SmtpMessageNotSentEventArgs Properties

The SmtpMessageNotSentEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualSenderEmail
Gets the e-mail address of the sender of the mail message.
Public propertyIntendedRecipients
Gets the list of recipients the message is addressed to.
Public propertyMailMessage
Gets the mail message which could not be sent.
Public propertyMergeDataReader
Gets the reference to the data reader used for mail merge of this message.
Public propertyMergeDataReaderColumnNames
Gets the array of all fields' names of the current row of the data reader.
Public propertyMergeDataReaderRowValues
Gets the array of all fields' values of the current row of the data reader.
Public propertyMergeRowIndex
Gets the index of the data row used for mail merge of this message.
Public propertyMergeTable
Gets the reference to the data table used for mail merge of this message.
Public propertyReason
Gets the exception describing the error which prevented the message from being sent.
Public propertyState
Gets a reference to the object which was supplied by the developer in state parameter of asynchronous methods of the mailer components.
(Inherited from CommonEventArgs.)
Public propertyTag
Gets the tag assigned by the developer to SendMailJob of processing the given message.
See Also