MailBee.NET Queue  

Using MailBee.NET Queue Control Panel

Basic functions

You can use MailBee.NET Queue Control Panel to set up and start Windows service of MailBee.NET Queue, stop and remove this service from the services list, and perform some basic configuration and maintenance of MailBee.NET Queue. This includes setting the license key, setting the folders which will be used as the .EML files pickup folder and the folder for bad e-mails which could not be sent, SMTP relay server configuration, accessing log files.

To start MailBee.NET Queue Control Panel, click .NET Queue Control Panel link in MailBee.NET Queue Start Menu application.

Main Tab

License Key - enter a valid trial or permanent MailBee.NET Queue key here. MailBee.NET Queue simply passes this key to MailBee.NET SMTP component which is being used internally for all mail operations. Thus, any valid key for MailBee.NET SMTP component will work as MailBee.NET Queue key. If you have a unified key for the entire MailBee.NET Objects bundle, it will work as well.

Queue Root - a folder on the local filesystem where MailBee.NET Queue will store its data folders. These folders include the pickup folder and the bad folder. Log files folder also resides in the Queue Root.

Pickup Folder - you cannot set it manually, it's always the "Pickup" sub-folder of the Queue Root folder. This is the folder where your applications will write .EML files representing e-mails pending for delivery.

Bad Folder - you cannot set it manually, it's always the "Bad" sub-folder of the Queue Root folder. This is the folder where MailBee.NET Queue moves the e-mails which could not be sent.

Max Threads - if 1, MailBee.NET Queue will use only a single thread to make connections in order to deliver e-mails through SMTP connections. Using multiple threads (up to 60 supported) may greatly improve the overall performance.

Test button - allows you to quickly check if the license key you entered is correct.

Browse button - allows you to select another Queue Root folder.

Retry Bads button - moves all .EML files from Bad folder back to Pickup folder.

Start and Stop buttons - install/start and stop/remove MailBee.NET Queue Windows service. You can also use links in MailBee.NET Queue folder of Start/Programs menu.

Save Settings button - saves all the settings (from Main and other tabs) to the XML app.config file which resides in the folder where MailBee.NET Queue is installed (e.g. C:\MailBeeNetQueue\app.config). You can also edit this file manually to fine-tune the configuration.


Server Name - MailBee.NET Queue will use this SMTP relay server to deliver e-mails. In case if you want to deliver e-mails via multiple SMTP relay servers, via DNS MX lookup or use backup servers you need to edit app.config file manually.

Port - usually, 25. For SSL-only mail services like Gmail, the port is usually 465.

SSL Mode - depends on SSL settings of your mail server. If no SSL, port 25 or 587 is usually used. For SSL-only case, port 465 is the most common setting. For STARTTLS modes when the connection starts in non-SSL mode and then switches in SSL with STARTTLS command, ports 25 or 587 are used most often.

Authentication - most mail servers require clients to authenticate themselves in order to permit relaying e-mails to external domains. Specify your SMTP login and password if your server does not relay from anonymous users.

Max Simultaneous Connections - how many connections (max.) MailBee.NET Queue can make to the given SMTP server simultaneously. Many servers allow only a few simultaneous connections from a single IP address. Makes sense only if Max Threads on Main tab is not 1.

Max E-mails per Session - how many e-mails (max.) MailBee.NET Queue can send through a single SMTP session. Many servers limit this value (or they can limit the total number of recipients of all e-mails sent through a single SMTP session).

Pause Between Sessions - the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between two successive SMTP sessions. Many servers do not allow making connections too often. You also combine this with Max E-mails per Session parameter to adjust the overall throughput of MailBee.NET Queue. For instance, if Pause Between Sessions is 500 (or 0.5 sec) and Max E-mails per Session is 3, MailBee.NET Queue will send up to 6 e-mails per second (up to 3 e-mails every 0.5 sec).

Disable CHUNKING - The ESMTP extension called CHUNKING can increase sending performance but sometimes it causes problems (for instance, MS Exchange server with Tar Pitting enabled significantly delays its SMTP responses if the client is using CHUNKING). This is because CHUNKING is often used by spammers to increase throughput of their e-mail clients while most legitimate e-mail clients like Outlook still don't use it.

Logging Tab

Log Filename - the path to the file where MailBee.NET Queue will log all its activities. The path may include {...} block which is treated in a special way. For instance, {yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm} will result in changing the log filename every minute. This allows for splitting the log into multiple files. Note: the log filename does not actually change until the current portion of the e-mails which are being sent right now is finished.

You can also view, clear, enable or disable logging here. Note that using logging slightly degrades performance and consumes disk space (MailBee.NET Queue produces very detailed logs, 1-2KB per e-mail sent).

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