SelectClientCert Method

Reads a certificate from the specified store and makes it active certificate that MailBee will use to represent the client to the mail server.

Most (but not all) mail servers do not require any client certificate (anonymous certificate is accepted). So, you do not need to call this method unless your mail server requires client certificate.

As a minimum, only certificate store name and type required for this method. First certificate in the store will be automatically selected. However, you can specify particular certificate in the store by using optional parameters of the method.

To deselect any client certificate (if you want to revert to anonymous certificate), just call this method with empty Path argument.

Selected certificate information will be accessible through ClientCert property.

Note: This method will make effect only if it called BEFORE connecting to the mail server.

blnResult = ObjectName.SelectClientCert(Path, StoreType, [IssuedTo], [IssuedBy], [FriendlyName], [PrivateKey])  
Path As String Filename or system registry name of the store. Allowed system registry names are:
  • "MY" - Personal certificates of the user. This is common store of clients certificates
  • "CA" - Intermediate authorities. This is common store of server certificates' issuers
  • "ROOT" - Trusted list of Internet certification authorities. Well-known servers usually have certificates signed by authorities from the "ROOT"
StoreType As Long Type of the certificate store to select certificate from. Allowed values are:
  • 0 - System registry. Path must be one of the strings "MY", "CA", "ROOT"
  • 1 - File store. Path must be the valid filename of certificate store
  • 2 - PFX File store (only supported on Windows 2000 or higher). Path must be the valid filename of the certificate with embedded private key
IssuedTo As String (optional) If specified, only certificates with given Issued To name will be considered during search  
IssuedBy As String (optional) If specified, only certificates with given Issued By name will be considered during search  
FriendlyName As String (optional) If specified, only certificates with given Friendly Name will be considered during search  
PrivateKey As String (optional) Private key of PFX file. This parameter is valid for PFX file stores only  
Return value As Boolean True if successful, False if no corresponding certificate was found  

Usage example:

Dim Mailer
'Using visual basic to create object
Set Mailer = CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")
'Using ASP to create object
'Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")
'In ASP use Response.Write instead of MsgBox
Mailer.EnableLogging = True
Mailer.LogFilePath = "C:\Temp\smtp_log.txt"
Mailer.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set SSL connection over STARTTLS command
Mailer.SSL.UseStartTLS = True
Mailer.SSL.Enabled = True

' It's assumed "C:\admin.cer" is a valid certificate
Mailer.SSL.SelectClientCert("C:\admin.cer", 1) ' select active certificate

MsgBox Mailer.SSL.ClientCert.IssuedBy ' display info on who issued the certificate to the client

See Also:

ClientCert Property

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