MailBee.ImapMail Namespace

MailBee.ImapMail namespace contains classes and enumerations which can be used by your applications to manipulate mails and folders on an IMAP4 server. This includes downloading messages and IMAP4 envelopes (including customized download of certain parts of messages), uploading, deleting, copying and moving messages between folders, setting flags, search for messages matching the given criteria, folders management, sending custom commands to the server, authenticating using secure methods, and more.

MailBee supports a number of IMAP4 extensions which increase performance and expand the set of available features.

ImapMail.Imap (main class of this namespace) is declared as a component, which means you can also just drop it onto your application form instead of creating an instance in the code.

"Quick" methods are also supported, which allows you to download mail from the server in a single line of code.

The component has built-in support for secure connections (TLS/SSL) and proxy servers (SOCKS4/SOCKS5/HTTP).

In UWP apps, use async methods. This platform has very limited sync I/O support.

Public classCode exampleEnvelope
Represents an IMAP4 envelope of a mail message (including any other related information such as body structure, message flags, the mail message itself, etc).
Public classEnvelopeCollection
Provides properties and methods for examining, extending, and reversing the collection of the Envelope objects.
Public classFolder
Represents a folder (mailbox in IMAP4 terms) of the account on the mail server.
Public classFolderCollection
Provides properties and methods for examining the collection of the Folder objects.
Public classFolderQuota
Represents a resource usage and quota indicator for the entire account or a single folder of this account.
Public classFolderStatus
Provides properties used to examine the status of a single folder of the mail account.
Public classCode exampleImap
Provides properties and methods for connecting to an IMAP4 server, downloading, searching, and managing folders and e-mail messages in a user account.
Public classImapBodyStructure
Represents a structure of a MIME part of a mail message.
Public classImapBodyStructureCollection
Provides properties and methods for examining the collection of the ImapBodyStructure objects.
Public classImapEnvelopeDataChunkReceivedEventArgs
Contains the event data for EnvelopeDataChunkReceived event.
Public classImapEnvelopeDownloadedEventArgs
Contains the event data for EnvelopeDownloaded event.
Public classImapIdlingEventArgs
Contains the event data for Idling event.
Public classImapMessageStatusEventArgs
Contains the event data for MessageStatus event.
Public classImapNamespace
Represents the description of a single IMAP namespace.
Public classImapNamespaceCollection
Provides properties and methods for examining the collection of ImapNamespace objects.
Public classImapNamespaceCollectionSet
Provides access to the lists of namespaces defined for the current e-mail account.
Public classImapServerStatusEventArgs
Contains the event data for ServerStatus event.
Public classImapUtils
Provides static methods useful for processing IMAP4 strings, dates, folder names, etc.
Public classMailBeeImapInvalidEnvelopeException
The exception that is thrown when MailBee encounters FETCH response which could not be completely parsed.
Public classMailBeeImapLoginBadCredentialsException
The exception that is thrown when the IMAP server reports the given user account name and/or password is incorrect.
Public classMailBeeImapLoginBadMethodException
The exception that is thrown when the IMAP server reports the given SASL authentication method is not supported and use of another authentication methods is not allowed by the application.
Public classMailBeeImapLoginNegativeResponseException
An abstract parent for all exceptions which indicate the IMAP server replied with a negative response during authentication of the user.
Public classMailBeeImapMessageIndexNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when the message with the specified index cannot be downloaded because this index does not correspond to any message in the currently selected folder on the server.
Public classMailBeeImapNegativeResponseException
The exception that is thrown when the IMAP server responds with a negative reply (i.e. "BAD" or "NO").
Public classMailBeeImapResponseNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when the IMAP server did not return the expected response.
Public classMessageFlagSet
Represents a set of flags of a mail message.
Public classMessageIndexCollection
Represents an abstract list of indices (such as ordinal message numbers or UIDs) of mail messages.
Public classMessageNumberCollection
Represents a list of ordinal message numbers of mail messages.
Public classUidCollection
Represents a list of UIDs of mail messages.
Public classUidPlusResult
Represents a set of UIDs assigned to the copied or uploaded messages and other related information returned by the IMAP4 server which supports UIDPLUS extension.
Public delegateImapEnvelopeDataChunkReceivedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle EnvelopeDataChunkReceived event.
Public delegateImapEnvelopeDownloadedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle EnvelopeDownloaded event.
Public delegateImapIdlingEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle Idling event.
Public delegateImapMessageStatusEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle MessageStatus event.
Public delegateImapServerStatusEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle ServerStatus event.
Public enumerationEnvelopeParts
Public enumerationFolderFlags
Defines the standard flags which can be set or examined for IMAP4 folders (mailboxes).
Public enumerationMessageFlagAction
Defines actions to be performed with the message flags.
Public enumerationSystemMessageFlags
Defines the standard (system) flags which can be set or examined for mail messages in the folder.