
MailBee Objects is a set of powerful and easy to use ActiveX/COM components intended for usage in your Windows and classic ASP web pages to get email messages from Internet servers using POP3/IMAP4 protocols or send them via SMTP protocol, including converting e-mail messages from or into MIME format.

MailBee Objects contain several objects and collections:

MailBee.POP3, MailBee.IMAP4, MailBee.SMTP and MailBee.SMIME objects have LicenseKey property. When you purchase the entire MailBee Objects bundle, you get the licenses for all of them. If you purchase only a single component, you get the license for that component only. All other objects have no license keys and are always available for use regardless which license you own.

MailBee.POP3 object allows you to write e-mail managing and retrieving engine in just a few seconds. MailBee.POP3 automatically performs complex operations such as splitting message into parts, decoding headers and body from various MIME-encodings (Base64, quoted-printable, UUE), converting the message body and headers from local charsets to Unicode. With MailBee.POP3, you have access to both raw and decoded message content, and can do everything with it - save to database, to disk, or even modify message properties and then send the message with MailBee.SMTP object.

MailBee.IMAP4 is a version of MailBee.POP3 object for IMAP4 mail protocol. It supports advanced IMAP4 features such as message envelopes and body structures, message search, looking for new/unread/recent messages, multiple mailboxes, and much more.

MailBee.SMTP object is an easy to use tool to create and send e-mail messages. It supports creating both plain-text and html-formatted messages with attachments and inline objects (including automatic alternative body creation, automatic scanning and adding attachments for specified html source and much more). MailBee.SMTP also allows you to use secure authentication to SMTP servers.

MailBee.SMTP object can be extended with external MailBee Message Queue (legacy) or MailBee .NET Queue (modern) systems to enable message queuing that can noticeably improve performance of email sending applications or web pages. MailBee.NET Queue (needs .NET Framework) has more features and supports SSL. Alternatively, if your mail server is IIS SMTP, you can submit messages directly into its pickup folder (like CDONTS does).

Both MailBee.POP3, MailBee.IMAP4 and MailBee.SMTP objects support event firing for better control of the requested operations and logging capabilities (in many cases logging might noticeably simplify debugging and development).

SSL property of every mailer class allows you to implement secure communications mode 2 lines of code: enabling SSL object with Mailer.SSL.Enabled=True and setting PortNumber property of Mailer object (which can be an instance of SMTP, POP3 or IMAP4 class). Alternatively, instead of changing PortNumber, you can set SSL.UseStartTLS to use secure connection on a regular port). Also, SSL object can be easily configured and tweaked if needed. You can not only make it use regular port communications (secure communication on the same port as regular communication) instead of dedicated port, but also search or check certificates, force specific security protocols, and more. The best supported protocol is TLS 1.2.


MailBee.SMIME object allows you to secure your e-mails easily by using the digital certificates. This object allows you to add the digital signatures to new messages; to encrypt the messages; to verify digital signatures of received messages and to decrypt these messages; to manage the digital certificates of the message senders and recipients.

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