FormElements Collection

The FormElements collection contains FormElement objects used to store all the HTML-form elements except for files.

The FormElement objects are retrieved by the Uploader.ParseRequest method.



Count Returns the number of FormElement objects in the collection.
Item Returns a reference to an element of the collection.



Item is the default property of the collection, so FormElements.Item(index) and FormElements(index) are equivalents.

To iterate through the collection, you can use either For .. Each statement or any common loop statement such as For .. To.



The following examples use different syntax to display names of all elements in a HTML-form. It's assumed the FormElements collection has been already retrieved and stored in objFormElements object.

For .. Each syntax
For Each objFormElement In objFormElements
  Response.Write objFormElement.Name


For .. To syntax
For I = 1 To objFormElements.Count
  Response.Write objFormElement.Name


See Also

FormFiles Collection | FormFile Object | Uploader Object


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