Smtp Properties

The Smtp type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleBcc
Gets or sets EmailAddressCollection object specifying BCC: recipients of the message.
Public propertyCode exampleBodyHtmlText
Gets or sets HTML version of the message body.
Public propertyCode exampleBodyPlainText
Gets or sets plain-text version of the message body.
Public propertyCode exampleCc
Gets or sets EmailAddressCollection object specifying CC: recipients of the message.
Public propertyCode exampleCharset
Gets or sets charset of the message.
Public propertyConversion8BitTo7bit
Gets or sets if (and how) the component should perform 8bit-to-7bit conversion of the message data if the given SMTP server does not support transmission of 8bit data but the message does contain such data.
Public propertyDeliveryNotification
Provides access to properties which control when and how ESMTP Delivery Status Notification messages will be sent to the message sender.
Public propertyCode exampleDirectSendDefaults
Provides access to the default SMTP server settings to be used when connecting to SMTP servers discovered by MailBee via DNS MX lookup.
Public propertyCode exampleDnsServers
Gets the DnsServerCollection object containing the list of DNS servers to be used for DNS MX lookup.
Public propertyCode exampleFrom
Gets or sets EmailAddress object specifying the message sender.
Public propertyIsAborted
Indicates whether Abort method has been called for the component.
Public propertyIsBusy
Indicates whether the component is performing a lengthy operation.
Public propertyIsConnected
Indicates whether the component is connected to the server.
Public propertyIsLoggedIn
Indicates whether the component has already successfully authenticated on the server and logged in the user account.
Public propertyIsSmtpContext
Indicates whether the component is currently operating in a single thread mode, and the current connection (if any) is an SMTP connection.
Public propertyIsSslConnection
Indicates whether the current connection (if any) is secured with TLS/SSL layer.
Public propertyJobsFailed
Gets the list of e-mail tasks failed during processing.
Public propertyJobsPending
Gets the list of send-mail (sending a single message or mail-merge) tasks ready for processing.
Public propertyJobsRunning
Gets the list of e-mail tasks being processed right now.
Public propertyJobsSuccessful
Gets the list of successfully processed e-mail tasks.
Public propertyCode exampleJobsSyncRoot
Gets the object to be used for synchronized access to the jobs collections.
Public propertyLastResult
Gets a numeric code of the last error.
Public propertyStatic memberLicenseKey Obsolete.
Assigns the license key.
Public propertyCode exampleLog
Gets the object used for logging MailBee activities into a file or memory buffer.
Public propertyCode exampleMaxThreadCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of threads MailBee may create during send mail operations.
Public propertyCode exampleMessage
Gets or sets the mail message which will be sent by the component on Send method call.
Public propertyRaiseEvents
Gets or sets whether the component will raise any events.
Public propertyRaiseEventsViaMessageLoop
Gets or sets whether the events will be raised on the message loop of the application or not.
Public propertyCode exampleReplyTo
Gets or sets EmailAddressCollection object specifying e-mail addresses to which the replies to this message should be sent.
Public propertyRequestEncoding
Gets or sets the encoding used to convert a string into a bytes stream which is then sent to the server.
Public propertyResponseEncoding
Gets or sets the encoding used to convert a byte data received from the server into a string.
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the object to be used as a site for the component.
Public propertyCode exampleSmtpServers
Gets the SmtpServerCollection object containing the list of SMTP relay servers to be used for sending mail.
Public propertyStopJobsOnError
Gets or sets if processing of the jobs must be stopped if an error occurs.
Public propertyCode exampleSubject
Gets or sets the subject of the message.
Public propertySynchronizingObject
Gets or sets the object used to marshal the calls of the event handlers.
Public propertyThrowExceptions
Gets or sets whether the component will throw exceptions on errors.
Public propertyCode exampleTo
Gets or sets EmailAddressCollection object specifying To: recipients of the message.
Public propertyTrialDaysLeft
Gets the number of days left to the date of the trial license key expiration.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version of the MailBee assembly.
See Also