RemoveMessageDirectory Method

Visual Basic Tutorial available! (3 pages)

ASP Tutorial available! (4 pages)

Destroys the message temporary directory (with all its contents) previously created by GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx or GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects method call.

Message object internally stores the path to the message directory created by GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects or GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx methods. However, when the Message object is freed, this information is lost.

If you're going to destroy the message temporary directory during lifetime of the Message object, you may call RemoveMessageDirectory method without parameters.

Another approach (useful for web environments where objects are created and destroyed each time the user makes request to the server) is to obtain the message directory path through the call of GetMessageDirectoryPath method and save returned value for later use. You must call GetMessageDirectoryPath method AFTER calling GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects or GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx methods. When the time to clean up comes, call RemoveMessageDirectory method using previously stored value as MessageDirectoryPath parameter.

If MessageDirectoryPath parameter is omitted, the method will destroy the temporary message directory ONLY IF GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx or GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects method has been already called for the same instance of the Message object.

blnResult = ObjectName.RemoveMessageDirectory([MessageDirectoryPath], [DeleteContentOnly])  
MessageDirectoryPath As String (optional) The path to the temporary message directory created by MailBee for the message. If omitted, the path is taken from internal variable that is set by GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects or GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx methods  
DeleteContentOnly As Boolean (optional) If True, the method will remove all files from the message directory, but the directory itself will NOT be deleted. Default is False  
Return value As Boolean True if successful, False if error occurred (the path doesn't exist, some files are locked, etc.)  

Usage example:

' VB-only sample (see ASP Tutorial for ASP samples)
Dim Mailer, Msg
Set Mailer = CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")
Mailer.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"
Mailer.Connect "", 110, "MyName", "MyPassword"
If Mailer.Connected Then
   If Mailer.MessageCount > 0 Then
      Set Msg = Mailer.RetrieveSingleMessage(1)
      MsgBox Msg.GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects(, , )
      ' Clean up once the user has finished viewing the message
   End If
End If

See Also:

"Displaying HTML-formatted messages in Visual Basic" Tutorial
"Displaying HTML-formatted messages in ASP" Tutorial

GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjects Method
GetBodyWithEmbeddedObjectsEx Method
GetMessageDirectoryPath Method

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