Certificate Properties

The Certificate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAsX509Certificate
Gets the certificate as X509Certificate2 object.
Public propertyCode exampleEmailAddress
Gets the e-mail address of the certificate principal.
Public propertyCode exampleHasPrivateKey
Gets whether the certificate has a private key.
Public propertyCode exampleIssuedBy
Gets the name of the certification authority that issued the X.509 certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleIssuedTo
Gets the name of the entity this certificate was issued to.
Public propertyCode exampleIssuerDetails
Gets the name of the certification authority which issued this X.509 certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleKeyAlgorithmString
Gets a string containing OID of algorithm used to generate a public key of X.509 certificate.
Public propertyLastResult
Gets a numeric code of the last error.
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets the details about the principal to which the certificate was issued.
Public propertyPublicKey
Gets a public key for X.509 certificate as a byte array.
Public propertyCode examplePublicKeyString
Gets a string containing a public key for X.509 certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleRawData
Gets the raw X.509 certificate data as a byte array.
Public propertySerialNumber
Gets the serial number of the X.509-formatted certificate as a byte array.
Public propertyCode exampleSerialNumberString
Gets the serial number of the X.509-formatted certificate as a string.
Public propertyCode exampleSignatureAlgorithm
Gets the information about cryptographic algorithm used to sign the certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleSubject
Gets the subject of X.509 certificate.
Public propertySubjectAlternativeName
Gets the subject's alternative name of X.509 certificate.
Public propertyThrowExceptions
Gets or sets whether the object will throw exceptions on errors.
Public propertyThumbprint
Gets the thumbprint of a certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleValidFromDate
Gets the date the certificate is valid from.
Public propertyCode exampleValidToDate
Gets the date the certificate certificate is no longer valid from.
See Also