Imap Events

The Imap type exposes the following members.

Public eventCode exampleConnected
Occurs when the connection with the server is successfully established.
Public eventCode exampleDataReceived
Occurs when data is received from the IMAP4 server.
Public eventCode exampleDataSent
Occurs when data is sent to the IMAP4 server.
Public eventCode exampleDisconnected
Occurs when the connection with the server gets closed.
Public eventDisposed
Occurs after the component was disposed.
Public eventCode exampleEnvelopeDataChunkReceived
Occurs on progress of downloading FETCH responses (containing message source data, envelopes, and other message-related information) from the server.
Public eventCode exampleEnvelopeDownloaded
Public eventCode exampleErrorOccurred
Occurs when the MailBeeException is thrown.
Public eventCode exampleHostResolved
Occurs when the IMAP4 server name is successfully resolved into IP address(es).
Public eventCode exampleIdling
Ticks every 10 milliseconds while in idle state.
Public eventCode exampleLoggedIn
Occurs when the component successfully authenticates the user on the server and logs in the user account.
Public eventCode exampleLogNewEntry
Occurs when an entry is written into the log file (or into the memory buffer if Imap.Log.MemoryLog is true).
Public eventCode exampleLowLevelDataReceived
Occurs when data is received from the connected socket.
Public eventCode exampleLowLevelDataSent
Occurs when data is sent to the connected socket.
Public eventCode exampleMessageStatus
Occurs when the IMAP4 server informs the client of any changes to mail messages in the currently selected folder.
Public eventCode exampleServerStatus
Occurs when the IMAP4 server reports mailbox or server status information to the client.
Public eventCode exampleSocketConnected
Occurs when the IMAP4 server accepts the connection attempt and opens the transmission channel between the remote host (IMAP4 server) and the client (MailBee).
Public eventCode exampleSocketCreating
Occurs when MailBee needs a new socket object for establishing a connection with the IMAP4 server.
Public eventCode exampleTlsStarted
Occurs when the connection with the server becomes secure.
See Also