Receiving message headers from POP3 server (Part
Retrieve a few body lines along with the
Summary: Demostrates how to
get a few lines of the body in addition to message headers when retrieving the
list of messages from POP3 server.
Tutorial map:
Part 1 - Downloading the list of
Part 2 - Detecting attachments
Part 3 - Retrieve a few body lines along with the headers
In some cases, you may need to get somewhat more than just message headers.
Often, contents of "From:" and "Subject:" fields don't answer
"what is the message about?" question.
Fortunately, RetrieveHeaders
and RetrieveSingleMessageHeaders
methods support optional parameter BodyLinesCount which specifies how
many lines of the body to retrieve in addition to the headers.
The larger BodyLinesCount, bigger piece of the body is returned and more
traffic is produced. If BodyLinesCount is larger then actual number of
body lines in the message, the entire message is returned. Typically, 20-40
lines of the body describe the message quite enough.
Note: Avoid setting BodyLinesCount to very
small values (less than 20). Many e-mail messages have some special (non-textual)
information in the first 5-10 lines of the body while the actual body text starts
after these lines.
Detailed information on partial messages internals
Note: You may immediatel go to the sample
code and skip reading this topic unless you want to deal with partial
messages in advanced ways.
For MailBee parser (the module which converts messages into Message
objects), there is no difference between entire or partial messages. Available
content is fully parsed anyway. Thus, if retrieved piece of the message contains
any attachments, they will be parsed and added into Attachments
collection but the size and the contents of the attachment will be incorrect
if the attachment is not entirely received. Those attachments which didn't fall
into the scope of retrieved piece, will not be appended to Attachments
collection at all. In other words, MailBee puts into Message object all
the information available in the partial message even if the information on
some part of the message is incomplete.
So, if you have 1 attachment (named "abc.gif" and sized 1234 bytes)
in retrieved partial message, you can guarantee that full message contains AT
LEAST one attachment (named "abc.gif") and the size of this attachment
is NOT LESS THAN 1234 bytes.
However, if you have 2 attachments in retrieved partial message, you can guarantee
that first attachment is retrieved completely and its size and contents correspond
to real values. This is due the fact that attachments located in the message
and added to Attachments collection sequentially, so each new object
guarantees that previous object is finished.
Be aware that text bodies do not behave the same since they often depend on
each other while attachments are independent. E.g. retrieved piece contains
part of the plain-text body but the message itself is HTML-formatted (its HTML
part just did not fall into retrieved piece). Such message will appear as plain-text
(BodyFormat=0) or HTML (BodyFormat=1)
when retrieved with different BodyLinesCount value.
On other hand, if HTML body is first part and it was partially loaded while
plain-text part was not loaded at all (BodyLinesCount is not large),
the plain-text part will be generated by MailBee using "HTML-to-plaintext"
tool. Increasing BodyLinesCount will cause HTML part to be retrieved
completely and plain-text part - partially. Now plain-text body will be taken
from partially retrieved plain-text part, not from HTML part plained by MailBee.
Briefly speaking, the information such as body/attachment content or size can
be incomplete and greatly dependent on BodyLinesCount value for partial
Note: Message size (Message.Size
property) is ALWAYS correct even if only message headers are retrieved. MailBee
gets the message size using special POP3 command.
Sample code description
The sample code below gets message headers + 100 first lines of the body part
and adds first line of the text body to ListBox control. The sample performs
this for each message in the mailbox.
Code example:
' You can place the code below into any Sub or Function of your app Dim objPOP3, objMsg, colMsgs ' First line of the text body Dim strLine Set objPOP3 = CreateObject("MailBee.POP3") objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here" ' Connect to POP3 server If objPOP3.Connect("", 110, "user", "pass") Then ' Download headers + 100 body lines Set colMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders(1, -1, 100) If objPOP3.IsError Then ' Handle errors MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc Else For Each objMsg In colMsgs ' Store available body text lines in the variable strLine = objMsg.BodyText ' Keep only 1 line of all available body text If InStr(strLine, vbCrLf) > 0 Then strLine = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, vbCrLf)) End If ' Add first line of the body to ListBox List1.AddItem strLine Next End If objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Handle errors MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If
See Also:
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