Detecting attachments

Visual Basic Code | ASP Code

The sample detects whether any attachments are present for each message in the mailbox.

To get attachments status, only message headers are retrieved.

HasAttachments property of Message object is a key property of this sample.

Note: Seldom, message headers say that attachments are present but there are really no any attachments. Download of entire message (not just headers) makes HasAttachments property to be 100%-accurate.

[Visual Basic]:

Dim objPOP3, objMsg, objMsgs, I

' Create POP3 object
Set objPOP3 = CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")

' Unlock POP3 object
objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set POP3 server name
objPOP3.ServerName = ""

' Set user credentials
objPOP3.UserName = "username"
objPOP3.Password = "password"

' Connect to the server and log in the mailbox
If objPOP3.Connect Then

  ' Download headers for all messages
  Set objMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders

  If Not objPOP3.IsError Then
    ' Display notification for messages with attachments
    For I = 1 To objMsgs.Count
      If objMsgs(I).HasAttachments Then
        MsgBox "Message #" & I & " has attachments"
      End If
    ' Display error information
    MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc
  End If

  ' Close the connection
  ' Display error information
  MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode
  MsgBox "Server response: " & objPOP3.ServerResponse
End If


Dim objPOP3, objMsg, objMsgs

' Create POP3 object
Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")

' Unlock POP3 object
objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set POP3 server name
objPOP3.ServerName = ""

' Set user credentials
objPOP3.UserName = "username"
objPOP3.Password = "password"

' Connect to the server and log in the mailbox
If objPOP3.Connect Then

  ' Download headers for all messages
  Set objMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders

  If Not objPOP3.IsError Then
    ' Display notification for messages with attachments
    For I = 1 To objMsgs.Count
      If objMsgs(I).HasAttachments Then
        Response.Write "Message #" & I & " has attachments<br>"
      End If
    ' Display error information
   Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc
  End If

  ' Close the connection
  ' Display error information
  Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & "<br>"
  Response.Write "Server response: " & objPOP3.ServerResponse
End If
See Also:
Message.HasAttachments Property


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