Message Property

Specifies Message object to be sent by MailBee.SMTP component.

By default, when MailBee.SMTP is instantiated it also creates empty Message object accessible via Message property. However, you can always set Message property to another Message object (for example, the one created by MailBee.POP3 component). Thus you can easily organize message forwarding.

SMTP component has shortcut methods and properties to quickly access composing-oriented methods and properties of contained Message object. For example, SMTP.BodyEncoding is a synonym for SMTP.Message.BodyEncoding.

Value Type: MailBee.Message
Parameters: None 

Usage example:

'Forwarding with MailBee
Dim objPOP3, objSMTP, Msg
'Using visual basic to create object
Set objPOP3 = CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")
Set objSMTP = CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")
'Using ASP to create object
'Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")
'Set objSMTP = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")
'In ASP use Response.Write instead of MsgBox
objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your POP3 license key here"
objSMTP.LicenseKey = "put your SMTP license key here"
objPOP3.Connect "", 110, "MyName", "MyPassword"
If objPOP3.Connected Then
   If objPOP3.MessageCount > 0 Then
      Set Msg = objPOP3.RetrieveSingleMessage(1)
      If Not Msg Is Nothing Then
        Msg.ToAddr = ""
        Msg.CCAddr = "" ' Do not send to original CC's
        Msg.Subject = "FW: " & Msg.Subject
        objSMTP.ServerName = ""
        If objSMTP.Connect Then
          Set objSMTP.Message = Msg
        End If
      End If
   End If
End If

See Also:

SMTP Object
POP3 Object
Message Object

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