MailBee.Pop3Mail Namespace

MailBee.Pop3Mail namespace contains classes and enumerations which can be used by your applications to download mail messages from a POP3 server. Another supported operations are deleting mail from the server, sending custom commands to the server, authenticating using secure methods, and more.

MailBee supports POP3 PIPELINING, which greatly (up to 1000% and more) increases performance of downloading or deleting multiple messages.

Pop3Mail.Pop3 (main class of this namespace) is declared as a component, which means you can also just drop it onto your application form instead of creating an instance in the code.

"Quick" methods are also supported, which allows you to download mail from the server in a single line of code.

The component has built-in support for secure connections (TLS/SSL) and proxy servers (SOCKS4/SOCKS5/HTTP).

In UWP apps, use async methods. This platform has very limited sync I/O support.

Public classMailBeePop3LoginBadCredentialsException
The exception that is thrown when the POP3 server reports the given user account name and/or password is incorrect.
Public classMailBeePop3LoginBadMethodException
The exception that is thrown when the POP3 server reports the given SASL authentication method is not supported and use of another authentication methods is not allowed by the application.
Public classMailBeePop3LoginNegativeResponseException
An abstract parent for all exceptions which indicate the POP3 server replied with a negative response during authentication of the user.
Public classMailBeePop3NegativeResponseException
The exception that is thrown when the POP3 server responds with a negative reply (i.e. -ERR).
Public classMailBeePop3OptionalCommandNotSupportedException
The exception that is thrown when the POP3 server responds with a negative reply to an optional POP3 command.
Public classCode examplePop3
Provides properties and methods for connecting to a POP3 server and downloading and deleting e-mail messages from a user account inbox.
Public classPop3MessageDataChunkReceivedEventArgs
Contains the event data for MessageDataChunkReceived event.
Public classPop3MessageDownloadedEventArgs
Contains the event data for MessageDownloaded event.
Public delegatePop3MessageDataChunkReceivedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle MessageDataChunkReceived event.
Public delegatePop3MessageDownloadedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle MessageDownloaded event.
Public enumerationPop3InboxPreloadOptions
Specifies which elements of the mailbox statistics to download immediately after successful logging in the mailbox.