Class Sabre\DAV\MkCol

extends PropPatch

This class represents a MKCOL operation.

MKCOL creates a new collection. MKCOL comes in two flavours:

  1. MKCOL with no body, signifies the creation of a simple collection.
  2. MKCOL with a request body. This can create a collection with a specific resource type, and a set of properties that should be set on the new collection. This can be used to create caldav calendars, carddav address books, etc.

Property updates must always be atomic. This means that a property update must either completely succeed, or completely fail.

Methods inherited from Sabre\DAV\PropPatch
handle(), handleRemaining(), setResultCode(), setRemainingResultCode(), getRemainingMutations(), getRemainingValues(), commit(), getResult(), getMutations()