Smtp8bitDataConversion Enumeration
Defines the available actions to perform when the message contains 8bit data when the SMTP server does not support transmission of 8bit data.

Namespace: MailBee.SmtpMail
Assembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.5.0 build 687 for .NET 4.5
public enum Smtp8bitDataConversion
  Member nameValueDescription
DoNothing0 Do not care about 8bit-to-7bit conversion. The fastest setting.
ConvertAndWarn1 Check if the SMTP server supports 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME extensions. If they are supported, no conversion will be made. If they are not supported, convert the data into 7bit and raise ErrorOccurred warning event passing MailBeeSmtp8bitDataNotSupportedException as Reason parameter value, and also put the corresponding message into the log if logging is enabled.
ConvertAndForget2 Check 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME availibility and silently convert the data into 7bit if 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME not supported.
WarnOnly3 Check 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME availibility and, if they are not supported, raise ErrorOccurred warning event passing MailBeeSmtp8bitDataNotSupportedException as Reason parameter value, and also put the corresponding message into the log if logging is enabled.
ThrowException4 Check 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME availibility and, if they are not supported, throw MailBeeSmtp8bitDataNotSupportedException.

The developer can set this action via Conversion8BitTo7bit property.

All modes other than DoNothing will either take advantage of 8BITMIME (RFC1426) and BINARYMIME (RFC1830.4) extensions (so that no 8bit-to-7bit conversion will be made) or do 8bit-to-7bit conversion (or throw exceptions, raise warning events, etc) if the SMTP server does not support these extensions or MailBee was configured to operate in classic SMTP mode with all ESMTP extensions disabled (see SmtpOptions for details).

See Also