Smtp Methods

The Smtp type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbort
Forces MailBee to cancel all pending operations and close all opened connections as soon as possible.
Public methodCode exampleAddAttachment
Reads the specified file from disk and adds it as attachment to the message.
Public methodAddAttachmentAsync
async/await version of AddAttachment(String).
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, EmailAddressCollection)
Puts an e-mail message onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, MailMessage, String, EmailAddressCollection)
Puts the specified e-mail message onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, EmailAddressCollection, DataTable)
Puts a "mail merge over database" job onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, EmailAddressCollection, IDataReader)
Puts a "mail merge over database" job onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, Boolean, String, EmailAddressCollection)
Puts the e-mail message stored in an .EML file onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, EmailAddressCollection, IDataReader, Boolean, Boolean)
Puts a "mail merge over data reader" job onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAddJob(String, String, EmailAddressCollection, DataTable, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Puts a "mail merge over database" job onto waiting list for subsequent processing in bulk mode.
Public methodCode exampleAuthPopBeforeSmtp
Authenticates the user on a mail server using POP-before-SMTP authentication.
Public methodAuthPopBeforeSmtpAsync
Public methodCode exampleBeginAuthPopBeforeSmtp Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for a POP-before-SMTP authentication on a mail server.
Public methodCode exampleBeginConnect Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for connecting to an SMTP server.
Public methodBeginDisconnect Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for a disconnection from the server.
Public methodCode exampleBeginExecuteCustomCommand Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for sending the specified user-defined command to the server and getting the response.
Public methodCode exampleBeginHello Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for sending initial greeting to the SMTP server.
Public methodCode exampleBeginLogin Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for authenticating the user on the SMTP server.
Public methodCode exampleBeginRelayFromEmlFile Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for relaying a mail message to recipients.
Public methodCode exampleBeginSend Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request for sending a mail message to recipients.
Public methodCode exampleBeginSendJobs Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request to process the pending jobs and send out the resulting e-mails.
Public methodCode exampleBeginStartTls Obsolete.
Begins an asynchronous request to start TLS/SSL negotiation with the server.
Public methodCode exampleConnect
Connects to an SMTP server.
Public methodConnectAsync
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects from the SMTP server and releases any used resources.
Public methodDisconnectAsync
Public methodDispose
Closes opened network connections (if any) and releases any used system resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
When overridden in a derived class, must release unmananged and optionally managed resources used by the component.
Public methodEndAuthPopBeforeSmtp
Ends the pending asynchronous request for POP-before-SMTP authentication on a mail server.
Public methodEndConnect
Ends the pending asynchronous request for connecting to the SMTP server.
Public methodEndDisconnect
Ends a pending asynchronous disconnection request.
Public methodEndExecuteCustomCommand
Ends the pending asynchronous request for sending user-defined command to the server.
Public methodEndHello
Ends the pending asynchronous request for sending a greeting to the SMTP server.
Public methodEndLogin
Ends the pending asynchronous request for authenticating the user on the SMTP server.
Public methodEndRelayFromEmlFile
Ends the pending asynchronous request for relaying the message to the recipients.
Public methodEndSend
Ends the pending asynchronous request for sending the message to the recipients.
Public methodEndSendJobs
Ends the pending asynchronous request for processing the pending jobs and sending out the resulting e-mails.
Public methodEndStartTls
Ends a pending asynchronous TLS/SSL negotiation request.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleExecuteCustomCommand
Sends user-defined command to the server and receives the server response to this command.
Public methodExecuteCustomCommandAsync
async/await version of ExecuteCustomCommand(String).
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAcceptedRecipients
Returns the list of the recipients accepted by the SMTP server.
Public methodGetCurrentSmtpServerIndex
Returns SmtpServers collection's index of the server to which the component is connected or will connect on the next connection attempt.
Public methodGetErrorDescription
Returns a textual description of the last error.
Public methodCode exampleGetExtension
Returns the name or parameters of the specified ESMTP capability.
Public methodCode exampleGetExtensions
Returns a reference to the key-value list of the server capabilities.
