DnsServer Properties

The DnsServer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFailureCount
Gets the number of repeated failures of the DNS server.
Public propertyHost
Gets or sets an IP address of the DNS server as string.
Public propertyIP
Gets an IP address of the DNS server as IPAddress.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets a value of the preference of the DNS server. Lower values are preferred.
Public propertyTcpTimeout
Gets or sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) the system will wait for TCP message to be sent or received before the operation times out.
Public propertyTryTcp
Gets or sets if MailBee can make DNS queries via TCP.
Public propertyUdpRetryCount
Gets or sets a value of the maximum number of times to attempt to connect to the DNS server using the UDP protocol.
Public propertyUdpTimeout
Gets or sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) the system will wait for UDP message to be sent or received before the operation times out.
See Also