1: <?php
2: /**
3: * This code is licensed under AGPLv3 license or Afterlogic Software License
4: * if commercial version of the product was purchased.
5: * For full statements of the licenses see LICENSE-AFTERLOGIC and LICENSE-AGPL3 files.
6: */
8: namespace Aurora\Modules\Core\Models;
10: use Aurora\System\Classes\Model;
11: use Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\Channel;
13: /**
14: * The Core Tenant class.
15: *
16: * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL-3.0
17: * @license https://afterlogic.com/products/common-licensing Afterlogic Software License
18: * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Afterlogic Corp.
19: *
20: * @property int $Id Object primary key
21: * @property int $IdChannel ID of the channel this tenant belongs to
22: * @property bool $IsDisabled If set, the tenant is disabled
23: * @property bool $IsDefault If set, it's a default tenant
24: * @property string $Name Tenant name
25: * @property string $Description Tenant description
26: * @property string $WebDomain Tenant web domain setting
27: * @property int $UserCountLimit @Deprecated since 9.7.0
28: * @property string $Capa @Deprecated since 9.7.0
29: * @property bool $AllowChangeAdminEmail @Deprecated since 9.7.0
30: * @property bool $AllowChangeAdminPassword @Deprecated since 9.7.0
31: * @property int $Expared @Deprecated since 9.7.0
32: * @property string $PayUrl @Deprecated since 9.7.0
33: * @property bool $IsTrial @Deprecated since 9.7.0
34: * @property string $LogoUrl @Deprecated since 9.7.0
35: * @property string $CalendarNotificationEmailAccount @Deprecated since 9.7.0
36: * @property string $InviteNotificationEmailAccount @Deprecated since 9.7.0
37: * @property array $Properties Custom properties for use by other modules
38: */
39: class Tenant extends Model
40: {
41: protected $table = 'core_tenants';
42: protected $moduleName = 'Core';
44: protected $foreignModel = Channel::class;
45: protected $foreignModelIdColumn = 'IdChannel'; // Column that refers to an external table
47: protected $parentType = \Aurora\System\Module\Settings::class;
49: protected $parentInheritedAttributes = [
50: 'Files::UserSpaceLimitMb'
51: ];
53: /**
54: * The attributes that are mass assignable.
55: *
56: * @var array
57: */
58: protected $fillable = [
59: 'Id',
60: 'IdChannel',
61: 'IsDisabled',
62: 'IsDefault',
63: 'Name',
64: 'Description',
65: 'WebDomain',
66: 'UserCountLimit',
67: 'Capa',
68: 'AllowChangeAdminEmail',
69: 'AllowChangeAdminPassword',
70: 'Expared',
71: 'PayUrl',
72: 'IsTrial',
73: 'LogoUrl',
74: 'CalendarNotificationEmailAccount',
75: 'InviteNotificationEmailAccount',
76: 'Properties'
77: ];
79: /**
80: * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
81: *
82: * @var array
83: */
84: protected $hidden = [
85: ];
87: protected $casts = [
88: 'Properties' => 'array',
90: 'IsDisabled' => 'boolean',
91: 'IsDefault' => 'boolean',
92: 'AllowChangeAdminEmail' => 'boolean',
93: 'AllowChangeAdminPassword' => 'boolean',
94: 'IsTrial' => 'boolean'
95: ];
97: protected $attributes = [
98: ];
100: protected $appends = [
101: 'EntityId'
102: ];
104: /**
105: * Returns tenant ID
106: *
107: * return int
108: */
109: public function getEntityIdAttribute()
110: {
111: return $this->Id;
112: }
113: }