Global Properties

The Global type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAutodetectPortAndSslMode
Gets or sets whether MailBee should override SSL mode and/or port to use when it detects well-known mail server hostname (like or port number (like 995).
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultCulture
Gets or sets the default CultureInfo to be used for string comparisons and conversions.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultEncoding
Gets or sets the default Encoding to be used for byte-to-string and string-to-byte conversions when no encoding is specified.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultServerName
Gets or sets the default mail server name to be used when no server name specified.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultTimeout
Gets or sets the default timeout value (in milliseconds) of all MailBee classes which allow the developer to set timeout value.
Public propertyStatic memberDnsMaxFailureCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of seriated failures of the DNS server required in order to consider the DNS server down.
Public propertyStatic memberDnsNextAttemptInterval
Gets or sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) the failed DNS server spends in quarantine.
Public propertyStatic memberDnsPort
Gets or sets the port on which to communicate with DNS servers.
Public propertyStatic memberDnsServers
Gets the list of DNS servers to use in addition to any DNS servers in the config file.
Public propertyStatic memberFipsMode
Gets or sets if MailBee must disable security algorithms which are not FIPS-compliant.
Public propertyStatic memberFixBadDates
Gets or sets if MailBee should attempt to fix bad datetime values instead of throwing an exception.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleLicenseKey
Assigns the license key.
Public propertyStatic memberLocalSmtpMXServerName
Gets or sets the default SMTP MX server name to be used to send mail in direct send mode to the recipients whose e-mail address contains no domain part.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxMultiLineDataLength
Gets or sets the maximum length (in bytes) of the multi-line data (request to a server or response from a server) which will be inserted into the log without truncation.
Public propertyStatic memberPipelining
Gets or sets whether pipelining (joining commands in batches) must be enabled by default.
Public propertyStatic memberPreferIPv4Hosts
Gets or sets whether MailBee should try to connect to IPv4 endpoints before IPv6 endpoints when connecting to mail servers.
Public propertyStatic memberPreserveMimePartOrder
Gets or sets whether MailBee should put plain-text and HTML part before any other text parts.
Public propertyStatic memberPrivateDataCover
Gets or sets the string to be used instead of the actual password data in the log when HidePasswords is true.
Public propertyStatic memberSafeMode
Gets or sets whether safe mode (prefer compatibility instead of performance) must be ENABLED by default.
Public propertyStatic memberTcpBufSize
Gets or sets the default size (in bytes) of TCP buffer.
Public propertyStatic memberUnwrappedLineLengthLimit
Gets or sets the minimum length of a line which needs wrapping.
Public propertyStatic memberVersion
Gets the version of the MailBee assembly.
See Also