MimePart Properties

The MimePart type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleBoundary
Gets the string which delimits MIME parts nested into this part.
Public propertyCode exampleCharset
Gets the name of the character encoding of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode exampleContentID
Gets the Content-ID value of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode exampleContentLocation
Gets the content location of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode exampleContentType
Gets the content type of the MIME part as a string.
Public propertyCode exampleDescription
Gets the content description of the MIME part as a string.
Public propertyCode exampleDisposition
Gets the content disposition of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode exampleFilename
Gets the filename of the MIME part as specified in the message.
Public propertyCode exampleHeaders
Gets or sets the collection of the MIME part headers.
Public propertyCode exampleIsComplete
Indicates whether the MIME part of the message was received completely.
Public propertyCode exampleIsFile
Indicates whether the MIME part is a file.
Public propertyCode exampleIsInline
Indicates whether the MIME part is inline.
Public propertyCode exampleIsMessageInside
Indicates whether the MIME part is an encapsulated mail message.
Public propertyCode exampleIsRelated
Indicates whether the MIME part is related to other MIME parts of this message.
Public propertyCode exampleMailEncodingOriginal
Gets the name of the mail transfer encoding of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets the name of the MIME part.
Public propertyCode examplePartType
Gets the category of the MIME part content.
Public propertyCode exampleRawHeader
Gets a string containing the header section of the MIME part in the original form.
Public propertyCode exampleSize
Gets the size of the MIME part content in bytes.
Public propertyCode exampleSubParts
Gets the collection of all immediate sub-parts of the MIME part.
See Also