MessageParserConfig Properties

The MessageParserConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAHRefCleanup
Gets or sets the options of processing <A HREF> tags in the HTML body.
Public propertyCode exampleAHRefSuffix
Gets or sets a string which should be added to all <A HREF> tags as their attribute.
Public propertyCode exampleAutoSaveHtmlMode
Gets or sets if (and how) the HTML body of the message should be saved to disk.
Public propertyCharsetConverter
Gets the object which controls charset conversions of string values of MailMessage properties when these values are returned to the application.
Public propertyCode exampleCharsetMetaTagMode
Gets or sets if (and how) <META> tags should be processed.
Public propertyDatesAsUtc
Indicates whether MailBee should return datetime values adjusted to UTC (GMT) timezone.
Public propertyEncodingDefault
Gets or sets Encoding to use when the charset is not specified in the e-mail message.
Public propertyEncodingOverride
Gets or sets Encoding to use for decoding the message headers and text body parts from bytes to strings.
Public propertyFixCrLf
Enables MailBee to replace single Lf characters with CrLf when extracting the plain-text body during parsing the message.
Public propertyCode exampleHeadersAsHtml
Gets or sets whether the message headers should be returned as HTML.
Public propertyCode exampleHtmlToPlainMode
Gets or sets the mode which specifies if the HTML body should be automatically converted into the plain text.
Public propertyCode exampleHtmlToPlainOptions
Gets or sets the options which affect how the HTML body of the message gets converted into plain text.
Public propertyCode exampleHtmlToSimpleHtmlMode
Gets or sets the mode which specifies when the HTML part of the message should be converted into simple HTML (plain text converted into HTML).
Public propertyCode exampleHtmlToSimpleHtmlOptions
Gets or sets the options which affect how the HTML part of the message gets converted into simple HTML.
Public propertyCode exampleParseHeaderOnly
Gets or sets if only the headers of the message should be parsed.
Public propertyCode examplePlainToHtmlMode
Gets or sets if the plain-text body of the message should be automatically converted into HTML.
Public propertyCode examplePlainToHtmlOptions
Gets or sets options which affect how the plain-text message body gets converted into HTML.
Public propertyCode examplePlainToHtmlQuotationTag
Gets or sets the string containing the tag to be used for highlighting quotations in the message.
Public propertyCode exampleWorkingFolder
Gets or sets the path to the temporary folder where the files related to the message should be stored.
Public propertyWriteUtf8ByteOrderMark
Gets or sets if MailBee should add UTF-8 BOM when saving HTML files in UTF-8 encoding.
See Also