Receiving message headers from POP3 server (Part
Downloading the list of messages
Summary: Demonstrates using
POP3 object for building messages' list without downloading entire messages.
Tutorial map:
Part 1 - Downloading the list of messages
Part 2 - Detecting attachments
Part 3 - Retrieve a few body lines
along with the headers
Many e-mail applications give users ability to select the messages to be retrieved
from the list of messages available in the mailbox on the server. To build this
list it's required to get some preview information on each message in the mailbox.
For POP3, this information is message header.
Retrieving headers for all the messages in the mailbox
RetrieveHeaders method
of POP3 object retrieves headers for all messages in the mailbox, and returns
Messages collection which represents
message list (if an error occurs, returned value is Nothing). Messages
are returned in the same order they are located in the mailbox: first message
is oldest, last is newest.
The sample code below prints "From:" fields of all messages in the
Code example:
<% Dim objPOP3, objMsg, colMsgs Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3") objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here" ' Connect to POP3 server If objPOP3.Connect("", 110, "user", "pass") Then ' Download headers for all messages Set colMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders If objPOP3.IsError Then ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc Else For Each objMsg In colMsgs ' Print "From:" field for each e-mail in the mailbox. ' We use HTMLEncode to convert '<' and '>' chars ' which often appear in e-mail addresses. Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objMsg.FromAddr) & "<br>" Next End If objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If %>
Reverse-order iterating through the
collection of retrieved headers
It's often required to display messages in the order different from the order
they appear in the returned collection. Another case is when you need to learn
index of particular message for further processing (e.g. delete particular message
from the server).
To iterate through the collection in arbitrary way, you can use For..To..Step
syntax instead of simple but not flexible For..Each
The sample code below differs from the previous sample in that it prints "From:"
values in reverse order (from newest messages to oldest ones) using For..To..Step
syntax. Additionally, it deletes from the mailbox the messages having "remove"
word in the "Subject:" field.
Code example:
<% Dim objPOP3, colMsgs, I Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3") objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here" ' Connect to POP3 server If objPOP3.Connect("", 110, "user", "pass") Then ' Download headers for all messages Set colMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders If objPOP3.IsError Then ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc Else ' For each e-mail in the mailbox, starting from latest... For I = colMsgs.Count To 1 Step -1 ' Display "From:" field Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(colMsgs(I).FromAddr) & "<br>" If colMsgs(I).Subject = "remove" Then ' Delete message with "remove" in Subject objPOP3.DeleteMessage I End If Next End If objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If %>
Retrieving headers for the particular message
Sometimes you might need to download headers for particular messages only. Common
cases are:
Code example:
<% Dim objPOP3, objMsg, I, N, B1, B2, K Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3") objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here" ' Connect to POP3 server If objPOP3.Connect("", 110, "user", "pass") Then ' Start from message #21 N = 21 ' Retrieve 10 message headers: from #21 to #30 K = 10 ' Lower boundary of the range to retrieve B1 = N ' Upper boundary of the range to retrieve B2 = N + K - 1 ' Limit upper boundary by ordinal position ' of the last message in the mailbox If B2 > objPOP3.MessageCount Then B2 = objPOP3.MessageCount End If ' Loop through messages in the specified range For I = B1 To B2 ' Get message headers Set objMsg = objPOP3.RetrieveSingleMessageHeaders(I) If objPOP3.IsError Then ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc Else ' Display "From:" field Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objMsg.FromAddr) & "<br>" End If Next objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Handle errors Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If %>
See Also:
2 (Detecting attachments)
RetrieveHeaders Method
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