EwsItem Properties

The EwsItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBcc
Gets a reference to the collection of BCC e-mail addresses.
Public propertyBodyHtmlText
Gets the HTML body text of the given message.
Public propertyBodyPlainText
Gets the plain-text body text of the given message.
Public propertyCc
Gets a reference to the collection of CC e-mail addresses.
Public propertyCodePage
Codepage used to compose the message.
Public propertyDate
Gets the date and time when the message was composed.
Public propertyDateReceived
Gets the date and time when the message was received by the mail server.
Public propertyDatesAsUtc
Indicates if MailBee should return date and time according to UTC standard.
Public propertyFrom
Gets a reference to From e-mail address.
Public propertyId
Gets the EWS item ID.
Public propertyIsRead
Gets or sets read/unread status of the mail message.
Public propertyMailBeeMessage
Gets a reference to MailBee's MailMessage object representing the mail message.
Public propertyNativeItem
Get a reference to EWS Managed API Item representing the given EWS item.
Public propertyNativeMessage
Gets a reference to EWS Managed API EmailMessage object representing the mail message.
Public propertyReplyTo
Gets a reference to Reply-To e-mail address.
Public propertySize
The size of the item in bytes.
Public propertySubject
Get the subject of the given message.
Public propertyTo
Gets a reference to the collection of To e-mail addresses.
Public propertyUniqueId
Gets the Unique-ID string.
See Also