EmailAddressValidatorVerifying Event
Occurs when an e-mail address in a bulk series is about to be verified.

Namespace: MailBee.AddressCheck
Assembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.4 build 677 for .NET 4.5
public event VerifyingEventHandler Verifying


Type: MailBee.AddressCheckVerifyingEventHandler

You can use this event to filter any e-mail addresses from the bulk of addresses to be verified, such as to implement a whitelist or blacklist. Set VerifyIt to skip the particular address from verification.

Note Note
This event is never raised by Verify(String) overload which processes a single address only (rather than a bulk).
Note Note
This event is not available for .NET Core and UWP.

This sample demonstrates how to implement blacklist and whitelist. Data source is DataTable. To see how to use this event in case of IDataReader, see Verify(IDataReader, String) sample.

Note Note
For clarity, this sample marks e-mail addresses as bad or good based on a single verification attempt. In real apps, you should use multi-pass approach. See Getting started with Address Validator guide (Examining the results section) for a more accurate and advanced sample.
using System;
using System.Data;
using MailBee;
using MailBee.AddressCheck;

class Program
    const string EmailColumn = "email";
    const string StatusColumn = "good";

    // In real apps, you'll get this data table from your database.
    // In the sample, we build it directly in the code.
    private static DataTable GetDataTable()
        DataTable workTable = new DataTable();
        workTable.Columns.Add(EmailColumn, typeof(string));
        workTable.Columns.Add(StatusColumn, typeof(bool));

        // Populate the data table with several addresses. Some of them
        // (, user@local-domain, and will later
        // be determined as belonging to whitelist or blacklist.
        string[] emails = new string[] { "", "",
            "", "user@local-domain", "" };
        foreach (string email in emails)
            DataRow row = workTable.NewRow();
            row[EmailColumn] = email;
            row[StatusColumn] = false;

        return workTable;

    // This method will be executed for each e-mail address in the bulk,
    // whenever it gets verified. Those addresses for which we set VerifyIt
    // to 'false' will be skipped from further verification and Verified
    // event won't occur for them.
    private static void valid_Verifying(object sender, VerifyingEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("*** Verifying ***");
            Console.WriteLine("Email: " + e.Email);

            if (e.Email.EndsWith(""))
                // Blacklisting, mark the status of this address as bad
                // and exclude it from address checking by other methods.
                e.VerifyIt = false;
                e.Row[StatusColumn] = false;
            // Note "@local-domain" address. If we didn't exclude it, it would
            // surely have been rejected by syntax check as local domains without
            // dot in their names are not allowed by default (unless you adjust
            // EmailAddressValidator.RegexPattern value to allow such syntax).
            else if (e.Email.EndsWith("") ||
                // Whitelisting, mark the status of this address as good
                // and exclude it from address checking by other methods.
                e.VerifyIt = false;
                e.Row[StatusColumn] = true;

            // If there was whitelist or blacklist hit and we changed the status
            // of the address, we should apply the changes to the database.
            if (!e.VerifyIt)
                    string.Format("{0} status detected as {1} without verification.",
                    e.Email, (bool)e.Row[StatusColumn] ? "good" : "bad"));
                // In real app, you may need to do database Commit or Update here.
                    string.Format("{0} is neither on blacklist nor on whitelist.", e.Email));
        catch (Exception ex)
            // At least for debug purposes, it makes sense to catch all exceptions in
            // event handlers as uncaught exceptions here don't cause the app to crash.


    // This method will be executed for each e-mail address in the bulk,
    // whenever it gets verified, with either positive or negative result.
    private static void valid_Verified(object sender, VerifiedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("*** Verified ***");
            Console.WriteLine("Email: " + e.Email);
            Console.WriteLine("Result: " + e.Result.ToString());
            if (e.Reason != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Reason: " + e.Reason.Message);
            bool isAddressOK = (e.Result == AddressValidationLevel.OK);
            if ((bool)e.Row[StatusColumn] != isAddressOK)
                // If the new status differs from the previous one, update the database.
                // In real apps, you may also need to do Commit or Update.
                e.Row[StatusColumn] = isAddressOK;

            // Instead of e.Row[StatusColumn] it's better to use isAddressOK below, we use
            // e.Row[StatusColumn] just to keep the code pretty similar to valid_Verifying.
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} status detected as {1} after verification.",
                e.Email, (bool)e.Row[StatusColumn] ? "good" : "bad"));
        catch (Exception ex)
            // At least for debug purposes, it makes sense to catch all exceptions in
            // event handlers as uncaught exceptions here don't cause the app to crash.


    static void Main(string[] args)
        EmailAddressValidator valid = new EmailAddressValidator("MN110-0123456789ABCDEF-0123");

        // To perform DNS MX lookup queries, we need some DNS servers for that.

        // Logging into a file is not required for the component to work
        // but helpful for debugging and understanding things under the hood.
        valid.Log.Enabled = true;
        valid.Log.Filename = @"C:\Temp\log.txt";

        // Subscribe to events.
        valid.Verifying += new VerifyingEventHandler(valid_Verifying);
        valid.Verified += new VerifiedEventHandler(valid_Verified);

        // Run the verification in single-threaded mode (for clarity of console output).
        valid.Verify(GetDataTable(), EmailColumn);
See Also