EnableEvents Property

Enables or disables MailBee's ability to process Windows events and fire its own events during operations.

When EnableEvents property is set to True, MailBee allows your application to be responsive while MailBee is performing long-run operation (this is called "Async mode"). Also, MailBee can fire several types of events notifying your application about data receiving progress, status changes, or server alerts. This is convenient for Windows applications.

When EnableEvents property is set to False (default setting), MailBee does not process or fire any events and operates slightly faster. This mode fits well for server environments such as ASP.

When events are turned on, you can abort current operation by calling Abort method of IMAP4 object. Another way to do not proceed with current operation is to set Proceed=False in IMAP4 event handler (OnReceiveData, OnAlert, OnStatusChange).

While events are turned on and IMAP4 object is busy with some long-run operation, Busy property is True. This means any call of long-run methods of this IMAP4 object will immediately fail.

Note: To handle MailBee's events (OnReceiveData, OnAlert, OnStatusChange) in Visual Basic, make sure MailBee's type library is checked in "Project/References" menu and MailBee.IMAP4 object is created using "WithEvents" syntax (see sample code below). To handle only Windows events, it's enough to set EnableEvents=True ("WithEvents" syntax is not necessarily required).

Value Type: Boolean
Parameters: None 
Remarks: Events are useful in event-driven environments only (such as VB, VBA, Delphi, etc). ASP pages cannot handle events

Usage example:

Option Explicit
' Early binding and "WithEvents" syntax required for handling MailBee's events
Dim WithEvents objIMAP4 As MailBee.IMAP4

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim Envelopes As MailBee.Envelopes
  Set objIMAP4 = CreateObject("MailBee.IMAP4")
  objIMAP4.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"
  objIMAP4.EnableEvents = True ' Enable Async mode
  If objIMAP4.Connect("mailserver.com", 143, "MyName", "MyPassword") Then ' Long-run operation
    If objIMAP4.SelectMailbox("Inbox") Then ' Long-run operation
      Set Envelopes = objIMAP4.RetrieveEnvelopes(1, objIMAP4.MessageCount, False) ' Long-run operation
    End If
    objIMAP4.Disconnect ' Long-run operation
  End If
End Sub

' Respond to MailBee's OnReceiveData event and print how many data bytes received
Private Sub objIMAP4_OnReceiveData(ByVal BytesReceived As Long, Proceed As Boolean)
  Debug.Print BytesReceived & " bytes received"
End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set objIMAP4 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) If objIMAP4 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If objIMAP4.Busy Then objIMAP4.Abort ' Cancel IMAP4 session on exit End Sub

See Also:

Abort Method

Busy Property

OnAlert Event
OnReceiveData Event
OnStatusChange Event

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