EwsLogNewEntry Event
Occurs when an entry is written into the log file (or into the memory buffer if Ews.Log.MemoryLog is true).

Namespace: MailBee.EwsMail
Assembly: MailBee.NET (in MailBee.NET.dll) Version: 12.4 build 677 for .NET 4.5
public event LogNewEntryEventHandler LogNewEntry


Type: MailBeeLogNewEntryEventHandler

This event is raised only if logging is turned on (Enabled is true).

MailBee raises this event BEFORE adding the entry into the the log. Since many properties of NewEntry object are editable, the developer can change the data MailBee will put into the log or even cancel logging the current entry at all. This may be useful the developer wishes to log only those entires which meet certain criteria.

Note Note
Entries added by the developer (through WriteLine(String) method call) do not cause this event to be raised. Thus, it's safe to add user-defined log entries even in the LogNewEntry event handler itself. This does not cause endless recursion which would otherwise occur if WriteLine(String) method called in LogNewEntry event handler raised this event again.

Usage pattern for this event is the same for all MailBee classes. Imap.LogNewEntry provides typical example.

See Also