Bounced messages (SMTP part)

Visual Basic Code | ASP Code

The sample sends e-mail so as possible delivery errors would come to special e-mail address.

When the e-mail cannot be delivered, bounced e-mail is sent to the original sender. However, it is often more convenient to have bounced e-mails arrived to single mailbox which is specially dedicated to bounce e-mails.

The sample code makes bounce e-mails to arrive to dedicated address (which can be different from "From:" address) using SMTP.SendEx method.

Note: Some SMTP servers do not allow sending e-mail from address different from specified in "From:" header.

Demonstration of processing bounced e-mail themselves is shown in POP3 part of the sample.

[Visual Basic]:

Dim objSMTP

' Create mailer component
Set objSMTP = CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")

' Unlock SMTP component
objSMTP.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set SMTP server name
objSMTP.ServerName = ""

' Set message properties
objSMTP.FromAddr = ""
objSMTP.ToAddr = ""
objSMTP.Subject = "Hi"
objSMTP.BodyText = "This is test message"

' Send e-mail. If it cannot be delivered, bounce will
' arrive to, not to
objSMTP.SendEx ""


Dim objSMTP

' Create mailer component
Set objSMTP = Server.CreateObject("MailBee.SMTP")

' Unlock SMTP component
objSMTP.LicenseKey = "put your license key here"

' Set SMTP server name
objSMTP.ServerName = ""

' Set message properties
objSMTP.FromAddr = ""
objSMTP.ToAddr = ""
objSMTP.Subject = "Hi"
objSMTP.BodyText = "This is test message"

' Send e-mail. If it cannot be delivered, bounce will
' arrive to, not to
objSMTP.SendEx ""
See Also:
Bounced messages (POP3 part)
SMTP.SendEx Method


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