ErrorCodes Class |
Namespace: MailBee
The ErrorCodes type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Name | Description | |
AbortedByLocalHost |
The software on the local computer has aborted the connection.
| |
AbortedByServer |
The remote host has aborted the connection.
| |
AbortedByUser |
The current operation was aborted by user.
| |
AlreadyConnected |
Already connected to the server.
| |
AlreadyLoggedIn |
Already logged in the user account on the server.
| |
AlreadySsl |
Already in SSL/TLS mode.
| |
ArgumentEmpty |
A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or an empty string/array/collection is not allowed as the argument value.
| |
ArgumentInvalid |
The specified argument value is invalid.
| |
ArgumentNull |
A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is not allowed as the argument value.
| |
ArgumentOutOfRange |
The argument value is out of range.
| |
BadCredentials |
Invalid account name and/or password was supplied for the login.
| |
BadDnsResponseHeader |
The response from the DNS server contains invalid header.
| |
BadMessageData |
The SMTP server rejected the message data sent by the client.
| |
BadRecipient |
The SMTP server refused the e-mail address of the mail message recipient.
| |
BadSender |
The SMTP server refused the e-mail address of the mail message sender.
| |
BdatRejected |
The server responded with a negative reply to BDAT command (although the server claims to support
CHUNKING extension).
| |
BdatTimeout |
Socket timeout during SMTP BDAT command.
| |
Busy |
The component is busy with lengthy or asynchronous operation.
| |
CertificateDataInvalid |
Could not restore the certificate from the supplied data.
| |
CertificateStoreWin32Error |
Win32 function related to certificate store API returned an error.
| |
CertificateValidationError |
Certificate validation failed.
| |
CertificateWin32Error |
Certificate-related Win32 function returned an error.
| |
ConnectionRefused |
The remote host refused the connection attempt initiated by the client.
| |
ConnectionReset |
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
| |
Conversion8bitTo7Bit |
7bit-to-8bit conversion of the message data is required.
| |
CryptographicException | CryptographicException occurred.
| |
CryptoPrivateKeyInvalid |
Could not decode the private key.
| |
CryptoProviderWin32Error |
Win32 function related to a crypto provider API returned an error.
| |
DataNotAllowed |
The SMTP server responded with a negative reply to the DATA command.
| |
DeadDomainSmtpMXesInCache |
It's known (from the DNS cache) that all DNS MX records for the domain point to dead hosts.
| |
DnsFailureReply |
The DNS server replied with "Server failure" status code.
| |
DnsFormatErrorReply |
The DNS server replied with "Format Error" status code.
| |
DnsInvalidQName |
The specified host name does not conform with Domain Name System rules.
| |
DnsNameErrorReply |
The DNS server replied with "Name Error" status code.
| |
DnsNotSupportedReply |
The DNS server replied with "Not Implemented" status code.
| |
DnsQueryMismatch |
The ID of the DNS server response if different from the ID of the request sent by the client.
| |
DnsQueryRefusedReply |
The DNS server replied with "Refused" status code.
| |
DnsRecursionRequired |
The DNS server must support recursion in order to complete the request.
| |
DnsUnknownReply |
The DNS server replied with unknown status code.
| |
EhloNotSupported |
The SMTP server does not support any ESMTP extensions.
| |
EmptyHostNameForDnsQuery |
Cannot perform DNS query for an empty host name.
| |
EmptyResponseLine |
The response from the server contains just a response terminator but no data.
| |
EncodingError |
An exception occurred while performing string conversion.
| |
EwsFolderAlreadyExists |
EWS folder already exists.
| |
EwsFolderNotFound |
EWS folder not found.
| |
EwsLocalException |
Client-side EWS error occurred.
| |
EwsRemoteException |
Server-side EWS error occurred.
| |
ExternalError |
The application code threw an exception while handling MailBee event.
| |
FileNotFoundException | FileNotFoundException occurred.
| |
HostDown |
The specified host is down.
| |
HostNotFound |
The specified host was not found.
| |
HostUnreachable |
There is no known network route to the specified host.
