MailMergeTargets Enumeration |
Defines mail message elements where patterns should be searched and replaced with actual values
during mail merge operation.
Namespace: MailBee.MimeAssembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.5.0 build 687 for .NET 4.5
public enum MailMergeTargets
Public Enumeration MailMergeTargets
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No elements.
| BodyPlainText | 1 |
The plain-text body of the message.
| BodyHtmlText | 2 |
The HTML body of the message.
| From | 4 |
The From field.
| ReplyTo | 8 |
The ReplyTo field.
| Recipients | 16 |
The To, Cc, Bcc fields.
| Subject | 32 |
The Subject field.
| Other | 64 |
All other parts of the message excluding attachments. Examples are custom headers and text body parts.
| All | 127 |
All message elements listed above.
RemarksMailMerge.Replace method performs search and replacement
in the parts of the message specified by
targets parameter (which has
MailMergeTargets type).
MailMergeTargets has no effect on attachments. This is because
Replace(String, String)
method can add attachments only if their patterns have been added through
AddAttachmentPattern(String) method.
See Also