WebMail Lite 7 documentation

How to reset admin password

Before proceeding with password reset, be sure to check version number of your installation.

If you've just upgraded from an older version, version number used below is a new version you've upgraded to.

Version 7.7.* or newer

Locate AdminPassword entry in data/settings/settings.xml file and set it to empty value:

<AdminPassword />

After that, you need to log into AdminPanel with username mailadm and password 12345 specified, and set a new password under System > Security tab.

Do NOT try supplying 12345 as a password in configuration file, the password will not be accepted as it's stored in encrypted format there.

Version 7.6.* or older

By default, AdminPanel login is set to mailadm and the password is 12345. If you have changed either login or password, and can no longer access the AdminPanel, check data/settings/settings.xml file, it contains the following lines there:


As you can see, password is stored as MD5 hash, and the hash shown above corresponds to default password 12345. You can also supply non-hashed password there, and it will be properly handled by AdminPanel of WebMail Lite 7.