SMIMESpecificError Property

Gets the code of the last occurred SMIME-specific error which was returned by Windows API. If no specific error occurred, this property contains 0.

Value Type: Long
Parameters: None 

The developer can use the SMIMEError property to check if the specific SMIME error occurred. In this case, SMIMEError property contains 49.

Usage example:

' This example loads the message from file and tries to add the recipient's certificate to the storage.
' If the adding fails, the code of the occurred specific error is displayed.

Dim objMsg, objSMIME

' Using Visual Basic to create the objects
Set objMsg = CreateObject("MailBee.Message")
Set objSMIME = CreateObject("MailBee.SMIME")

' Using ASP to create the objects
'Set objMsg = CreateObject("MailBee.Message")
'Set objSMIME = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.SMIME")

' Specify MailBee license key
objSMIME.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Load the message from file
objMsg.ImportFromFile "mail_src.eml"

' Specify the message for the further processing
Set objSMIME.Message = objMsg

' Add the recipient's certificate to the storage
objSMIME.AddRecipientCert "AddressBook", 0, "", "", "", objMsg.PureToAddr

' Check if the specific SMIME error occurred
If objSMIME.SMIMEError = 49 Then
	' In ASP use Response.Write instead of MsgBox
	' Display the code of the occurred specific error
	MsgBox objSMIME.SMIMESpecificError
End If

See Also:

SMIMEError Property

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