The Event type exposes the following members.


Public methodEvent
Constructs an Event object, with an ICalendarObject (usually an iCalendar object) as its parent.


Public methodAddChild
Adds an ICalendarObject-based object as a child of the current object.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodAddProperty(CalendarProperty)
Adds a property to this component.
(Inherited from CalendarComponent.)
Public methodAddProperty(String, String)
Adds a property to this component.
(Inherited from CalendarComponent.)
Public methodClearEvaluation (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodCopy<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Creates a copy of the object.
(Inherited from CalendarObjectBase.)
Public methodCopyFrom (Inherited from CalendarComponent.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public methodGetOccurrences(DateTime) (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodGetOccurrences(IDateTime) (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodGetOccurrences(DateTime, DateTime) (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodGetOccurrences(IDateTime, IDateTime) (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodGetService(String) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodGetService(Type) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodGetService<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsActive
Determines whether or not the Event is actively displayed as an upcoming or occurred event.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOccursAt
Use this method to determine if an event begins at a given date and time.
Public methodOccursOn
Use this method to determine if an event occurs on a given date.
Note Note This event should be called only after the [!:Evaluate] method has calculated the dates for which this event occurs.
Protected methodOnChildAdded (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Protected methodOnChildRemoved (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Protected methodOnDeserialized (Overrides UniqueComponent..::..OnDeserialized(StreamingContext).)
Protected methodOnDeserializing (Overrides RecurringComponent..::..OnDeserializing(StreamingContext).)
Public methodOnLoaded (Inherited from CalendarObjectBase.)
Protected methodOnUIDChanged (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public methodPollAlarms()()()() (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodPollAlarms(IDateTime, IDateTime) (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChild
Removed an ICalendarObject-based object from the Children collection.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodRemoveService(String) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodRemoveService(Type) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodSetService(Object) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodSetService(String, Object) (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAlarms
A list of Alarms for this recurring component.
(Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyAttachments (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyAttendees (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyCalendar
Returns the iCalendar that this ICalendarObject belongs to.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyCategories (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyChildren
A collection of ICalendarObjects that are children of the current object.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyClass (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyColumn (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyComments (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyContacts (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyCreated (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyDescription (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyDTEnd
The end date/time of the event.
Note Note If the duration has not been set, but the start/end time of the event is available, the duration is automatically determined. Likewise, if an end time and duration are available, but a start time has not been set, the start time will be extrapolated.
Public propertyDTStamp (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyDTStart
The start date/time of the event.
Note Note If the duration has not been set, but the start/end time of the event is available, the duration is automatically determined. Likewise, if the end date/time has not been set, but a start and duration are available, the end date/time will be extrapolated.
(Overrides RecurringComponent..::..DTStart.)
Public propertyDuration
The duration of the event.
Note Note If a start time and duration is available, the end time is automatically determined. Likewise, if the end time and duration is available, but a start time is not determined, the start time will be extrapolated from available information.
Public propertyEnd
An alias to the DTEnd field (i.e. end date/time).
Protected propertyEvaluationIncludesReferenceDate (Overrides RecurringComponent..::..EvaluationIncludesReferenceDate.)
Public propertyExceptionDates (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyExceptionRules (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyGeographicLocation
The geographic location (lat/long) of the event.
Public propertyiCalendar (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyIsAllDay
Returns true if the event is an all-day event.
Public propertyIsLoaded (Inherited from CalendarObjectBase.)
Public propertyKey (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyLastModified (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyLine (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyLocation
The location of the event.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the ICalendarObject. For iCalendar components, this is the RFC 5545 name of the component.


  • Event - "VEVENT"
  • Todo - "VTODO"
  • TimeZone - "VTIMEZONE"
  • etc.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyOrganizer (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyParent
Returns the parent ICalendarObject that owns this one.
(Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public propertyPriority (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyProperties
Returns a list of properties that are associated with the iCalendar object.
(Inherited from CalendarComponent.)
Public propertyRecurrenceDates (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyRecurrenceID (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyRecurrenceRules (Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyRelatedComponents (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyRequestStatuses (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyResources
Resources that will be used during the event.


Conference room #2


Public propertySequence (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyStart
An alias to the DTStart field (i.e. start date/time).
(Inherited from RecurringComponent.)
Public propertyStatus
The status of the event.
Public propertySummary (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyTransparency
The transparency of the event. In other words, whether or not the period of time this event occupies can contain other events (transparent), or if the time cannot be scheduled for anything else (opaque).
Public propertyUID (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)
Public propertyUrl (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)


Public eventChildAdded (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public eventChildRemoved (Inherited from CalendarObject.)
Public eventLoaded (Inherited from CalendarObjectBase.)
Public eventUIDChanged (Inherited from UniqueComponent.)

See Also