Attachments Collection

The Attachments collection contains all of the attachments to a message. The collection can be used to determine the total number of attachments to the message, or to access individual Attachment objects within the collection.



Count Returns the number of attachments in the collection.
Item Returns a reference to an attachment in the collection.
Remove Removes the attachment with the specified index from the collection.
RemoveAll Removes all the attachments from the collection.



Item is the default property of the collection, so Attachments.Item(index) and Attachments(index) are equivalents.

To iterate through the collection, you can use either a For .. Each statement or any common loop statement such as For .. To.



The following examples use different syntax to display filenames of all attachments to a message. It's assumed that the message has already been retrieved and stored in objMsg object.

For .. Each syntax
For Each objAttach In objMsg.Attachments
  MsgBox objAttach.Filename
  ' In ASP, use Response.Write instead of MsgBox


For .. To syntax
For I = 1 To objMsg.Attachments.Count
  MsgBox objMsg.Attachments(I).Filename
  ' In ASP, use Response.Write instead of MsgBox


See Also

Attachment Object, Message.Attachments Property


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