Public methodGetExtensionValue
Returns the parameters of the specified ESMTP capability, or an empty string if the capability has no parameters.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaxMessageSize
Returns the maximum length of the message (in bytes) which is allowed by the SMTP server in order to accept the message from the client.
Public methodCode exampleGetMXHosts
Retrieves the list of hosts willing to accept mail for the given domain.
Public methodGetMXHostsAsync
async/await version of GetMXHosts(String).
Public methodCode exampleGetPtrData
Retrieves the list of domain names for the specified IP address.
Public methodGetPtrDataAsync
async/await version of GetPtrData(String).
Public methodGetRefusedRecipients
Returns the list of the recipients rejected by the SMTP server.
Public methodGetServerResponse
Returns the last response from the server.
Public methodGetServerResponseCode
Returns an integer value containing the status code of the last SMTP operation.
Public methodGetSocket
Returns the underlying Socket MailBee uses for the current SMTP connection.
Public methodGetSocketError
Returns a Win32 error code of the last socket-related error.
Public methodGetStream
Returns the underlying Stream MailBee uses for the current network connection.
Public methodCode exampleGetSupportedAuthMethods
Returns a set of flags indicating which authentication methods are supported by the server.
Public methodCode exampleGetTxtData
Retrieves the list of TXT strings of DNS data of the specified domain.
Public methodGetTxtDataAsync
async/await version of GetTxtData(String).
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleHello
Sends initial greeting to the SMTP server.
Public methodHelloAsync
Public methodCode exampleLogin
Authenticates the user on the SMTP server if ESMTP authentication is enabled.
Public methodLoginAsync
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNoop
Sends a NOOP command to the server.
Public methodNoopAsync
Protected methodOnConnected
Used by MailBee to raise Connected event.
Protected methodOnDataReceived
Used by MailBee to raise DataReceived event.
Protected methodOnDataSent
Used by MailBee to raise DataSent event.
Protected methodOnDisconnected
Used by MailBee to raise Disconnected event.
Protected methodOnErrorOccurred
Used by MailBee to raise ErrorOccurred event.
Protected methodOnFinishingJob
Used by MailBee to raise FinishingJob event.
Protected methodOnHostResolved
Used by MailBee to raise HostResolved event.
Protected methodOnLoggedIn
Used by MailBee to raise LoggedIn event.
Protected methodOnLogNewEntry
Used by MailBee to raise LogNewEntry event.
Protected methodOnLowLevelDataReceived
Used by MailBee to raise LowLevelDataReceived event.
Protected methodOnLowLevelDataSent
Used by MailBee to raise LowLevelDataSent event.
Protected methodOnMergingMessage
Used by MailBee to raise MergingMessage event.
Protected methodOnMessageDataChunkSent
Used by MailBee to raise MessageDataChunkSent event.
Protected methodOnMessageDirectSendDone
Used by MailBee to raise MessageDirectSendDone event.
Protected methodOnMessageMXLookupDone
Used by MailBee to raise MessageMXLookupDone event.
Protected methodOnMessageNotSent
Used by MailBee to raise MessageNotSent event.
Protected methodOnMessageRecipientSubmitted
Used by MailBee to raise MessageRecipientSubmitted event.
Protected methodOnMessageSenderSubmitted
Used by MailBee to raise MessageSenderSubmitted event.
Protected methodOnMessageSent
Used by MailBee to raise MessageSent event.
Protected methodOnMessageSubmittedToPickupFolder
Used by MailBee to raise MessageSubmittedToPickupFolder event.
Protected methodOnMessageSubmittedToServer
Used by MailBee to raise MessageSubmittedToServer event.
Protected methodOnSendingMessage
Used by MailBee to raise SendingMessage event.
Protected methodOnSocketConnected
Used by MailBee to raise SocketConnected event.
Protected methodOnSocketCreating
Used by MailBee to raise SocketCreating event.
Protected methodOnSubmittingMessageToPickupFolder
Used by MailBee to raise SubmittingMessageToPickupFolder event.
Protected methodOnTlsStarted
Used by MailBee to raise TlsStarted event.
