Encrypt Method

Encrypts the message with the public keys contained in the recipient's certificates which were selected earlier using the AddRecipientCert method.

[Visual Basic]

blnResult = ObjectName.Encrypt

Parameters: None 
Return value As Boolean True if successful, False if error has occurred.  

The recipients can decrypt the encrypted message using their private keys. The developer can use the Encrypted property to check if the message is encrypted.

Usage example:

' This example loads the message from file and encrypts it with recipient's certificate. It also shows the code of the error if it occurred.

Dim objSMIME, objMsg

' Using Visual Basic to create the objects
Set objMsg = CreateObject("MailBee.Message")
Set objSMIME = CreateObject("MailBee.SMIME")
' Using ASP to create the objects
'Set objMsg = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.Message")
'Set objSMIME = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.SMIME")

' Specify MailBee license key
objSMIME.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Load the  message from file
objMsg.ImportFromFile "mail_src.eml"

' Specify the message for the further processing
Set objSMIME.Message = objMsg

' Add recipient's certificate to certificate's list
If objSMIME.AddRecipientCert ("AddressBook", 0, "", "", "", objMsg.PureToAddr) Then
	' Encrypt the message
End If

' Check if any errors occurred
If (objSMIME.SMIMEError <> SMIME_OK) Or (objSMIME.SMIMESpecificError <> SMIME_OK) Then
	' Display the code of the last occurred error
	' In ASP use Response.Write instead of MsgBox
    MsgBox "SMIMEError = " & objSMIME.SMIMEError & "   SMIMESpecificError = " & _
End If

See Also:

SignAndEncrypt Method

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