Smtp Events

The Smtp type exposes the following members.

Public eventCode exampleConnected
Occurs when the connection with the server is successfully established.
Public eventCode exampleDataReceived
Occurs when data is received from the network.
Public eventCode exampleDataSent
Occurs when data is sent to the network.
Public eventCode exampleDisconnected
Occurs when the connection with the server gets closed.
Public eventDisposed
Occurs after the component was disposed.
Public eventCode exampleErrorOccurred
Occurs when the MailBeeException is thrown.
Public eventFinishingJob
Occurs when the component is about to finish a job of sending an individual e-mail message or a mail merge series.
Public eventCode exampleHostResolved
Occurs when the SMTP server name is successully resolved into IP address(es).
Public eventCode exampleLoggedIn
Occurs when the component successfully authenticates the user on the SMTP server and logs in the user account.
Public eventCode exampleLogNewEntry
Occurs when an entry is written into the log file (or into the memory buffer if Smtp.Log.MemoryLog is true).
Public eventCode exampleLowLevelDataReceived
Occurs when data is received from the connected socket.
Public eventCode exampleLowLevelDataSent
Occurs when data is sent to the connected socket.
Public eventCode exampleMergingMessage
Occurs when the component is about to merge the e-mail template with a single data table row.
Public eventCode exampleMessageDataChunkSent
Occurs on progress of sending message source data to the SMTP server.
Public eventCode exampleMessageDirectSendDone
Occurs in direct send mode when the component finished submitting the mail message to all SMTP MX servers of recipients domains.
Public eventCode exampleMessageMXLookupDone
Occurs in direct send mode after the component finished DNS MX lookup of SMTP MX servers of recipients domains.
Public eventCode exampleMessageNotSent
Occurs when the message was not sent due to an error.
Public eventCode exampleMessageRecipientSubmitted
Occurs each time the next recipient in the mail message recipients list is accepted or refused by the SMTP server.
Public eventCode exampleMessageSenderSubmitted
Occurs after the sender of the mail message was successfully submitted to the SMTP server.
Public eventCode exampleMessageSent
Occurs after the message was successfully sent.
Public eventCode exampleMessageSubmittedToPickupFolder
Occurs after the current message was saved to MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP pickup folder.
Public eventCode exampleMessageSubmittedToServer
Occurs each time the message is successfully submitted to the SMTP server.
Public eventCode exampleSendingMessage
Occurs when the message is about to be sent.
Public eventCode exampleSocketConnected
Occurs when the SMTP server accepts the connection attempt and opens the transmission channel between the remote host (SMTP server) and the client (MailBee).
Public eventCode exampleSocketCreating
Occurs when MailBee needs a new socket object for establishing a connection with the SMTP server.
Public eventCode exampleSubmittingMessageToPickupFolder
Occurs when the message is about to be saved into MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP pickup folder.
Public eventCode exampleTlsStarted
Occurs when the connection with the server becomes secure.
Public eventCode exampleTransientErrorOccurred
Occurs on a transient SMTP error which can be ignored because at least one fail-over SMTP server hasn't been tried yet.
See Also