Protected methodOnTransientErrorOccurred
Used by MailBee to raise TransientErrorOccurred event.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleQuickSend(MailMessage)
Sends a mail message, in a single line of code.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleQuickSend(String, String, String, String)
Sends a mail message, in a single line of code.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleQuickSend(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Sends a mail message, in a single line of code.
Public methodCode exampleRelayFromEmlFile(String, String, EmailAddressCollection)
Relays (sends without any modifications) the mail message previously saved as an .EML file, to the specified recipients.
Public methodCode exampleRelayFromEmlFile(String, String, String)
Relays (sends without any modifications) the mail message previously saved as an .EML file, to the specified recipients.
Public methodRelayFromEmlFileAsync(String, String, EmailAddressCollection)
Public methodRelayFromEmlFileAsync(String, String, String)
Public methodResetMessage
Resets all properties of Message object to defaults. Delivery Status Notification settings (DeliveryNotification object) are also reset.
Public methodResetState
Resets the internal state of the component.
Public methodCode exampleRetryFailedJobs
Puts all failed send-mail jobs back into the queue.
Public methodCode exampleSend
Sends the mail message to the recipients specified in the message.
Public methodCode exampleSend(String, EmailAddressCollection)
Sends the mail message to the specified recipients.
Public methodCode exampleSend(String, String)
Sends the mail message to the specified recipients e-mail addresses.
Public methodSendAsync
Public methodSendAsync(String, EmailAddressCollection)
async/await version of Send(String, EmailAddressCollection).
Public methodSendAsync(String, String)
async/await version of Send(String, String).
Public methodCode exampleSendJobs
Sends out all e-mails in the pending jobs queue (including e-mails generated via mail merge).
Public methodSendJobsAsync
Public methodCode exampleSendMailMerge(String, EmailAddressCollection, DataTable)
Creates a series of e-mails based on an e-mail message template and a data table and sends these e-mails out.
Public methodCode exampleSendMailMerge(String, EmailAddressCollection, IDataReader)
Creates a series of e-mails based on an e-mail message template and a data reader and sends these e-mails out.
Public methodSendMailMergeAsync(String, EmailAddressCollection, DataTable)
Public methodSendMailMergeAsync(String, EmailAddressCollection, IDataReader)
Public methodCode exampleStartTls
Requests the mail server to start TLS/SSL negotiation and protect the existing connection with a security layer.
Public methodStartTlsAsync
Public methodCode exampleStopJobs
Notifies MailBee to stop processing jobs, completing sending out of all messages currently being processed.
Public methodCode exampleSubmitJobsToPickupFolder
Saves all e-mails in the pending jobs queue (including e-mails generated via mail merge) as files in the pickup folder of MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP service.
Public methodSubmitJobsToPickupFolderAsync
Public methodCode exampleSubmitToPickupFolder(String, Boolean)
Saves the mail message as a file in the pickup folder of MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP service.
Public methodCode exampleSubmitToPickupFolder(String, String, String, EmailAddressCollection, Boolean)
Saves the mail message as a file in the pickup folder of MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP service.
Public methodCode exampleSubmitToPickupFolder(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Saves the mail message as a file in the pickup folder of MailBee.NET Queue or IIS SMTP service.
Public methodSubmitToPickupFolderAsync(String, Boolean)
async/await version of SubmitToPickupFolder(String, Boolean).
Public methodSubmitToPickupFolderAsync(String, String, String, EmailAddressCollection, Boolean)
Public methodSubmitToPickupFolderAsync(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodCode exampleTestSend
Tests sending a mail message to the recipients without actual submitting of the message data.
Public methodTestSendAsync
async/await version of TestSend(SendFailureThreshold).
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleValidateEmailAddressSyntax
Verifies if the specified string is a correctly formatted e-mail address.
Public methodWait Obsolete.
Waits until the currently running (if any) asynchronous method is finished.
Public methodWait(Int32) Obsolete.
Waits the completion of the currently running (if any) asynchronous method for the specified amount of time.
See Also