Aurora Corporate allows for syncing your contacts and calendars, using Outlook Sync Plugin.
The plugin supports Outlook 2010/2013/2016 and newer, 32/64-bit. it can sync personal, global and collected contacts, as well as personal and shared calendars. Requires Windows 7 or newer, with .NET Framework 4.5 or newer.
Download plugin
Configuring DAV server is required.
If your Windows user does not have admin privileges, download this package, extract its content and run OutlookSync.vsto file.
Performing the sync
Upon installing the add-in, you should be able to find "Start Sync" button, or "AfterLogic Sync" in legacy version.
When the button is pressed, two-way sync of contacts and calendars is performed between Aurora and Outlook.
When you press it for the first time, you'll be prompted to enter sync parameters. You need to supply DAV server name, your email address and password are used as credentials.
If you need to reconfigure those settings, that can be done under in the following way:
- In Outlook 2010/2013: Outlook Options / Add-Ins / AfterLogic Sync Add-In
- In Outlook 2016: Add-Ins / Settings
You can enable logging of the plugin in Logging tab of Add-Ins / Settings. You can select logging level there, and whether new log file should start every day or every session.
Logs are stored under %AppData%\AfterLogic\OutlookSync\Logs directory. Example for Windows 10 64-bit:
Issues in Outlook 2013/2016 - Special characters / Shared calendars
There is a known issue specific to Outlook 2013 and 2016, creating calendars containing "." in their names is not possible - even if you create such calendar manually. So if you have a calendar in Aurora and its name contains that character, sync process will be aborted.
NB: When you use calendar sharing, shared calendar will have email address automatically appended to the name, and since it will always contain "." characters, make sure you perform the following steps; otherwise syncing shared calendars with Outlook will NOT work.
A workaround is to set default data file to PST:
- File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings...
- Select the Data Files tab.
- Press Add...
- Select to create an Outlook data file (.pst).
- Set it as the default.
- Confirm the warning dialog.
- Restart Outlook.
Issues in Outlook 2016
By default, Outlook 2016 restricts amount of time for loading plugins. Outlook Sync plugin, however, requires a few seconds to start.
To work around that, make sure Outlook Sync plugin is explicitly removed from the list of blocked plugins.