BodyPartStructures Collection

The BodyPartStructures collection contains BodyPartStructure objects which organize the structure of the multipart MIME part.

The BodyPartStructures collection can be obtained via SubParts property of the multipart BodyPartStructure object. Multipart BodyPartStructure objects have IsMultipart property set to True. The BodyPartStructures collection is recursive since contained BodyPartStructure objects can also be multipart and thus can expose their own BodyPartStructures collections.



Count Returns the number of BodyPartStructure objects in the collection.
Item Returns a reference to BodyPartStructure object in the collection.



Note: A simple e-mail message can have a single MIME part only, thus all its structure is represented by a single BodyPartStructure object. The BodyPartStructures collection is not available for single MIME part messages.

Item is the default property of the collection, so BodyPartStructures.Item(index) and BodyPartStructures(index) are equivalents.

To iterate through the collection, you can use either For .. Each statement or any common loop statement such as For .. To.



The following examples use different syntax to display grouping status (whether multipart or not) of the body parts. It's assumed the BodyPartStructures collection has been already obtained through SubParts property of the BodyPartStructure object, and stored in objBodyPartStructures variable.

For .. Each syntax
For Each objBodyPartStructure In objBodyPartStructures
  MsgBox objBodyPartStructure.IsMultipart
  ' In ASP, use Response.Write instead of MsgBox


For .. To syntax
For I = 1 To objBodyPartStructures.Count
  MsgBox objBodyPartStructures(I).IsMultipart
  ' In ASP, use Response.Write instead of MsgBox


See Also

BodyPartStructure Object


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