EmailAddressValidatorBeginVerify Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Begins an asynchronous request for verifying a bulk of e-mails addresses.

Namespace: MailBee.AddressCheck
Assembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.4 build 677 for .NET 4.5
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete in .NET 4.5+. Use VerifyAsync instead.")]
public IAsyncResult BeginVerify(
	DataTable emailsAsTable,
	IDataReader emailsAsReader,
	string columnName,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	Object state


Type: System.DataDataTable
The data table, in columnName column containing the e-mail addresses to check for syntax and, optionally, for existence. Either emailsAsTable or emailsAsReader must be set.
Type: System.DataIDataReader
The alternate data source if the application supplies data through IDataReader rather than DataTable.
Type: SystemString
The name of column in the given data table or data reader, containing the e-mail addresses.
Type: SystemAsyncCallback
The AsyncCallback delegate. You can leave it a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you do not use callbacks.
Type: SystemObject
An object that contains state information for this request. You can leave it a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

Return Value

Type: IAsyncResult
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous verification of e-mail addresses.
MailBeeInvalidArgumentExceptionBoth emailsAsTable and emailsAsTable are a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), or columnName is a null reference or an empty string, or DnsServers collection is empty.
Note Note
New applications (.NET 4.5+) should use async/await methods instead. The are more efficient and easier to use.

If you set both emailsAsTable and emailsAsReader, emailsAsReader will be ignored.

If you have a string array of e-mails rather than a DataTable, you can use ArrayToDataTable(String) method to make conversion prior to calling this method.


This WinForms sample demonstrates using async e-mail verification process.

To run it, you'll need to create a WinForm app, put button1 on the form, in Form1 properties click FormClosed event to create its handler, click button1 to create its handler, then replace the Form1.cs/Form1.vb with the code below. C#-specific: the sample below is not wrapped into any namespace so you'll need to remove wrapping namespace from Form1.Designer.cs as well.

This sample also highlights some interesting aspects of multi-threaded and async programming of WinForms apps which are not directly related to MailBee but can help beginner progammers avoid common pitfalls.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using MailBee;
using MailBee.AddressCheck;

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private EmailAddressValidator valid = null;
    private StreamWriter sw = null;

    // This method will be executed for each e-mail address in the bulk,
    // whenever it gets verified, with either positive or negative result.
    private void valid_Verified(object sender, VerifiedEventArgs e)
            // Note that unlike Console version of this sample, which can be found in the documentation on
            // EmailAddressValidator.Verify(DataTable, string) method, we're not using lock here. This is
            // because in WinForms apps events are raised on a single thread (message loop thread), and this
            // eliminates the need to synchronize threads. If we were using Console or ASP.NET app, lock
            // (SyncLock in VB) would be required. Also, it's required if instead of using Verified event,
            // you inherited EmailAddressValidator class and overrided OnVerified method (such methods can
            // execute on any thread).
            sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}={1}", e.Email, e.Result.ToString()));
        catch (Exception ex)
            // This is also important. In multi-threaded mode, crashing due to an exception simply
            // closes the worker thread and you may never know what really happened. Thus, it's recommended
            // (at least in debug) to catch all exceptions there and print them out (here, alert window).

    // As it's not allowed to make changes to UI (such as to update button text) directly in the callback
    // (it's Windows limitation) we need to dispatch the call to the message loop thread.
    private delegate void UpdateUserInterfaceDelegate();
    private void UpdateUserInterface()
        button1.Text = "Done";

    // This callback is executed when all addresses have been verified and all threads have been completed.
    private void VerifyCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            // Callbacks can execute on any thread (see the comment in valid_Verified why this can be
            // important). However, we have only one callback, and it does not compete with other callbacks
            // for accessing thread-unsafe resources. If we had the code which can run multiple callbacks
            // simultaneously and the callback included the code used some shared resource (like the same
            // file to write to) we had to guard that code with lock (SyncLock in VB) in that case.

            // Another problem of callback's execution on any thread is that we cannot update user interface
            // from a callback. User interface updates must occur only on the main thread (message loop).
            // To workaround this, we're using Invoke which executes UI update on the message loop thread.
            Invoke(new UpdateUserInterfaceDelegate(UpdateUserInterface), null);
        catch (MailBeeUserAbortException)
            sw.WriteLine("Aborted by user");

    private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
        if (valid != null)
            // If the user wants to cancel and closes the app, abort things.

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (valid != null && valid.IsBusy)
            // No re-entrance while working.

        button1.Text = "Busy";
        valid = new EmailAddressValidator("MN110-0123456789ABCDEF-0123");

        // To perform DNS MX lookup queries, we need some DNS servers for that.

        // Logging into a file is not required for the component to work
        // but helpful for debugging and understanding things under the hood.
        // Since this sample is multi-threaded, we also set AddContextInfo option
        // to make it easier analyze the log (each record will be tagged with a thread ID).
        valid.Log.Enabled = true;
        valid.Log.Format = LogFormatOptions.AddContextInfo;
        valid.Log.Filename = @"C:\Temp\log.txt";

        // Subscribe to event.
        valid.Verified += new VerifiedEventHandler(valid_Verified);

        // In this sample, we'll build DataTable manually from a string array.
        string[] emails = new string[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < emails.Length; i++)
            // Make,, ...,
            emails[i] = string.Format("user{0}@domain{0}.com", i.ToString());

        // In real apps, you'll get data from database. For now, populate data from
        // string array by putting all the data into a table with one column "email".
        DataTable data = valid.ArrayToDataTable(emails);

        // Enable as many threads as possible.
        valid.MaxThreadCount = -1;

        sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Temp\report.txt");

        // Run the verification in multi-threaded mode, asynchronously.
        valid.BeginVerify(data, null, "email", new AsyncCallback(VerifyCallback), null);
See Also