WebMail Lite 7 documentation

Upgrading instructions

You can download the latest 7.* version of AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP at https://afterlogic.org/download/webmail-lite-php-7

Upgrading is only available for users of WebMail Lite 7.0 or newer,
so make sure you're running a compatible version.

Perform the upgrade with caution. Be sure to backup your installation completely.

1. Move your existing WebMail Lite installation to any backup location, including the data directory. Back up WebMail Lite database as well.

2. Extract all the subdirectories and files from the downloaded archive to your WebMail Lite installation location.

3. Restore content of data/settings directory from backup, it should hold settings.xml and config.php files. If you had any plugins installed, you need to copy them from backup to data/plugins directory. Also, restore data/salt.php file if it was there in the original installation.

4. Navigate to WebMail Lite Admin Panel: http://yourdomain.com/webmail/adminpanel

5. WebMail Lite should get all the settings from the previous WebMail Lite installation, you just need to update WebMail Lite database format by clicking "Update Tables" button in Database Settings screen.

6. If you upgrade from version 7.6.10 or older, you will need to reset AdminPanel password.

7. Once logged into WebMail Lite itself, don't forget to press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+R to update web browser cache to avoid JavaScript errors. Also, it's strongly recommended to remove all the files and subdirectories under data/cache/ directory.