Password change for systems which use Postfix Admin

This plugin allows your users to change their account password from within their account settings area, as long you have Postfix Admin installed on your system and are able to modify mailserver user accounts with it.

The code here was neither developed nor fully tested by AfterLogic.
It's not supported in any way. Use it at your own risk.

The plugin is available at:

Original forum thread:

Upon downloading and extracting plugin package content, you'll need to deploy the plugin so that its index file is available at the following location:


To enable and configure the plugin, add the following to array defined in data/settings/config.php file:

'plugins.postfixadmin-change-password' => true,

'' => '',
'plugins.postfixadmin-change-password.config.dbuser' => 'db-username-here',
'plugins.postfixadmin-change-password.config.dbpassword' => "db-password-here",
'plugins.postfixadmin-change-password.config.dbname' => 'db-name-here'