Bounced messages (POP3 part)

Visual Basic Code | ASP Code

The sample demonstrates processing bounced messages.

In SMTP part of this sample we made bounce e-mails to arrive to single e-mail account dedicated to bounced e-mails.

Each bounced e-mail contains (along with other info) e-mail address delivery has failed for. This failed address is what we want to know.

In this part, we retrieve bounced e-mails from dedicated account and then extract failed e-mail address from each bounced e-mail. Failed address is passed to RemoveEmailFromDatabase() subroutine which must remove failed address from database (in this sample, it does nothing).

Each mail server uses its own bounced message format. In this sample, typical bounced message is assumed to look like:
Subject: Undeliverable mail: A word from MailBee Support Team

Failed to deliver to ''
SMTP module(domain reports: no DNS A-data returned
Modify GetInvalidEmailAddress() function to suit bounced e-mail format used by your mail server.

Note 1: Bounced e-mails arrived from another hosts will probably have different formats. In production code, you should support as many bounced e-mail formats as possible.

Note 2: You can eliminate necessity to parse bounced e-mail to get failed address by using wildcard mailbox for bounced e-mails account. However, this functionality greatly depends on particular mail server implementations and is not discussed here.

Note 3: In some cases, you may want to scan bounced e-mails for other information. E.g. do not remove e-mail address if bounced message arrived due temporary problem: mailbox is over quota, mail server is down, etc.

[Visual Basic]:

Dim objPOP3, objMsgs, strEmail, I

' Create POP3 object
Set objPOP3 = CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")

' Enable logging POP3 session into a file
objPOP3.EnableLogging = True
objPOP3.LogFilePath = "C:\Temp\pop3_log.txt"

' Unlock POP3 object
objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set POP3 server name
objPOP3.ServerName = ""

' Set user credentials
objPOP3.UserName = "username"
objPOP3.Password = "password"

' Connect to the server and log in the mailbox
If objPOP3.Connect Then

  ' Get headers + 100 body lines for all messages.
  ' 100 body lines is enough because failed address
  ' is somewhere in the beginning of the body
  Set objMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders(1, -1, 100) 
If Not objPOP3.IsError Then ' Loop through all messages in the mailbox For I = 1 To objMsgs.Count ' Get failed email address strEmail = GetInvalidEmailAddress(objMsgs(I)) ' If strEmail is non-empty, failed email address ' was found If Len(strEmail) > 0 Then ' Remove failed email from database RemoveEmailFromDatabase strEmail ' Delete bounced email from server to avoid ' processing it next time objPOP3.DeleteMessage I
End If Next Else ' Display error information MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If ' Close the connection objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Display error information MsgBox "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode MsgBox "Server response: " & objPOP3.ServerResponse End If ' The functions checks whether the message ' is bounced and extracts failed address ' from bounced message Function GetInvalidEmailAddress(objMsg) Dim I1, I2 GetInvalidEmailAddress = "" ' Check if this is a bounced message report If InStr(1, objMsg.FromAddr, "Mailer-Daemon", 1) < 1 Then Exit Function If InStr(1, objMsg.Subject, "Undeliverable mail", 1) <> 1 Then Exit Function ' Now we're sure this is a bounced message report I1 = InStr(1, objMsg.BodyText, "'", 0) I2 = InStr(I1 + 1, objMsg.BodyText, "'", 0) ' Message does not contain email address? If I1 < 1 Or I2 < 1 Then Exit Function ' Get failed address GetInvalidEmailAddress = Mid(objMsg.BodyText, I1 + 1, I2 - I1 - 1) ' E-mail address is often enclosed in "<>". ' Remove them if needed. If Left(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 1) = "<" And Right(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 1) = ">" Then GetInvalidEmailAddress = Mid(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 2, Len(GetInvalidEmailAddress) - 2) End If End Function ' This function must remove (or disable) specified ' email address from mailing list Sub RemoveEmailFromDatabase(strEmail) ' Do nothing for this demo End Sub


Dim objPOP3, objMsgs, strEmail, I

' Create POP3 object
Set objPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.POP3")

' Enable logging POP3 session into a file
objPOP3.EnableLogging = True
objPOP3.LogFilePath = "C:\Temp\pop3_log.txt"

' Unlock POP3 object
objPOP3.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set POP3 server name
objPOP3.ServerName = ""

' Set user credentials
objPOP3.UserName = "username"
objPOP3.Password = "password"

' Connect to the server and log in the mailbox
If objPOP3.Connect Then

  ' Get headers + 100 body lines for all messages.
  ' 100 body lines is enough because failed address
  ' is somewhere in the beginning of the body
  Set objMsgs = objPOP3.RetrieveHeaders(1, -1, 100) 
If Not objPOP3.IsError Then ' Loop through all messages in the mailbox For I = 1 To objMsgs.Count ' Get failed email address strEmail = GetInvalidEmailAddress(objMsgs(I)) ' If strEmail is non-empty, failed email address ' was found If Len(strEmail) > 0 Then ' Remove failed email from database RemoveEmailFromDatabase strEmail ' Delete bounced email from server to avoid ' processing it next time objPOP3.DeleteMessage I
End If Next Else ' Display error information Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & ", " & objPOP3.ErrDesc End If ' Close the connection objPOP3.Disconnect Else ' Display error information Response.Write "Error #" & objPOP3.ErrCode & "<br>" Response.Write "Server response: " & objPOP3.ServerResponse End If ' The functions checks whether the message ' is bounced and extracts failed address ' from bounced message Function GetInvalidEmailAddress(objMsg) Dim I1, I2 GetInvalidEmailAddress = "" ' Check if this is a bounced message report If InStr(1, objMsg.FromAddr, "Mailer-Daemon", 1) < 1 Then Exit Function If InStr(1, objMsg.Subject, "Undeliverable mail", 1) <> 1 Then Exit Function ' Now we're sure this is a bounced message report I1 = InStr(1, objMsg.BodyText, "'", 0) I2 = InStr(I1 + 1, objMsg.BodyText, "'", 0) ' Message does not contain email address? If I1 < 1 Or I2 < 1 Then Exit Function ' Get failed address GetInvalidEmailAddress = Mid(objMsg.BodyText, I1 + 1, I2 - I1 - 1) ' E-mail address is often enclosed in "<>". ' Remove them if needed. If Left(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 1) = "<" And Right(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 1) = ">" Then GetInvalidEmailAddress = Mid(GetInvalidEmailAddress, 2, Len(GetInvalidEmailAddress) - 2) End If End Function ' This function must remove (or disable) specified ' email address from mailing list Sub RemoveEmailFromDatabase(strEmail) ' Do nothing for this demo End Sub %>
See Also:
Bounced Messages (SMTP part)


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