ImapBeginDownloadEnvelopes Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Begins an asynchronous request for downloading the specified message elements (envelopes, flags, body structures, entire messages or message headers, etc) from the currently selected folder.

Namespace: MailBee.ImapMail
Assembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.4 build 677 for .NET 4.5
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete in .NET 4.5+. Use DownloadEnvelopesAsync instead.")]
public IAsyncResult BeginDownloadEnvelopes(
	string messageIndexSet,
	bool indexIsUid,
	EnvelopeParts parts,
	int bodyPreviewSize,
	string[] extraHeaders,
	string[] extraItems,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	Object state


Type: SystemString
A message sequence string containing ordinal message numbers or UIDs. Can be composed manually or using ToString.
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, messageIndexSet is treated as a sequence of UIDs; otherwise, as a sequence of ordinal message numbers.
Type: MailBee.ImapMailEnvelopeParts
Specifies which message elements or attributes to download.
Type: SystemInt32
If parts includes MessagePreview flag, specifies the length of the message body section (in bytes) to be downloaded in addition to the message header section; if 0, only the message header is downloaded; if -1 or -2, the entire message is downloaded. -1 is the only option which also sets Seen flag marking the message as read.
Type: SystemString
The array of names of message headers to be downloaded, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if additional headers are not needed.
Type: SystemString
The array of additional FETCH request items to download, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if additional FETCH items are not needed.
Type: SystemAsyncCallback
The AsyncCallback delegate. You can leave it a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you do not use callbacks.
Type: SystemObject
An object that contains state information for this request. You can leave it a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

Return Value

Type: IAsyncResult
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous downloading of envelopes or other message elements.
MailBeeInvalidStateExceptionThere is already an operation in progress.
This WinForms sample demonstrates asynchronous downloading of all new messages in the Inbox folder. The messages are downloaded completely (with attachments, text parts, etc) and saved into "C:\Temp" folder. The message flags are downloaded as well. For each message, the sample prints saved file name and flags into Output window (it's visible when the application is being run in debug mode).
// To use the code below, import MailBee namespaces at the top of your code.
using MailBee;
using MailBee.ImapMail;

// Put the code below inside your class.

// The actual code.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    Imap imp = new Imap();

    // We do not subscribe to any events in this sample, so we do not
    // need to care about them. However, if you decide to subscribe to
    // an event and your application will block message loop thread
    // using imp.Wait() method, you should uncomment the next line
    // to tell MailBee not to use message loop thread for raising events
    // and use imp.Wait() method instead of ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(). 
    // imp.RaiseEventsViaMessageLoop = false;

    // Connect to the server, login and select inbox.
    imp.Login("jdoe", "secret");

    // Obtain UIDs of new messages (messages which are recent and unseen).
    UidCollection uids = (UidCollection)imp.Search(true, "NEW", null);

    EnvelopeCollection envs = null;

    if (uids.Count > 0)
        // Asynchronously download entire messages and their flags.
        IAsyncResult ar = imp.BeginDownloadEnvelopes(uids.ToString(), true,
            EnvelopeParts.MessagePreview | EnvelopeParts.Flags, -1,
            null, null, null, null);

        // Wait until the asynchronous download completes. Note: this call
        // blocks UI. Thus, if you subscribe to any events, you'll got a
        // deadlock (because events will be raised only after message loop thread
        // gets un-blocked again, while WaitOne() method which blocked the message
        // loop will wait until all events get raised). The solution is to set
        // imp.RaiseEventsViaMessageLoop to false and use imp.Wait() method
        // instead of ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() method.

        // Get downloaded envelopes (messages + flags).
        envs = imp.EndDownloadEnvelopes();

    // Demonstrate that we may disconnect before finished with processing
    // of downloaded envelopes. Although in most samples we disconnect in
    // the very end of the code, it's more efficient to disconnect once the
    // connection is no longer needed. For instance, it may take considerable
    // amount of time to save downloaded messages in the folder (see below).
    // During this time, the connection with the server will just waste system
    // resources since the connection is not actually required any longer.
    // The same optimization can be applied to all other MailBee components.

    if (envs != null)
        // Save all downloaded messages into "C:\Temp" folder.
        // Each filename is generated as message's UID + ".eml".
        foreach (Envelope env in envs)
            string filename = env.Uid + ".eml";
            env.MessagePreview.SaveMessage(@"C:\Temp\" + filename);

            // To see this report in VS.NET environment, run the sample
            // in debug mode and monitor the contents of Output window.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Message #" + env.MessageNumber +
                " having (" + env.Flags.ToString() + ") flags set was saved as " +
See Also