| |
IllegalContext |
The requested operation cannot be performed in the current context.
| |
IllegalInCurrentState |
The method cannot run in the current state of the object.
| |
IllegalInMultiThreadMode |
The requested operation cannot be performed in multi-thread mode.
| |
IllegalRaiseEventsMode | Wait method cannot be used if RaiseEventsViaMessageLoop is true.
| |
ImapFolderNotSelected |
This command requires a folder be selected on the IMAP4 server. Call SelectFolder(String) or ExamineFolder(String) first.
| |
ImapIdleNotSupported |
The IMAP4 server does not support IDLE capability required to go into IDLE mode.
| |
ImapMessageIndexNotFound |
The message with the specified index does not exist on the server.
| |
ImapNamespaceNotSupported |
The IMAP4 server does not support NAMESPACE capability.
| |
ImapQuotaNotSupported |
The IMAP4 server does not support QUOTA capability required to obtain account and folder quotas.
| |
ImapResponseNotFound |
No required data found in the server response.
| |
ImapSortNotSupported |
The IMAP4 server does not support SORT capability required to perform sorted search.
| |
ImapUidPlusNotSupported |
The IMAP4 server does not support UIDPLUS capability required for the current operation to complete.
| |
ImpersonationWin32Error |
Impersonation-related WinAPI function returned an error.
| |
InconsistentResponse |
The response data received from the server do not match the data previously received from the server.
| |
InternalError |
MailBee internal error. Please contact Afterlogic support team if you encounter this error.
| |
InvalidBase64DataInResponse |
The server response is expected to contain Base64 encoded data but this data cannot be decoded from base64.
| |
InvalidBinaryResponse |
The response received from the DNS server cannot be parsed.
| |
InvalidDataFormat |
The supplied data string or byte block has invalid format.
| |
InvalidDataSyntax |
The supplied data string (such as an e-mail address) has invalid syntax.
| |
InvalidDateFormat |
The supplied datetime string has invalid format.
| |
InvalidDomainInCache |
It's known (from the DNS cache) that the requested domain name does not exist.
| |
InvalidImapEnvelope |
The envelope data is corrupted or incorrect. Some properties of Envelope object
may contain invalid values.
| |
InvalidOperationException | InvalidOperationException occurred.
| |
InvalidResponse |
The response received from the server cannot be parsed.
| |
InvalidResponseItem |
A particular element of the response data cannot be parsed.
| |
IOException | IOException occurred.
| |
JobInBatchFailed |
One of the jobs in a batch failed and the component is configured to stop processing when this happens.
| |
LicenseError |
The license key is invalid or not specified.
| |
LoginWin32Error |
Win32 function related to Integrated Windows Authentication returned an error.
| |
MessageDataTooLarge |
The message is too large.
| |
NegativeResponse |
The server responded with the negative reply.
| |
NoAllowedRecipients |
The SMTP server refused the e-mail addresses of all the recipients of the mail message.
| |
NoCredentials |
No account name and/or password was supplied for the login.
| |
NoDnsAttemptsLeft |
The DNS server is down, and no more retry attempts left.
| |
NoDnsServersAvailable |
At least one DNS server IP must be registered in the system in order to start the requested operation.
| |
NoDnsServersSpecified |
At least one DNS server must be specified in order to start the requested operation.
| |
NoDomainsForMXLookup |
The list of recipient domains is empty.
| |
NoDomainsToSendFor |
The list of MX servers of recipient domains is empty.
| |
NoIP4AddressesFound |
No IPv4 compatible address has been found for the specified host.
| |
NoMessageInImapResponse |
No required mail message data found in the server response.
| |
NoOperationToEnd |
Asynchonous method completion with EndXXX method is not possible,
since no corresponding BeginXXX method has been called before.
| |
NoRecipients |
No recipients are specified for the mail message.
| |
NoSender |
No sender is specified for the mail message. No longer used.
| |
NoSmtpOrDnsServersSpecified |
At least one DNS or SMTP relay server must be specified in order to send mail.
