MailBee.SmtpMail Namespace |
MailBee.SmtpMail namespace contains classes, interfaces and enumerations which can be used by your applications to send mail messages using SMTP protocol. Mail messages can be sent to SMTP relay server, directly to end recipients servers (via DNS MX lookup), or to both. Backup servers can be specified for increased reliability of send mail operations. Another supported operations are submitting messages to MailBee Message Queue or IIS SMTP pickup folder, sending custom commands to the server, authenticating using secure methods, and more.
MailBee supports many popular ESMTP extensions (including PIPELINING), which greatly increases performance of sending messages.
SmtpMail.Smtp (main class of this namespace) is declared as a component, which means you can also just drop it onto your application form instead of creating an instance in the code.
"Quick" methods are also supported, which allows you to send mail in a single line of code.
Powerful mail merge (bulk mailing) capabilities with database support allow sending large volumes of e-mails. Concept of jobs allows the developer to assign a job (which consists of processing a single mail or mail merge), process it, analyze the results, and optionally retry processing failed e-mails again.
The component has built-in support for secure connections (TLS/SSL) and proxy servers (SOCKS4/SOCKS5/HTTP).
Some features (mostly, mail merge over database) are not supported in .NET Core and UWP. Also, UWP apps must use async methods whenever possible.
Class | Description | |
DeliveryNotificationOptions |
Provides properties and methods which control how and when ESMTP
Delivery Status Notifications (DSN) are sent.
| |
DirectSendServerConfig |
Provides properties which specify SMTP server settings to be used by Smtp
component for SMTP servers found through MX lookup.
| |
MailBeeDnsRecordsDisabledException |
The exception that is thrown when there was an attempt to request DNS records for a
non-existent domain or a domain which is dead.
| |
MailBeeMXRecordsDisabledException |
The exception that is thrown when there was an attempt to request DNS MX records for a
non-existent domain or a domain whose SMTP MX servers are not responsive.
| |
MailBeeSmtp8bitDataNotSupportedException |
The exception that is thrown when the message contains 8bit data while the SMTP server
is capable of transmitting 7bit data only.
| |
MailBeeSmtpLoginBadCredentialsException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server reports the given user account name
and/or password is incorrect.
| |
MailBeeSmtpLoginBadMethodException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server reports the given ESMTP SASL authentication
method is not supported and use of another authentication methods is not allowed by the
| |
MailBeeSmtpLoginNegativeResponseException |
An abstract parent for all exceptions which indicate the SMTP server replied with a negative
response during authentication of the user.
| |
MailBeeSmtpMessageNotAllowedException |
An abstract parent for all exceptions that are thrown when the component determines
the message could not be submitted to the SMTP server even before starting the actual submission.
| |
MailBeeSmtpMessageSizeOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when the component determines the size of the message data
exceeds the maximum size allowed by the SMTP server.
| |
MailBeeSmtpNegativeResponseException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server responds with a negative reply
(4xx or 5xx, such as 501).
| |
MailBeeSmtpNoAcceptedRecipientsException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server refuses all the recipients submitted
during the send mail operation.
| |
MailBeeSmtpOptionalCommandNotSupportedException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server responds with a negative reply to
an optional SMTP command.
| |
MailBeeSmtpRefusedDataException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server refuses the message data submitted
by the client or even refuses to start receiving the message data from the client.
| |
MailBeeSmtpRefusedRecipientException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server refuses to deliver the mail message
to the specified recipient.
| |
MailBeeSmtpRefusedSenderException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server refuses to deliver the mail message
from the specified sender.
| |
MailBeeSmtpSendNegativeResponseException |
The exception that is thrown when the SMTP server responds with a negative reply
(4xx or 5xx, such as 501) during send mail operation.
| |
SendMailJob |
Represents a task to send (or submit to the pickup folder) a single e-mail message
or a series of e-mail messages created as a mail merge of a data table and an e-mail template.
| |
SendMailJobCollection |
Represents a collection of assigned tasks of sending e-mails.
| |
Smtp |
Provides properties and methods for sending messages using the SMTP protocol.
| |
SmtpFinishingJobEventArgs |
Contains the event data for FinishingJob event.
| |
SmtpMergingMessageEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MergingMessage event.
| |
SmtpMessageDataChunkSentEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageDataChunkSent event.
| |
SmtpMessageDirectSendDoneEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageDirectSendDone event.
| |
SmtpMessageMXLookupDoneEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageMXLookupDone event.
| |
SmtpMessageNotSentEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageNotSent event.
| |
SmtpMessageRecipientSubmittedEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageRecipientSubmitted event.
| |
SmtpMessageSenderSubmittedEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageSenderSubmitted event.
| |
SmtpMessageSentEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageSent event.
| |
SmtpMessageSubmittedToPickupFolderEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageSubmittedToPickupFolder event.
| |
SmtpMessageSubmittedToServerEventArgs |
Contains the event data for MessageSubmittedToServer event.
| |
SmtpSendingMessageEventArgs |
Contains the event data for SendingMessage event.
| |
SmtpServer |
Represents an SMTP relay server to which the mail messages will be sent.
| |
SmtpServerCollection |
Represents a sorted collection of SmtpServer objects.
| |
SmtpSubmittingMessageToPickupFolderEventArgs |
Contains the event data for SubmittingMessageToPickupFolder event.
| |
SmtpTransientErrorOccurredEventArgs |
Contains the event data for TransientErrorOccurred event.
Interface | Description | |
IMailBeeNegativeSmtpResponseException |
When implemented by an exception class, indicates the SMTP server returned negative response.
The response data is available in text (i.e. string) form, and SMTP response status code is also available.
| |
IMailBeeSendException |
When implemented by an exception class, indicates the exception is related to send mail
operation. The list of the recipients, the sender e-mail address, and the mail
message itself is available.
| |
IMailBeeSmtpSendException |
When implemented by an exception class, indicates the exception is related to send mail
to an SMTP server.
| |
IMailBeeSmtpSendNeedsResetException |
When implemented by an exception class, indicates RSET command was issued to the SMTP
server to reset SMTP session and prepare it for sending another message.
Enumeration | Description | |
DsnNotifyCondition |
Specifies events that trigger ESMTP server to send delivery status notification
back to the sender of the message.
| |
DsnReturnPortion |
Specifies how much of the original message is returned with the delivery status notification
when the message delivery fails.
| |
ExtendedSmtpOptions |
Provides flags specifying which ESMTP extensions will be enabled during SMTP session.
| |
SendFailureThreshold |
Specifies whether TestSend(SendFailureThreshold) method should report error if sending
failed to at least one recipient, or to all recipients.
| |
Smtp8bitDataConversion |
Defines the available actions to perform when the message contains 8bit data when
the SMTP server does not support transmission of 8bit data.
| |
TestSendResult |
Provides values returned by TestSend(SendFailureThreshold) method as
the result of test send operation.