WebMail Lite 7 documentation

Custom mapping of email address to login

By default, WebMail Lite 7 uses email address as login for mail server. It's also possible to get username as part of email address before @ character and use it as login.

If none of these suits your needs, there's one more option - you can use Change email-to-username mapping on login plugin which allows for custom email-to-login mapping.

By default, the plugin holds the code which creates mailserver login by taking email address and replacing @ with . character:

public function PluginIntegratorLoginToAccount(&$sEmail, &$sIncPassword, &$sIncLogin, &$sLanguage)
	if (empty($sIncLogin))
		$sIncLogin = str_replace('@', '.', $sEmail);
		$sIncLogin = str_replace('@', '.', $sIncLogin);

You can implement any other logic of mapping email address to mailserver login. It can involve map included directly in the plugin code, or obtaiend by accessing external storage - LDAP server, MySQL database, etc.