| |
NoSmtpServersSpecified |
At least one SMTP relay server must be specified in order to start the requested operation.
| |
NoSupportedLoginMethods |
None of the requested authentication methods is supported by the server.
| |
NotConnected |
Not yet connected to the server. Call Connect first.
| |
NotHelloed |
Not yet sent initial greeting to the SMTP server. Call Hello first.
| |
NotImpersonated |
Not impersonated yet. Call LogonAs(String, String, String) first.
| |
NotLoggedIn |
Not yet logged in the user account on the server. Call Login first.
| |
ObjectReadOnly |
The object (e.g. collection) is read-only for user code.
| |
OK |
No error.
| |
OleDocBuildingError |
An OLE2 building error occurred.
| |
OleDocParsingError |
An OLE2 parsing error occurred.
| |
OutlookPstParsingError |
Outlook .PST file parsing error occurred.
| |
Pop3AuthCommandUnknown |
The POP3 server does not support optional AUTH command. SASL authentication will be disabled.
| |
Pop3CapaCommandUnknown |
The POP3 server does not support optional CAPA command. Certain POP3 extensions will be disabled.
| |
ProxyAuthMethodsNotAccepted |
None of the methods listed by the client to the proxy server are acceptable.
| |
ProxyConnectionDeclined |
The proxy server declined to act as a proxy gateway for the given client.
| |
ProxyGssApiAuthFailed |
Proxy GSSAPI authentication Failed.
| |
ProxyUserPassAuthFailed |
Proxy Username/Password authentication failed.
| |
ResponseTimeout |
The operation was aborted because the total response time exceeded the limit set by the application.
| |
SaslAnswerRejected |
The server refused the authentication data sent by the client. Authentication failed.
| |
SmimeWin32Error |
S/MIME-related Win32 function returned an error.
| |
SocketDisposed |
The Socket object was unexpectedly closed.
| |
SocketException | SocketException occurred.
| |
SocketTimeout |
The network operation has timed out.
| |
SslNegoAuthException |
SSL negotiation failed with AuthenticationException.
| |
SslNegoException |
SSL negotiation failed with Exception.
| |
SslNegoIOException |
SSL negotiation failed with IOException.
| |
SslNegoNotSupportedException | ||
SslWin32Error |
SSL-related Win32 function returned an error.
| |
StartTlsNotAvailable |
The server does not advertize STARTTLS extension.
| |
StreamCannotRead |
The supplied Stream object cannot be read.
| |
StreamCannotWrite |
The supplied Stream object cannot be written to.
| |
TnefAttributeChecksumInvalid |
Invalid checksum on TNEF attribute.
| |
TnefAttributeLevelInvalid |
Invalid TNEF attribute level.
| |
TnefCompressedRtfCrc32Failed |
Compressed-RTF CRC32 failed.
| |
TnefCompressedRtfDataSizeMismatch |
Compressed-RTF data size mismatch.
| |
TnefCompressedRtfHeaderInvalid |
Invalid compressed-RTF header.
| |
TnefGuidInvalid |
Invalid TNEF Guid.
| |
TnefLevelTypeInvalid |
Invalid TNEF level type.
| |
TnefMapiPropTypeInvalid |
Invalid MAPI property type of TNEF data.
| |
TnefMapiTypeUnknown |
Unknown MAPI type of TNEF data.
| |
TnefMapiValueInvalid |
Invalid MAPI property value of TNEF data.
| |
TnefSignatureInvalid |
The supplied data does not have a valid TNEF signature.
| |
TnefUnexpectedEndOfStream |
Unexpected end of TNEF stream.
| |
TnefUnknownRtfCompressionType |
Unknown compression type.
| |
UnauthorizedAccessException | UnauthorizedAccessException occurred.
| |
Unknown |
Unknown error.
| |
UnsupportedLoginMethod |
The requested authentication method is not supported by the server.
| |
WebException | WebException occurred.
| |
XmlException | XmlException occurred.
The MailBee classes implementing LastResult property are:
The following table lists all the error codes in ascending order: