: 'AdminPassword' => new SettingsProperty(
97: '',
98: 'string',
99: null,
100: 'Administrative password (empty by default)'
101: ),
102: 'AdminLanguage' => new SettingsProperty(
103: 'English',
104: 'string',
105: null,
106: 'Admin interface language'
107: ),
109: 'DBType' => new SettingsProperty(
110: Enums\DbType::MySQL,
111: 'spec',
112: Enums\DbType::class,
113: 'Database engine used. Currently, only MySQL is supported'
114: ),
115: 'DBPrefix' => new SettingsProperty(
116: 'au_',
117: 'string',
118: null,
119: 'Prefix used for database tables names'
120: ),
121: 'DBHost' => new SettingsProperty(
122: '',
123: 'string',
124: null,
125: 'Denotes hostname or socket path used for connecting to SQL database'
126: ),
127: 'DBName' => new SettingsProperty(
128: '',
129: 'string',
130: null,
131: 'The name of database in SQL server used'
132: ),
133: 'DBLogin' => new SettingsProperty(
134: 'root',
135: 'string',
136: null,
137: 'Login for SQL user'
138: ),
139: 'DBPassword' => new SettingsProperty(
140: '',
141: 'string',
142: null,
143: 'Password to access SQL database'
144: ),
146: 'UseSlaveConnection' => new SettingsProperty(
147: false,
148: 'bool',
149: null,
150: 'Set of parameters for separate read/write access to the database. If set to true, the first set of credentials will be used to write to the database while Slave credentials - to read from it'
151: ),
152: 'DBSlaveHost' => new SettingsProperty(
153: '',
154: 'string',
155: null,
156: 'Slave database hostname or socket path'
157: ),
158: 'DBSlaveName' => new SettingsProperty(
159: '',
160: 'string',
161: null,
162: 'Slave database name'
163: ),
164: 'DBSlaveLogin' => new SettingsProperty(
165: 'root',
166: 'string',
167: null,
168: 'Slave database login'
169: ),
170: 'DBSlavePassword' => new SettingsProperty(
171: '',
172: 'string',
173: null,
174: 'Slave database password'
175: ),
176: 'DBUseExplain' => new SettingsProperty(
177: false,
178: 'bool',
179: null,
180: 'Use EXPLAIN in SQL queries'
181: ),
182: 'DBUseExplainExtended' => new SettingsProperty(
183: false,
184: 'bool',
185: null,
186: 'Use Extended EXPLAIN'
187: ),
188: 'DBLogQueryParams' => new SettingsProperty(
189: false,
190: 'bool',
191: null,
192: 'If enabled, parameters values will be recorded in the logs'
193: ),
194: 'DBDebugBacktraceLimit' => new SettingsProperty(
195: false,
196: 'bool',
197: null,
198: 'This parameter can be used to limit the number of stack frames returned'
199: ),
201: 'EnableLogging' => new SettingsProperty(
202: false,
203: 'bool',
204: null,
205: 'Activates debug logging'
206: ),
207: 'EnableEventLogging' => new SettingsProperty(
208: false,
209: 'bool',
210: null,
211: 'Activates user activity logging'
212: ),
213: 'LoggingLevel' => new SettingsProperty(
214: Enums\LogLevel::Full,
215: 'spec',
216: Enums\LogLevel::class,
217: 'For debug logs, verbosity level can be set to Full, Warning or Error'
218: ),
219: 'LogFileName' => new SettingsProperty(
220: 'log-{Y-m-d}.txt',
221: 'string',
222: null,
223: 'Denotes log filename pattern'
224: ),
225: 'LogCustomFullPath' => new SettingsProperty(
226: '',
227: 'string',
228: null,
229: 'Allows for overriding log files location'
230: ),
231: 'LogPostView' => new SettingsProperty(
232: false,
233: 'bool',
234: null,
235: 'Determines whether to log full POST data or just key names'
236: ),
238: 'EnableMultiChannel' => new SettingsProperty(
239: false,
240: 'bool',
241: null,
242: 'Reserved for future use'
243: ),
244: 'EnableMultiTenant' => new SettingsProperty(
245: false,
246: 'bool',
247: null,
248: 'Enables multi tenant support'
249: ),
250: 'TenantGlobalCapa' => new SettingsProperty(
251: '',
252: 'string',
253: null,
254: 'Reserved for future use'
255: ),
257: 'AllowThumbnail' => new SettingsProperty(
258: true,
259: 'bool',
260: null,
261: 'If disabled, image thumbnails will not be generated'
262: ),
263: 'ThumbnailMaxFileSizeMb' => new SettingsProperty(
264: 5,
265: 'int',
266: null,
267: 'Denotes a max filesize of images thumbnails are generated for, in Mbytes'
268: ),
269: 'CacheCtrl' => new SettingsProperty(
270: true,
271: 'bool',
272: null,
273: 'If true, content of mail message opened in a new browser tab will be retrieved from cache'
274: ),
275: 'CacheLangs' => new SettingsProperty(
276: true,
277: 'bool',
278: null,
279: 'Enables caching language files'
280: ),
281: 'CacheTemplates' => new SettingsProperty(
282: true,
283: 'bool',
284: null,
285: 'Enables caching template files'
286: ),
287: 'DisplayServerErrorInformation' => new SettingsProperty(
288: true,
289: 'bool',
290: null,
291: 'If enabled, error messages will include texts returned from the server'
292: ),
293: 'EnableImap4PlainAuth' => new SettingsProperty(
294: false,
295: 'bool',
296: null,
297: 'Reserved for future use'
298: ),
299: 'RedirectToHttps' => new SettingsProperty(
300: false,
301: 'bool',
302: null,
303: 'If enabled, users will automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS'
304: ),
305: 'SocketConnectTimeoutSeconds' => new SettingsProperty(
306: 20,
307: 'int',
308: null,
309: 'Socket connection timeout limit, in seconds'
310: ),
311: 'SocketGetTimeoutSeconds' => new SettingsProperty(
312: 20,
313: 'int',
314: null,
315: 'Socket stream access timeout, in seconds'
316: ),
317: 'SocketVerifySsl' => new SettingsProperty(
318: false,
319: 'bool',
320: null,
321: 'Enables SSL certificate checks'
322: ),
323: 'UseAppMinJs' => new SettingsProperty(
324: true,
325: 'bool',
326: null,
327: 'Enables loading minified JS files (default behavior)'
328: ),
329: 'XFrameOptions' => new SettingsProperty(
330: '',
331: 'string',
332: null,
333: 'If set to SAMEORIGIN, disallows embedding product interface into IFrame to prevent from clickjacking attacks'
334: ),
335: 'AllowCrossDomainRequestsFromOrigin' => new SettingsProperty(
336: '',
337: 'string',
338: null,
339: 'Allows cross-domain requests and handles OPTIONS requests from specified origin. To allow request from any origin use *'
340: ),
341: 'RemoveOldLogs' => new SettingsProperty(
342: true,
343: 'bool',
344: null,
345: 'If enabled, logs older than RemoveOldLogsDays days are automatically removed'
346: ),
347: 'RemoveOldLogsDays' => new SettingsProperty(
348: 2,
349: 'int',
350: null,
351: 'Value for use with RemoveOldLogs setting'
352: ),
353: 'LogStackTrace' => new SettingsProperty(
354: false,
355: 'bool',
356: null,
357: 'If enabled, logs will contain full stack trace of exceptions; disabled by default to prevent logs from containing sensitive data'
358: ),
359: 'ExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp' => new SettingsProperty(
360: 0,
361: 'int',
362: null,
363: 'If set, all user sessions prior to this timestamp will be considered expired'
364: ),
366: 'PasswordMinLength' => new SettingsProperty(
367: 0,
368: 'int',
369: null,
370: 'Used by password change modules, if set to non-zero, denotes minimal length of new password'
371: ),
372: 'PasswordMustBeComplex' => new SettingsProperty(
373: false,
374: 'bool',
375: null,
376: 'Used by password change modules, if set to true, new password has to include at least one digit and at least one non-alphanumeric character'
377: ),
379: 'StoreAuthTokenInDB' => new SettingsProperty(
380: false,
381: 'bool',
382: null,
383: 'If enabled, authentication tokens will be stored in the database and can be revoked'
384: ),
385: 'AuthTokenExpirationLifetimeDays' => new SettingsProperty(
386: 0,
387: 'int',
388: null,
389: 'If set to non-zero value, means auth tokens will expire after this number of days. 0 means the feature is disabled.'
390: ),
391: ];
392: }
394: /**
395: * @return bool
396: */
397: public function Load($bForceLoad = false)
398: {
399: $this->initDefaults();
400: if (!\file_exists($this->sPath)) {
401: $this->Save();
402: }
404: return parent::Load($bForceLoad);
405: }
407: public function SyncConfigs()
408: {
409: $this->initDefaults();
410: $aContainer = $this->aContainer;
411: if (!\file_exists($this->sPath)) {
412: $this->Save();
413: }
414: parent::Load(true);
415: $this->aContainer = \array_merge(
416: $aContainer,
417: $this->aContainer
418: );
419: $this->Save();
420: }
422: public function Save($bBackupConfigFile = true)
423: {
424: $result = parent::Save($bBackupConfigFile);
425: if ($result) {
426: Api::CreateContainer(true);
427: }
428: return $result;
429: }
430: }