PstMessagePstFields Property |
Namespace: MailBee.Outlook
The below are PST fields keys for Message items. Each key represents a particular property of this PST item. Most values are optional so that you need to check if the particular key exists with ContainsKey(Object) method (Hashtable.ContainsKey).
Name | Type |
MessageClass | String |
ClientSubmitTime | DateTime |
ReceivedByName | String |
SentRepresentingName | String |
SentRepresentingAddressType | String |
SentRepresentingEmailAddress | String |
ConversationIndex | Byte[] |
ConversationTopic | String |
ReceivedByAddressType | String |
ReceivedByAddress | String |
TransportMessageHeaders | String |
Read | Boolean |
Unmodified | Boolean |
Submitted | Boolean |
Unsent | Boolean |
FromMe | Boolean |
Associated | Boolean |
Resent | Boolean |
AcknowledgementMode | Int32 |
OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested | Boolean |
ReadReceiptRequested | Boolean |
RecipientReassignmentProhibited | Boolean |
OriginalSensitivity | String |
Sensitivity | Int32 |
RcvdRepresentingName | String |
OriginalSubject | String |
ReplyRecipientNames | String |
MessageToMe | Boolean |
MessageCcMe | Boolean |
MessageRecipMe | String |
ResponseRequested | Boolean |
SentRepresentingAddrtype | String |
OriginalDisplayBcc | String |
OriginalDisplayCc | String |
OriginalDisplayTo | String |
RcvdRepresentingAddrtype | String |
RcvdRepresentingEmailAddress | String |
NonReceiptNotificationRequested | Boolean |
OriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested | Boolean |
RecipientType | Int32 |
ReplyRequested | Boolean |
SenderName | String |
SenderAddrtype | String |
SenderEmailAddress | String |
MessageSize | Int64 |
AttachSize | Int32 |
AttachNum | Int32 |
InternetArticleNumber | Int32 |
URLCompNamePostfix | Int32 |
ObjectType | Int32 |
DeleteAfterSubmit | Boolean |
Responsibility | Boolean |
RtfInSync | Boolean |
UrlCompNameSet | Boolean |
DisplayBcc | String |
DisplayCc | String |
DisplayTo | String |
MessageDeliveryTime | DateTime |
RtfSyncBodyCrc | Int32 |
RtfSyncBodyCount | Int32 |
RtfSyncBodyTag | String |
RtfSyncPrefixCount | Int32 |
RtfSyncTrailingCount | Int32 |
InternetMessageId | String |
InReplyToId | String |
ReturnPath | String |
IconIndex | Int32 |
ActionFlag | Int32 |
ActionDate | DateTime |
DisableFullFidelity | Boolean |
URLCompName | String |
AttrHidden | Boolean |
AttrSystem | Boolean |
AttrReadonly | Boolean |
TaskStartDate | DateTime |
TaskDueDate | DateTime |
Flagged | Boolean |
HasForwarded | Boolean |
HasReplied | Boolean |
When you get this PST object as MailMessage using GetAsMailMessage method, these fields will be added to the resulting message as "X-Msg-" + PstFieldName headers. Example is "X-Msg-MessageToMe". Each field value will be converted into a string.