SendMailJob Properties

The SendMailJob type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDsnSettings
Gets a reference to the delivery status notification settings for the mail message (or their patterns for mail merge jobs).
Public propertyErrorReason
Gets the reason of the error which prevented the mail message from being sent or submitted to the pickup folder.
Public propertyIsMessageSent
Gets if the message was successfully sent or submitted to the pickup folder.
Public propertyMergeDataReader
Gets the data reader for the mail merge.
Public propertyMergeDataReaderColumnNames
Gets the array of all fields' names of the current row of the data reader.
Public propertyMergeDataReaderRowValues
Gets the array of all fields' values of the current row of the data reader.
Public propertyMergedDsnSettings
Gets a reference to the delivery status notification settings produced by mail merge process.
Public propertyMergedMessage
Gets a reference to the mail message produced as a result of mail merge of the template with a data row.
Public propertyMergedRecipients
Gets the list of the actual recipients produced by mail merge process.
Public propertyMergedSenderEmail
Gets the actual sender e-mail address string produced by mail merge process.
Public propertyMergeRowIndex
Gets the index of the data row used for mail merge of this message.
Public propertyMergeTable
Gets the data table for the mail merge.
Public propertyMessage
Gets a reference to the mail message object to be sent or merged.
Public propertyMessageFilename
Gets the path of the e-mail file which contain the message to be sent.
Public propertyPreferXSenderXReceiver
Gets if "X-Sender" and "X-Receiver" message headers have priority over any other method of specifying sender and recipients for this message.
Public propertyRecipients
Gets the list of the actual recipients of the mail message (or its pattern for mail merge jobs).
Public propertySenderEmail
Gets the actual sender e-mail address string (or its pattern for mail merge jobs).
Public propertyTag
Gets the tag assigned by the developer to this job.
See Also